Chapter Two

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The next night, after supper, the entire team and the children were gathered in the living room of the Tower when Tony cleared his throat. "So, Frequent Flyer, you going to finish that story or what?" Sam bit back a groan. He'd hoped you all had forgotten. "Please Sam! Please! Please! Please!" a chorus of voices cried out. Sam threw his head back and really did groan. "Okay! Fine! Where was I?"

*one year later*

Bucky groaned at the knock at the door. "Go away," he mumbled. The door swung open. "Sir?" The small form of Steve, Bucky's squire, entered the room. His blue eyes scanned the room to find Bucky lying face down on his bed. The jug in his hand made Steve roll his eyes. "Getting an early start today, aren't you, Bucky?" Bucky let out another groan as he forced himself to sit up and glare at Steve. "What is it, Steve?"

"I know things have been a little...rough since Nat-" Bucky's icy glare cut Steve off. He hated hearing her name now. It just served to deepen the gaping hole it left in him. "Anyway, I found an opportunity for you. A princess in distress. I would beg you to meet with her. May I present the Princess Y/N." Bucky barely looked up as you entered the room. You arched a brow at the knight. "Sir Bucky, I have come to ask y- I'm sorry. What is that smell?" you asked wrinkling your nose in disgust.

"That'd be me," Bucky replied, rising from his bed, glaring at you. You exhaled and cleared your throat. "Sir Bucky, I have come to ask for your help. Four months ago, my kingdom was invaded by an evil man. My people were slaughtered." Bucky waved a hand, trying to dismiss you. "I can't help you, Princess." You glared daggers at him as he sat in a chair, preparing to pour himself another ale. Exhaling sharply again, you approached the table, repeating the beginning of your request.

From within a small velvet beg, you produced a beautiful jewel that appeared to glow. "Sir Bucky, I offer you this jewel. It's all my kingdom has left to offer. Please. Help me." Bucky stared at you for a moment before shaking his head, as if from a daze. "I'm sorry. I zoned out. What did you say?" You growled. "You're no hero. What happened to the Bucky Barnes I heard stories about? The gallant knight who stood for truth and right?" Bucky got up again, stalking passed you in a huff as you grabbed up his sword.

"That man is gone. He lost everything he loved and more. Add to that, a couple kegs a week and twenty pounds." Your eyes widened in disbelief before you got back on track. "Still, you have to." Bucky snorted. "No I don't." You spent the better part of five minutes arguing with him before you realized it would do no good. Finally, you marched out of the small cottage. "That man is an animal!" you snarled as you pushed passed Steve. "Princess?"

Steve let out a sigh before making his way back inside. "Bucky? Come on. You couldn't help just one person? Get back on the horse." Bucky made a noise that he acknowledged his squire, but didn't reply. "Wow. I seriously thought you were better than this." Bucky's eyes gazed at him. "I didn't ask for your opinion, Steve. I need a drink."

Steve followed Bucky from the cottage to a nearby tavern in silence. He'd just wanted to help. He hated seeing Bucky that way. What Natasha had done broken Bucky, but Steve knew there had to be a way to get the knight back to his old self. That's why, when he met you, Steve offered to take you to see Bucky. Only, it came back to bite him in the butt.

Bucky and Steve sat in the tavern for hours. Eventually, the barkeep cut Bucky off. "You're embarrassing yourself, Buck." Bucky dropped his tankard and replied, "I'm embarrassing yourself." He nearly fell off the stool as he back away from the bar. When he turned around, he saw you sitting alone at a table. There was a part of him that felt horrible for treating you the way he did, although that could have been the ale talking. Still, he approached you.

"Can I buy you a drink?" he asked, causing you to look up. "No." Without waiting for an invitation, Bucky sat across from you. "Good. You can buy me one." You rolled your (e/c) eyes, but consented. As you sat and talked with Bucky, you learned his story and told him yours. "I'd love to help you, but I'm done with the whole rescuing damsels business."

"My father used to tell me stories of your bravery. Yet, when I come to you for help, your advice is to ignore it while King Tony destroys my home." Bucky lowered the ale he was drinking. "Did you say...King Tony?" You nodded, praying that this would be exactly what he needed to hear and that your acting skills would pay off.

Tony had indeed invaded your land, killed your people and imprisoned your parents. However, you left out the fact that Tony had blackmailed you into doing his bidding. You were to find Bucky, tell him about the invasion and get him to come with you to your homeland so Tony could kill him once and for all. If you didn't, Tony would kill your parents. Finding Bucky had been the easy part. Getting him to help you was proving a bit more difficult.

"Tony's chambers were right above my head as I hid where my father left me. Every night, he would scream at his queen. When he left her, she'd be sobbing. Every night she'd say, 'I made the wrong choice. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry.'" You looked back up into Bucky's eyes and found a light in them that hadn't been there before. A look of determination. "Alright, Princess. I'll help you. I have to save her. I have to save Natasha." With that, Bucky got up and left the tavern, Steve right on his heels. You stood in the door, biting your lip and wondering if you were going to be able to live with yourself.

"So the princess is leadinghim right into a trap?! Why?" your son cried, making everyone jump at thesudden outburst. "Yeah, why? Poor Bucky. What did he do?" youryoungest daughter echoed. Tony scoffed. "Poor Bucky? He didn't have tobelieve her. He chose to." The rest of you rolled your eyes almost insync. "And that's why Uncle Tony is the villain of this story, kids,"Sam retorted. Tony crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. "And nowit's time for bath and bed, guys." A round of groans chorused throughoutthe room. "Party pooper," Clint told you and you stuck your tongueout at him. "I guess I'll be telling you more tomorrow?" The loud,affirmative reply nearly knocked Sam out of his chair. 

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