Chapter One

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"Come on, Sam! Tell us a story, please?" Your children had been begging Sam since he started watching him a couple hours before. His brows furrowed. "A story? I don't know any stories." The children stared up at him with wide eyes, pleading with him. "Really?" he asked, glancing down at the three of them. "Alright. I'll see what I can come up with." Just then, you walked in holding your husband Bucky's hand. A smile spread across Sam's face. "Okay. I've got one. Way back in days of old, there was a legend told about a hero known as Bucky Barnes..."


Bucky smiled as he rode into the village after another long quest. He'd slain the dragon and rescued the damsel, as always. Now, he was glad to be home and ready to see his true love, Natasha. "Buck!" Natasha cried upon seeing him. He rushed to her and swept her up in his arms. "I've missed you, Natasha." She smiled softly, her red hair shining in the sun. "I love you, Buck." He grinned at her words and replied, "I love you too." He kissed her deeply before practically dragging her back to his small cottage where they spent the next several days quite literally wrapped up in each other.

When the two finally did decide to leave Bucky's cottage, it was only because they'd eaten all Bucky's food. They ventured toward the village, talking about the future they envisioned together. Natasha looped her arm around Bucky's and smiled brightly up at him. He kissed her forehead and they continued their trek until they reached the village. Once there, Bucky suggested they split up.

"I'll take this half of the market and you take that half. Then, we can get back," Bucky said, wiggling his eyebrows, making Natasha roll her eyes. "Alright, Buck." She gave him a quick peck before taking her basket and turning away. Bucky smiled as he watched her go for a moment. Shaking his head fondly, Bucky turned when something caught his attention. Prize piglets for sale. Bucky glanced over his shoulder to see that Natasha was distracted before going over to the seller. He paid for the piglet just before he heard horse hooves and a scream. "Bucky! Help!"

Natasha was being carried away and put into a carriage by King Tony's guard, Clint. Bucky handed the piglet to a nearby little girl. "Here you go, sweetie. Take care of him," Bucky told her, trying to keep his voice call. With a look of pure determination, Bucky ran to find his horse. He was going to rescue his love. No matter the cost.

Bucky rode for days until he found Tony's castle. It didn't matter that his legs were sore and somewhat chaffed or that his heart was pounding in his ears. He was resolute. Bucky knew he had to rescue Natasha from Tony. He knew she just had to be miserable. Bucky smirked when he easily rode through the gate. The bells were ringing all around and the castle was buzzing with excitement. It only took Bucky a moment to realize what was happening. A wedding. Tony was forcing Natasha to marry him?!

Anger flowed through the knight as he pushed his way into the castle, past every guard in his way until he threw open the doors of the throne room. There, in the middle of the room, stood Tony and Natasha. Clint was next to Tony, a hand on his sword. Tony turned toward Bucky with a frown. "Clint." Clint began to unsheathe his sword, but Bucky held his hands up. "Really, Tony. There's no need for that. Clint and I could fight all day to an even draw, but there would be no point."

Tony dropped Natasha's hands and Bucky tried not to stare at her. She looked stunning. Bucky shook the thoughts from his head, focusing on Clint and Tony. "Here's the thing, I love her. You can marry her and give material things, sure. But only I can give her real and honest love, which is what she chooses," Bucky finished with a smile and the room went deadly quiet. "Actually," Natasha began, causing the smile to fall from Bucky's lips," I've been thinking about it a lot and...I'm going to stay right here. Seems like an easier life. I'm sorry, Buck." With those few words, Bucky's world came crashing down around him.


"What?! How could she be so mean to him!" you oldest daughter asked Sam who bit back a laugh. By this time, Sam had a rather large audience. All the Avengers, in fact. You were all hanging on Sam's every word. Your son then asked the question on everyone's mind, "What happened next, Sam? Does Natasha really marry that guy or does Bucky fight him? Come on!" Sam held up a hand.

"Whoa there, short stop! Calm down. It's just a story. Besides, isn't it past your bedtime?" The kids and the team all groaned while you chuckled. "Sam's right guys. Time for bed. You can hear some more tomorrow." Reluctantly, the children got up and trudged to their bedrooms. As the room emptied, Sam sat there in disbelief. "Tomorrow? Oh, man what have I done?"

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