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The next morning

Susan yawn softly, feeling refreshed, as she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and began to open them only to discover the faces of her horrified mom and dad as she slowly sits up and yawns then stretches.

Susan : Morning mommy and daddy

Salem :

Susan : Hm?

She sees she still covered in blood from last night.

Susan : O-oh this is from last night

Kavel : Last night?...weren't you asleep?

Susan : Nuh uh....I sneaked out of the house last night

Salem : Why!?

Susan : To take care of a problem I had

Salem : What what involved you being bloody!?

Kavel :......Susan please don't tell did it?...

Susan : Did what?

Kavel : There's a huge investigations going on three boys that went to your school was found murdered in a huge brutal ways one had his entire body stabbed and sliced open like a pig, the other body was hanging and cut up, and the third ones body was dismembered and decapitated

Susan knew exacly what thoses bodies were.

Susan : Ohhh...yeah I did, I killed them

Salem : W-what....n-no not you susan...

Susan got up as they see her bloody clothes as she walked over and pulled out her bloody knives leaving there parents shocked.

Susan : I snuck out and killed them one by one

Kavel : S-susan....w-why....

Susan : Because they were the bullies, the ones that torment me

Salem : That still gives you no right to murder them Susan!

Susan : Why not it makes all the sense to me

Kavel : Even though they bullied you, you still can't kill them it's still illegal!

Susan : What are you gonna put me in jail?, for doing what was right for the sake of my life?

Salem : Your sake!? All of our sakes will be ruined now.......we're gonna lose our daughter now!.......

She started crying hard and running away, as Susan never saw her cry like that which made her sad.

Susan : Mommy seems really upset

Kavel :*Sigh* Susan you didn't have to kill them, you could have said something to us, you didn't need to do this....

He was trying to hold his tears back.

Susan : No daddy I didn't need to.....I had to, you wouldn't understand being bulled, and not only bullied but tormented, they ripped Mr bunny, they threw rocks at me like I'm a witch.....t-then they "touched" me...

Kavel : Susan....

Susan : Worse part was they enjoyed every bit tormenting me....What could I have done for that type of punishment......

Kavel : Susan please......

Susan : No daddy you don't understand....

Kavel : Susan....still what you did was wrong, your a murder, do you even feel guilty?

Susan :........No, if everyone seen or understand what I went threw then they'll agree with me (A/n : Do you agree with Susan? >~<)

Kavel : Susan were they your only victim?

Susan : Yes, all I wanted was to get retaliation on am I gonna go to jail?

Kavel : No your far to young for jail

Susan : Then where?, I know your gonna tell the police about it

Kavel : Are you gonna kill your own parents if we do?

Susan : No, I understand, yes it was Illegal but I did what was right....they treated me like an animal and I slaughter them like an animal

Kavel : *Breathes in and out* Susan go get yourself cleaned up, get the dried up blood off you and give me your knives

Susan : But daddy

Kavel : Susan....give me them

Susan goes and gives her the knives and goes to the bathroom and had a nice, hot bathe.

Later that day.

Susan : Where are we going daddy?

Kavel : You'll see

Then enter a door with a desk counter  in front of them and people sitting in chairs, with nureses.

Susan : A hospital?

Kavel : Sorta

They stop at the desk as kavel knocked on the desk as a women or nurse behind the desk show up.

Nurse : Hello sir may I-....oh your kavel right?

Kavel : Yeah

Nurse : Is the patient with you?

Kavel : Yeah

Susan : Daddy?

Nurse : Great so sign here

She give him a clip board as he signs it.

Nurse : Did your wife agree as well?

Kavel : Yeah

Nurse : Great so sign her name as well

Susan look around seeing some patients in straps either walking or sitting down and nurses giving them .

Susan : 'What kind of hospital is this?'

She then could hear some people from upstairs as she started to tie things together.

Susan : 'This isn't a hospital it's a insane asylum! Or mental hospital!'

Nurse : Alright thank you kavel we'll take good care of Susan and hopefully rehabilitate her

Kavel : We hope so to

Susan : Daddy why we in a insane asylum!?

Kavel : Susan

He get on his knees to her level.

Kavel : Susan while you were bathing your mother and I made a new arrangement


Kavel : Honey, Susan is bathing right now, What do we do?

Salem : *Sniffs* Our daughter is a ten.....

Kavel : I know.....but we still love her

Salem : W-with all our hearts

Kavel : Salem I have a idea

Salem : W-what

Kavel : We send Susan to the insane mental asylum

Salem : B-but she's so young?...

Kavel : Sweetie, if the police find out first they're gonna kill her, it's the only way

Salem : ......I suppose.....maybe they can fix her....and we have our old Susan back

They hear her humming.

Kavel : Alright I'll go vist the hospital

Salem nod and kisses him.

Salem : I hope this works

Kavel : Me to


Susan : Your sending me here!?

Kavel : Susan we want old you back, the old sweet, nice, kind, smart and loving Susan back, not this retaliation crazy you're gonna be here now till your rehabilitated

Susan : D-daddy I'm not crazy or insane or mental!

Kavel : I know Susan which is why this is the only way

Soon Salem walked in the door as Susan ran up to her and hug her.

Susan : Mommy did you really agree to send me here!?

Salem :...That's right

Susan : M-mommy I'm not crazy please don't make me come here

Salem : I-I'm sorry sweetie....I didn't want to but it's the only way

Soon a doctor showed up.

Dr nero : Hello I'm doctor Nero I'm here to take Susan

He pick her up and walk.


Salem : It's for the best

Kavel : We love you Susan

Susan had tears.


Nero reach the door as with one final word.

Susan : I HATE YOU!!!!! I HATE YOU BOTH!!!!

To be continued....

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