In The Asylum With New Friends

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Susan was placed in a room as the door close as she ran to the banging and knocking on the door.


Year 1.

Susan was crying everyday loud as can be, missing her mom and dad but also yelling "I hate them!!" "I hate them" not even eaten

Year 2.

Susan stop crying but her words continued on and on, her eyes red from the crying and from what she calls "Beytral"

Year 3.

Susan remained in her room all year doing nothing but rocking back and forth in her room on the floor, muttering random stuff some nurses thought she was going crazy but they tend to leave it alone or try to comfort her and get her to come outside or something but no use.

Year 4.

Susan began to become comfortable now, after the nurses gave her some equipment to make a new friend, Susan then hand sewd a new friend she calls Mr Nemi and finally started to eat and talk to the nurses helping her.


Susan now 15 years old now has been living in her new home in the asylum hospital, however something in Susan changed she has actually been normal she realize it wasn't as bad as she thought it was, she eat, talk to the nurses normal, she was even a nurse helper by helping with sick patients, but everytime she helps the patient dies with brutal cuts for some reason, she now wears a white dress, but has two scares on her face due to her practicing with her scalpels while learning the bodies insides and everything where it's located, soon she was in her room singing while remaking making her old knives this time out of stone.

Susan singing.

"You are beautiful on the inside
You are innocence personified
And I will drag you down and sell you out
Run away"

"I am cold like December snow
I have carved out this soul made of stone
And I will drag you down and sell you out
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight"

"What have I become, now that I've betrayed
Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away
And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind
Is there something left for me to save
In the wreckage of my life, my life"

"I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
Judas in, Judas in my mind
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
Judas in, Judas in my mind
Judas in my mind"

"Oh, this guilt is a heavy cross
There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight"

"What have I become, now that I've betrayed
Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away
And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind
Is there something left of me to save
In the wreckage of my life, my life"

"I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
Judas in, Judas in my mind
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
Judas in, Judas in my mind"

"Judas in my mind"
"Judas in my mind"

"What have I become, now that I've betrayed
Everyone I've ever loved, I pushed them all away"
"And I have been a slave to the Judas in my mind
Is there something left of me to save
In the wreckage of my life, my life"

"I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
Judas in, Judas in my mind
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
I'm becom-, I'm becom-, I'm becoming
Judas in, Judas in my mind
Judas in my mind".

She finished remaking the knives and hide them as she lean over on her door.

Susan : Nurse raya~!

She showed up, nurse raya as her D cup breast pressed on the clipboard she was holding.

Nurse raya : Yes Susan?

Susan : Do you have any like small hand straps and paint?

Nurse raya : Um I'll go check but what for?

Susan : Just making some art

Nurse raya : Mmmm well I'll go look and see

Susan : Thank you mommy ~

Nurse raya : Anytime Susan, oh also at 3 o'clock you have to meet nurse Sara for a sick patient, hopefully this one will make it threw this time

Susan : Oookie

Raya giggles and walks off as Susan stare .

Mr nemi : "Staring at nurse rayas plump ass again susan?"

Susan turn her head to see her new friend mr nemi standing and talking, but in reality it's just a plan old stuff animal.

Susan : No! , I told you I'm not a pervert, I'm just short and she's tall

Mr nemi : "Well I mean I'd so tap it"

Susan : I bet you would pervert

She walk over to the only bar window in her room and stare out it sighing.

Mr nemi : "You miss the outside world?"

Susan : Yes and no but I mean what's the point? When this world is cruel to girls like me?

Mr nemi :"Thats true, but you did what was right no one else will understand but I do"

Susan : How would you know?

Mr nemi : "I mean you made me, I could like feel your suffering and anger "

Susan : Tch..

He walk over and sit next to the wall near here leg.

Mr nemi : "Do you miss your mom and dad?"

Susan :.....No I don't miss them I don't want to ever see them again for what they did sending me hear......I won't forgive them

Soon a knock was hear as she turn around and see Nurse raya holding a box.

Nurse raya : I found what we had

She place the box down.

Nurse raya : I also have some water for your paint

She place it down.

Nurse raya : Is that all?

Susan : Yes thank you mommy

Nurse raya : Your welcome

She turns and leave, closing the door.

Susan : Hmmm

She sits infront of the box opening it and sees paint and hand straps.

Susan : Yes

She pulls them out and smiles.

Susan : Right colors to

She pulled out her knives and open the paint and began to slowly pain them.

Mr nemi : "Say how about another song Susan"

Susan : Another song?

He nods.

Susan : Mmmm I suppose

She clears her throat.

Susan singing.

"I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's only me, and I walk alone"

"I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one, and I walk alone"

"I walk alone, I walk alone
I walk alone and I walk alone"

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone"

"Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah"

"I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And where I walk alone"

"Read between the lines
What's fucked up and every thing's all right
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk alone"

"I walk alone, I walk alone
I walk alone and I walk alone"

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone"

"Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah"

"I walk alone, I walk alone"

"I walk this empty street
On the boulevard of broken dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one, and I walk alone"

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I walk alone".

Mr nemi clap his stuff hands, as Susan finshed panting em.

Susan : There....what do you think?

Mr nemi : "Perfect,...oh it's 3 o'clock"

Susan : Right

She hides her knives and let them dry as she gets dress into her nurse outfit and goes down to the clinic area as she sat on a stool waiting for nurse Sara as she finally showed.

Nurse Sara : Hi Susan ready for saving a patient?

Susan : Mhm

Nurse Sara : Great

She pat her head.

They go to the room to see the patient coughing hard, laying in bed, sweating.

Nurse Sara : He's been like that for month

Susan : Why is he sick?

Nurse Sara : We think he ate bad food

Susan : Oh

They walk up to him.

Nurse Sara : Hello I'm nurse Sara and this is my assistant Susan

Susan : Hi

Patient : W-will you h-help me *Coughs*

Susan : Will do the best sir

She takes his temperature as it was 106°

Nurse Sara : Wow your buring up, don't worry Susan you keep a eye on him while I get him a cool towel to cool him off

She nods as Sara walked out the room.

Patient : S-so *Coughs* you wanted to do this?

Susan : No....I'm a patient just like you

Patient : Why, What are you in for?

Susan : Oh killed my three bullies

Patient : Oh wow *Coughs* w-why here?

Susan : My parent's sent me here I been here for 5 years

Patient : I been here *Coughs * for 6 years

Susan : So why are you here?

Patient : *Coughs * I murdered my wife

Susan :...Why?

Patient : *Coughs* She abused me and then she t-threaten to hurt our only son....s-so I- *Coughs* shot her in the head with a rifle while she slept

Susan : T-that seems like the right thing to do

Patient : So why did your bullies you know...bullied you *Coughs* never heard someone kill their bullies, mostly just them commiting sucide or they stop bulling *Coughs*

Susan : Well I made them stop all right

She explained.

Susan : Then they think I'm crazy and a murder, I'm not a murder or crazy

Patient : Well I don't think your a *Coughs* murder or crazy

Susans eyes widened.

Susan : Y-you don't?

Patient : Of course you did the right thing, killing em *Coughs *

Susan : Y-your nice....what's your name?

Patient : *Coughs* I'm Merea

Susan : *Giggles* Sort of a girly name

Merea : Trust me your not the first *Coughs*

Soon Sara showed up with a towel and placed it on Mereas head.

Nurse Sara : There you go how do you feel?

Merea : Cooler

She giggles and so did Susan.

Nurse Sara : Hmm Imma need a blood test from you maybe to see whats wrong

Merea : A-alright *Coughs*

Sara grabbed a needle and inject it in his arm and draw blood.

Nurse Sara : There

She pulls it out and put on the table.

Nurse Sara : Hey Susan, be a darling and look in the cabinet and grab the tylenol

Susan : Ok

She runs over to the cabinet and grab a stool, opening the cabinet and reach for the tylenol.

Susan : Here

She toss the pill bottle to her as Sara caught them.

Nurse Sara : Thank you

She open the bottle and gives Merea the pills.

Nurse Sara : There Merea make sure you take these, it will help

Merea : Thank you

He takes the pills.

Nurse Sara : Now all you need is rest and we'll check up on you later

Merea : Ok, thanks

Nurse Sara : Anytime

She turn to Susan.

Nurse Sara : Why don't you go on to your room Susan, I'll take it from here

Susan :Mmmm ok bye Merea

Merea : Bye lil Susan it was wonderful to meet you

She smiled and wave bye, leaving the room she walk all the way upstairs and back to her room as she open the door and walk in.

Mr nemi : 'Soooooo?'

Susan : I made a new friend

Mr nemi : 'New friend?, thought you said you wasn't gonna make new friends?'

Susan : Well he's sorta going through what I am he was bullied...BY HIS OWN MOMMY!

Mr nemi : 'His own mom bullied him?, what's the point of having a child then?'

Susan : Well it was his wife

She shook her head trying to recorrect herself.

Mr nemi : 'Ohhhhh'

Soon a knock on her door was heard.

Nurse Raya : Hey Susan it's nurse Raya, Since you were helping Sara I brought some food up for you

Soon she slide a tray under the door filled with Ham, Mac and cheese, french toast, broccoli and a piece of bread with a side of apple juice and cherry pie  .

Nurse Raya : Hope you like it

Susan : Thank you, Mommy

Nurse Raya : Your welcome

The foot steps walk away from her door as Susan goes and grab the tray as she set it on the middle of the floor and began to eat like she hasn't eaten in days.

Mr nemi : 'Your a hungry bugger'

Susan : Mmmmm~ delicious~

Once she was done eating she place the tray and cup down as she then pull her knives up as she saw the paint had dried and ready.

Mr nemi : 'So planning to escape?'

Susan :.....One day

She put them down and sat on her bed grabbing Mr nemi and cuddling him as she lays down.

Mr nemi : 'You still wanna see your parents?'

Susan : I told you no I don't...

She squeezed harder.

The moon slowly appeared in the air.

Susan : Just let this go

Mr nemi : 'Fine'

She close her eyes drifting off into slumber for tommrow is another day.

To be continued.....

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