And boom goes the Asylum

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Susan was sitting in her room, on her bed thinking.

Mr Nemi : "I sense your....anger"

Susan : Anger is a strong word now.....It's called my eyes

Mr Nemi : " To escape?"

Susan :....Yes....I must *looks at her knives *...I just need to find a way....oh I know

She gets up.

Mr Nemi : "Where are you going?"

She knocked on the door.

Susan : Nurse Raaaaya!!!

She hides her knives and walks up to the door.

Nurse Raya : Yes?

Susan : C-can I go down to the infirmary?

Nurse Raya : Why?

Susan : I have a new friend I wanna meet

Nurse Raya :.....Hmmmm ok *Opens the door*

Susan : Thank you

Nurse Raya : But make it quick please?

Susan : Of course

She walks to the infirmary as she peak threw the door way seeing Merea.

Susan : Mera!

Mera : Hm? *looks* oh Susan hey *coughs*

Susan : You feeling any better? *walks fully in the door*

Mera : Sort of...why you come back?

Susan : I need your....advice

Mera : Advice ?

Susan : H-how do I escape this place?

Mera : You wanna leave?

Susan : Yes...

Mera :.....Well hmm *thinks* but why you dont wanna stay?

Susan : .....I do but I don't wanna just stay cooped here forever

Mera : about....cause something to get everyone to evacuate the hospital

Susan : L-like a fire?

Mera : Yeah

Susan : Hmmm....*thinks*

Mera : I don't know how you can but *coughs* they aren't just gonna let you just walk out

Susan : I know....

Mera : Even if you leave...where will you go?

Susan :.....I.....I-I don't know.....just somewhere I guess....but I-I have this urge, I have this urge to kill.....this urge kill to show that I'm alive

(A/n : See if anyone know that song clip reference)

Mera : Oh the taste of blood is getting to you?

*she nods*

Mera : Oh wow *chuckles*

Susan was thinking until she came up with a idea.

Susan : Do you know where the exist are?

Mera : Of course?

Susan :...Then be ready *smiles and leaves *

Mera : *chuckles* what a strange girl

Middle of the night

Susan slowly gets up after sleeping as she picks up Mr Nemi.

Mr Nemi : "Mmmm....morning already?"

Susan : No not really

Mr Nemi : "Then why are you doing up?"

Susan : Going to escape, stay here I'll be right back

She looks around.

Susan : Now how to escape the room?

She looks around until she stabbed the door lock as she heard a click sound.

Susan : Ah hah!

Mr Nemi : "Oh boy"....

She slowly open the door peeking out to see.

Susan : Hmmm no one?

She opens slightly as she sneak out, sneaking past gurads, doctors and nurses.

Susan In mind : Hmmm what will cause a evacuation?....

She thinks for a bit until it hit her.

Susan : The boiler room....if I can make the boiler room explode the fire should be big enough for a evacuation

She sneaks down to the boiler room.

Susan : Warm in here....n-now how do I do this?

She looks all around and everywhere.

Susan : Well....guess I'll just do everything the opposite way till something happen

She starts turning knobs, flipping switched, and adding more stuff in the fire.

Susan : Hmmm is that enough?

Soon the sound of the heat overload whistling started.

Susan : Yep that means get away *starts to back away *

She close the door and leaves like nothing happened.

Susan : Hopefully it will work

As she sneaks back to her room she peeks around the corner and sees nurse Raya and officers searching her room.

Officer : You sure you havent seen her?

Nurse Raya : Yes...I don't even know how she got out

The other officer search under her bed and pull out her knifes. As Raya gasp in shocked.

Officers : How did she bring weapons here?

Nurse Raya : I-I have no idea....I don't believe shes gonna cause harm...*worried*

Susan in mind : knifes....wait a minute *retracing her steps* my rooms right under the boiler room...d-oes that mean it's gonna-


*The boiler room blew up as the officers and nurse raya got caught in it, as Susan did to as she flew straight out the window and few a bit until she landed hard right ontop of a car*

Susan : U-ugh.....o-ok...b-bad....p-plan.....*Blacks out*

*Susan was burned on the right side of her body and face as the asylum was burning up as the alarm rang*

To be continued...

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