Chapter Seven

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Sam was awoken one morning by more than one child rushing into his room and bouncing on the bed. "Is it time for more story, Sam?" Sam groaned. He thought he'd have his own kids before this kind of thing happened. "Please, Sam?" He groaned again, rubbing his eyes. "Alright. Alright. Gimme a few minutes. I need coffee first, guys." The kids darted from the room with elated squeals.

"What were you doing in Sam's room?" Bucky's voice came from the hall. The children all started stammering out excuses and Sam laughed. "It's alright. At this rate, we'll be lucky if I finish the story before Christmas. Let's go, kids." They all whooped with joy and darted to the nearest elevator. All three kids and both adults were bouncing on the balls of their feet. Sam only hoped he could get some coffee and breakfast in before they made him start the story again.

Once everyone had coffee and breakfast, Sam found himself the center of attention yet again. "Okay, where were we?" Your middle child piped up, "Bucky and the Princess are in the dungeon and there's some sort of hidden betrayal!" Sam chuckled. "Right. Let's see then..."

Tony sat on his throne in quiet contemplation. He finally had Bucky right where he wanted him. He was going to kill him and prove to Natasha that he was stronger and more powerful than the disgraced knight. He was going to get everything he dreamed of. So why wasn't he happy? Clearly there was something he was missing. He should be elated, jumping for joy. Not sitting there pouting. Yet he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"What's wrong with you now?" Natasha asked. Tony shrugged a bit before smiling. Maybe Natasha's reaction to the news would make him feel better. "Come with me." Natasha arched brow, but followed anyway. She was in the mood for a laugh and with Tony, you could almost guarantee it. Tony lead her down toward the dungeons as she wondered what he was up to.

Meanwhile, you were sitting in the corner with your parents, your eyes focused on Bucky in his cell. You had spent hours trying to talk to him, but he ignored you. Well sort of. He never said word, but he kept casting glances at you. And Steve? He kept playing on your guilt until you finally had enough. "I DID WHAT I HAD TO!" you shouted, then lowered your voice, "He was going to kill my parents. You have to believe me. I never wanted him to kill you, especially not after I-" you cut off.

"Not after you what, Princess?" Bucky finally spoke. His voice was raw with emotion. You felt yourself flushing. "Nevermind. Please believe I never wanted this." Bucky looked at you just as the dungeon doors opened. Tony came strutting in with Natasha behind him. "Nat..." Bucky whispered. You could hear something in his voice. To you, it sounded like longing and it broke your heart. "I told you I'd find them and the jewel. And tonight, Bucky Barnes will hang."

"NO! They can't hang Bucky! He's the hero!" Your children all made sounds of agreement. Sam held up his hands. "Relax. I know what I'm doing." And he did. He had finally gotten the story planned out in his head.

Tony and Natasha walked out of the room, leaving the prisoners gaping after them. You sank down to the floor, on your knees. Bucky was watching Natasha walk away with a peculiar expression on his face. She saw him and didn't say a word. Not one word. He had come all this way to rescue her and she didn't even acknowledge his presence in that dungeon.

When the guards came a few hours later, Bucky was still staring in space Natasha had been. He hardly heard your cries of his name or how sorry you were. He didn't hear Steve telling him that he had been honored to be his squire. The guards turned him to face you and he saw tears pouring down your face. He figured that would be the last thing he saw as the hood came down over his face.

Bucky felt his pulse quicken at the thought of dying. He wasn't ready to die yet, but at the same time, he wasn't sure what he had left in his life to be grateful for. Bucky let his thoughts wander for a while until he felt himself being pushed into a seat and the hood be removed from his head. To his surprise, he wasn't at the hangman's noose. He was in a lavish suite, at a table, with all his favorite foods before him. He glanced up and saw Natasha sittin gin the seat across from him.

"Nat? What's going on?" Natasha smiled at him. "I saved you." Bucky furrowed his brows. "Why?" Her smile turned into a smirk. "Because I've put a plot into motion that will change everything. Tony will be out of our lives and you? You will be spared to come back to me." Bucky couldn't help but grin. "So you do love me." Natasha shrugged.

"Love is for children...but I suppose I love you as much as someone like me can love anyone." Bucky's brows furrowed. "What does that even mean?" Natasha shrugged again. "Come on, Bucky. This is what you wanted, right? To be with me again? Well, I've made sure that can happen." Bucky was about to speak when Natasha pressed her lips to his.

Bucky should have felt something. He should have felt that spark he used to when he was with her. He should have wanted nothing more than to hold her. But something felt off. Wrong. His heart wasn't in it anymore. So, he pushed Natasha away. "I can't." Natasha's face turned red with fury. "What?!" Bucky repeated himself and Natasha only grew more angry and she called the guards.

Down in the throne room, Tony felt disappointed. The guards had taken Bucky elsewhere instead of to the hangman's noose like he'd ordered. Everything was going wrong. Why couldn't one thing go right? He had been so close! And where in the world was Bucky? It wouldn't matter soon because, in a moment, his world was going to be turned completely upside down.

"OOOOH, is this Natasha's plot?" Bucky asked, making you roll your eyes. "Let Sam finish," you chided lovingly. The child agreed. Your youngest sighed a little. "I don't like that Tony's sad." Tony grinned while the other two children started to argue. "But he's the bad guy!" The little girl shook her head. "No. Natasha is the bad guy!" The real Nat ran her fingers through your daughter's hair. "You got that right, kiddo." You laughed and signaled for Sam to continue.

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose as the doors opened. "I thought I said to keep everyone out!" he called out. The voice that answered back sent shivers down his spine. "Hello, Brother." Tony looked up and his throat went tight. "Brock." The man in question gave a menacing smile that made fear shoot through Tony like an arrow.

When Tony and Brock were children, Brock was always in trouble. Every time he turned around, he was being scolded. And when their father died and the throne passed to Tony, Brock left the kingdom. He swore he'd never return until Tony was dead. So it was a complete and utter surprise for him to be there now.

"And here I thought you'd be happy to see me, Tony. When your wife wrote to me and told me how you'd lost control of your kingdom, I figured you'd be happy for a little...reprieve." Before Tony could retort, Natasha appeared with the guards and the prisoners, including Bucky. She gave Brock a smirk as she looked at Tony. She stepped up in front of her throne and spoke to everyone.

"So happy you all could join us. There's going to be some changes around here. Brock here is going to be the new king." Tony started stuttering, but Natasha continued, catching Brock up on everything that had been happening. "So, you know your brother, the soon-to-be former king. Bucky is a knight and my ex-lover. The jester there is also an old lover. And the girl was the princess of this pathetic kingdom that Tony let escape. Everyone, this is Tony's brother, the new king, and my future husband."

"I'm still here, you know!" Tony cried, "And I refuse to give up my throne for this tyrant." A sword was suddenly at Tony's throat. Brock regarded his brother with interest. "You won't go down without a fight? Very well. Then I challenge you to a duel." Tony instantly accepted. "Who shall you choose as your champion then, Brother? I choose Clint." Tony's words got caught in his throat.

Clint had been by Tony's side since he was a boy. Clint always fought for him. Always. Tony had been dependent upon Clint to fight his battles for him. Tony couldn't fight most of the time and he didn't like to. He was a lover, not a fighter. The only reason he'd taken over your kingdom was for Natasha. What was he going to do now?

"I'll fight for Tony." Tony's eyes widened as he looked at who spoke. "Bucky, you can't!" you cried, trying to place a hand on Bucky's shoulder. Bucky shrugged it off and kept his glare on Natasha. "You would fight for me?" Tony asked. Bucky shook his head. "No. I'm fighting for our freedom. If I win, Tony lets us all go." Tony nodded ecstatically. He knew what a good fighter Bucky was.

"Fine. But if Clint wins, I get to execute you all." Silence descended for a moment before your father spoke. "Fair enough." You groaned as the deal was struck and you were all escorted back to the dungeons. Tony watched you go with a smile on his face. He was going to win. He just knew it.

"He is going to win, right? I mean, Bucky's the hero! He can't lose!" your son exclaimed, earning a "Shush" from you. Sam laughed. At this point, he couldn't tell who was more invested in the story: him, the children, or the adults. Either way, Sam was eager to continue the story. "Well, I guess we'll have to keep going, won't we?" At everyone's agreement, Sam started up again.

Bucky paced in his cell, his mind bouncing back and forth. He was angry and excited and even a little nervous. This was what all his training lead to. A duel for a kingdom and his freedom. He never thought he'd find himself fighting for Tony, but this was important. If he could win everyone's freedom, he could be rid of you. But was that what he really wanted?

He looked into the cell next to his. You and Steve were seated next to each other on the dank floor. You had tears running down your cheeks and you were whispering something to Steve. "Y/N," Bucky called softly. You looked up in surprise. It was the first time he'd spoken to you since he learned of your betrayal. You got up and walked over to the bars joining your two cells. Bucky reached in and wiped the tears from your face.

"I am so sorry, Bucky. I never meant for things to go this far," you said softly. "I know. I'm sorry. I know you were trying to save your parents and I should have known Natasha didn't want me anymore. After all, she left me for Tony in the first place. And I was so bent on getting back to her, back to normal that I missed what was right in front of me."

You cocked your head to the side. Bucky chuckled softly. "You know, it's strange. It took me so long to realize that I don't feel anything for Natasha anymore. How can I when I found the perfect woman for me? I mean, sure you are really bossy and you mess with my head sometimes and you snore really REALLY loud, but I love that about you." You glared for a second before you registered what he said.

"You...what?" Bucky placed a hand on yours. "I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry it took me so long." You beamed at him as fresh tears. "I love you too, Bucky." You both leaned in, forgetting the bars between you. You hit your head and pulled back. "Ouch." After making sure you were alright, Bucky laughed again. "I will win this fight. For you." You nodded and did your best to smile. You only hoped that, come tomorrow, Bucky would be able to live up to his word.

"They finally said it!" your older daughter cried. You ran your fingers through her hand and laughed. "Yes they did. But I wanna know who wins the duel. Bucky or Clint?" Steve asked. Sam looked at the clock and sighed. "Sorry guys, but I need to eat lunch before we can keep going. Can't tell an adventure on an empty stomach." The kids groaned, but consented. Everyone rose and stretched, eager to eat and get back to the story later.

(a/n: I hope this makes up for the wait! The next part will take place around the end of season 1 of Galavant. I could end the story there with a slightly different ending than the show or I could keep going into season 2.)

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