Chapter Six

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The next evening, Sam asked F.R.I.D.A.Y. to alert everyone that it was time for the next part of the story. He didn't have to wait long before he heard everyone making their way to the living room. He sat down in his usual seat, ready to pick up where he left off. Sam would be lying if he said he wasn't as excited as everyone else to see where this story was going to go. "Alright, you guys ready?" he asked, mostly to the children, but the entire room cheered happily. Sam smiled. "Okay, here we go."

"You should have listened to me, but nooooo. You just had to be the hero and do things your way with no room for negotiation!" you snapped as the bandits lead you through the woods, down to the shore. "At least I wasn't the one yelling so loudly they caught us. And if it hadn't been your voice, your snores would have lead them to us." You glared at Bucky. "I do not snore." Bucky chuckled humorlessly. "Oh yes you do, Princess. Like a bear."

"Oi! You two, quiet down!" one of the bandits ordered. You finally stopped arguing. After a moment, Bucky spoke again. "Please tell me you hid the jewel." You would have clenched your fists had they not been tied in front of you. "No, I'm an idiot. Of course I hid the jewel. Somewhere they'll never find it." Bucky breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't as if he wanted the jewel, but he knew that, once the bandits had it, they would have no more need for the three of you.

The bandits marched the three of you down toward the water, where all manner of men were gathered. One look and you knew exactly what you were dealing with. "Pirates. Not bandits. Pirates," you whispered. "That's right. The most fearsome pirate crew you'll ever meet." For the first time, Bucky felt a small twinge of fear. Pirates weren't exactly known for their mercy around these parts. "Wait," you started, making Bucky look at you, "If you're pirates, where's your ship?" Bucky glanced toward the water again and, sure enough, there was no ship there.

"I'll ask the questions around here. But first, give us everything you've got of value and we may let you go when we're done." A man, presumably the captain, turned to face you all. To your surprise, this captain didn't look menacing at all. In fact, he looked rather meek. You were about to say something to Bucky when one of the pirates produced the jewel you thought you had carefully hidden away. "Well, look what we have here."

"Oh g-really? In your purse?!" Bucky complained. You glared at him. "I didn't think they would find it! I put it with my girls' supplied! Guys never look there!" Bucky couldn't argue with that. Most men tended to shy away from things like that. But still, you couldn't think of a better place? "Please, Captain, that jewel is sacred to my people. I really need it." The captain fixed his gaze on you. "Now it's sacred to my people, girlie." You started to argue, but he cut you off. "Enough!" You jumped at his sudden anger toward you. For someone who looked so meek, he could certainly strike fear into people's hearts. But it was that anger that made Bucky realize exactly who he was talking to.

"Wait. Captain Banner? Captain Bruce Banner? The pirate captain with the fiercest temper on the seas? Said to make the sea tremble with fear when he yells?" The captain, Bruce, looked mildly sheepish. "Guilty. And I know who you are, Bucky Barnes. Tales of your deeds have even reached us across the sea. Sorry about your girl, mate." Bucky flinched. "Yeah...thanks."

"Look, all I want to do is return home and save my kingdom. Bucky is helping me do that and going to rescue Queen Natasha at the same time. Please, just let us go." Bucky looked at you and then back at Bruce. "Actually, it would mean a lot if you could help us. Take us to Princess Y/N's kingdom on your ship." Bruce once again looked embarrassed. "Uh, about that...we can't."

"Why not?" Bruce pointed a finger toward a hill. The three of you looked and gasped. On the hill was Bruce's ship, the Hulk. "What happened?" Bruce made a gestured like it pained him to tell the story. "We got caught in a bad storm. The waves took us up to far and we hit the hill. It's stuck there now." It took everything in you and Bucky not to laugh at them. You needed them to get home.

"Okay, so Bruce is a terrible pirate," Tony commented, earning a smack across the back of the head from you. "Be nice. Keep going, Sam. Tony isn't going to interrupt anymore. He's going to try and set a better example for the children. Sam laughed, but continued on.

"Maybe we can help you get it down," you offered and Bruce snorted out a laugh. "No offense, missy, but the two of you can't stop fighting. We could hear you all the way here." Steve sighed dramatically. "THANK YOU!" You and Bucky glared at Steve. "Fair enough. But if we can get your ship down, will you be willing to take us to my kingdom?" Bruce thought for a moment. "Sure. We'd owe it to you." You grinned. "Then, I think we could try and get along long enough to get your ship back into the water."

You, Bucky, and Steve all went to work with the pirates to devise a plan to get Bruce's ship back onto the water where it belonged. To Bucky's surprise, you actually had some really good ideas for it. You were able to finally agree on something and come together with the pirates. It took hours, but you were able to get The Hulk off that hill and soon, you were aboard and sailing for home.

"What? That's it? No fighting? Come on, Sam where's all the action?!" Clint cried and your son nodded in agreement. When no one said anything, Tony turned to you. "Hey, how come they didn't get a smack to the back of the head?" You arched a brow. "Because I can't reach them." Sam held up his hands in defense. "I promise the action is coming. Now the princess, Bucky, and Steve are sailing toward Y/N's kingdom where King Tony is eagerly awaiting them. But our dear princess is having second thoughts."

"Uh, Bucky, are you sure about this?" you asked. You had been sailing for a while now and, the closer you got to home, the more guilty you felt. Bucky didn't deserve what you were doing to him. "You could die? Tony could set a trap for you." Bucky rolled his eyes. "Well, since he has no idea I'm coming to rescue my love, then he won't have the opportunity, will he?" You bit your lip. "I suppose not, but what if you're too late?"

Bucky rounded on you with fire in his eyes. "I won't be." You turned away from him. "Bucky, please. You can't do this. Tony will kill you. I know because...I'm betraying you to save my parents." You turned back around to see that he wasn't even listening. He was staring off into the distance. At your castle. "I'm coming, my love," he whispered. It was like a knife was being twisted in your heart. How on earth were you going to stop him from walking right into a trap?

Another hour and you were finally docked. You went ashore quickly. You had to get to King Tony and tell him you couldn't go through with it. You had to just give him the jewel and get out as quickly as you could. While Bucky and Steve were busy, you snuck off toward your castle. Tony was there in the throne room when you entered.

"I won't be your pawn any longer. Take the jewel, but spare Bucky's life." Tony just raised an eyebrow at you as he stood from his throne. "I thought you wanted me to spare your parents' lives." You nodded, jutting out your chin in defiance. "I do, but I won't let you hurt Bucky either." Tony looked into your eyes. For a moment, there was silence, then he began laughing. "Oh, how cliché. The princess has fallen in love with the hero! This is too rich."

You didn't reply. His accusation had taken you by surprise. Did you love Bucky? No, there was no way. Was there? You shook your head, but your heart was telling you something different. Tony didn't leave you alone in your thoughts long. "No, you don't get to back away that easily, Princess. You will bring me the jewel, and I will kill Bucky or you will watch as I kill not only Bucky and your parents, but everyone left in your entire kingdom and burn the place to the ground! Do you understand?" You swallowed thickly. You had no choice and you knew it so you nodded.

You returned to Bucky and Steve with a heavy heart. "Hey, Princess! Where did you go?" You forced a smile on your face. "Oh, I was finding somewhere safe to hide the jewel." Bucky actually smiled at you and you felt yourself nearly swoon. This wasn't his arrogant, hero smile. It was a genuine smile. "Good thinking. Here's a disguise for you. We're going to sneak in through the wine cellar, just like you planned." You nodded.

Your tongue felt like it was glued to the roof of your mouth as you made your way back to your castle, this time with Steve and Bucky. Getting into the castle was easy enough. Tony knew you were coming and exactly where you were coming in from. Once inside, Bucky turned to you. "Now, where are Natasha and your parents?" You were saved from answering by Tony's voice. "Well, well, well." Bucky drew his sword quickly. "Bucky, don't!" Clint grabbed you and held a knife to your throat. Tony smirked as he drew closer to Bucky. His eyes left Bucky's to look at you. "Thank you, my dear princess for bringing Bucky to me."

Bucky glanced between you and Tony in confusion. "Princess?" You didn't reply. "Y/N...what is he talking about?" Tony chuckled. "Oh, she didn't tell you? She's been working for me this whole time." Bucky and Steve stared at you in disbelief and anger. You could see the sting of your betrayal in their eyes. "Take them all to the dungeon. We'll be having a little execution party tomorrow." Clint and several guards grabbed the three of you and practically dragged you down to the dungeons.

You and Steve were thrown into a cell with your parents while Bucky was put into his own cell next to yours. To your surprise, Sam was there too. "What are you doing here, Sam?" Sam sighed heavily. "I told Natasha I couldn't keep going behind the king's back. She had me thrown in here." Bucky huffed. You looked up and saw his steely gaze still fixated on you.

"Bucky, I-" He cut you off quickly. "You betrayed us. Sold us out to King Tony." You nodded. "I had to. He was going to kill my people. I wanted to tell you. I tried so many times, but I couldn't do it." Bucky didn't seem to care as he went on to ask the next question. "And Natasha? Did she even want me to come rescue her." You bit down on your bottom lip as you shrugged. "I cannot believe you would stoop so low, Princess."

"Bucky, please. I-" He tore his gaze away from you and walked to the other side of his cell. "Don't. Just don't." From the corner of his eye, Bucky saw you sink to the ground and begin sobbing. "I'm so sorry." Despite the feeling of his heart tearing in two, Bucky ignored you. Just when he was beginning to feel something for you, this had to happen. Meanwhile, in another part of the castle, an even deeper betrayal was taking place.

"Oh no! Poor Bucky and Princess Y/N!Uncle Sam, are they ever going to fall in love?" your youngest asked. Sam smiled at her. She was curled up on his lap. "Forget that, are they ever going to get out of the dungeon?! And what about this other betrayal? Who's betraying people now? And who are they betraying? The people want to know, Sam!" Sam quieted everybody. "I promise I will tell you everything. But it's past the kids' bedtime." With collective sighs, everyone got upand went about their business eager for the next night of story-telling to come along. 

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