Retaliation or Revenge

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(⚠ Warning this chapter contain brutal and graphic depiction viewer discretion is advise ⚠)

Susan was sitting on the table in pure silent and speechless.

Cop 1 : What happened to her?

Cop 2 : I don't know she hasn't spoken a word

Susan, sitting there no emotions at all as she was getting cleaned by drea
(Drea is the main cop, the one that helped her the most >~<) as he dress her broken hand with a bandage wrap.

Drea : There we go, now susan tell uswhat happened?

Susan remained quiet.

Susan :........

Drea : Susan please I need you to speak, we need to know what happened

Susan spoke but her words were low, calm, and yet still not even a facial movement.

Susan :.......Them......

Drea : Them?, who

Susan :......They did it.....

She finally made a movement looking at her injured hand.

Drea : Wait susan your not making sense, who did it?

Susan : Can I go home?

Drea : Well your parents are coming to get you, but your still not answering my question who did it?

Susan : I don't need to say or tell.......only retaliate

Drea : Retaliate?

Susan : Drea at night how long till you or the police show up?

Drea : U-uhh depends on how close we are walking or riding a vehicle

Susan : 067 east norman

Drea : Sheesh that's like half way across the city it take maybe 3 or 2 hours to get there

She looks and nods.

Drea : But why do you-

Drea was cut off by the sound of cryingand panic of joy.

Salem & kavel : Susan!?

They run up and hug her with all their might.

Salem : My poor baby are you alright ?....

Susan :....I'm fine....

Kavel look at Drea.

Kavel : What happened?

Drea : We don't know, she keep acting and saying strange things

Salem : We're never letting you stay after school ever again...but for now let's get you home...thank you Drea

Drea : Anytime just stay save and be careful

They nod as salem hold susan like a baby.

Salem : Susan are you sure your alright ?

Susan :.....Yes......

Susan hasn't even blinked as her eyes were drying up and crying.

Kavel : What the?- susan blink please

She slowly close her eyes and reopen them.

Salem : Kavel something is wrong with her, I've never seen her like this

Kavel : We don't even know what's wrong she won't say anything about it

Salem : Susan please we're your parents just talk to us, why were you in a alley with a broken hand?

Susan :......You shouldn't worry mommy, daddy.....I'll fix it by morning

Kavel : Fix it?

They finally get home as salem put susan down.

Salem : What do you mean by fix it?

Susan : D-don't worry mommy and daddy, I promise it will be fixed

Salem : Do you want some food honey?

Susan :.....No thanks

Kavel : Then go on to bed then sweetie

Susan :.....ok

She goes upstairs slowly.

Salem : Something is seriously wrong with susan

Kavel : I don't think it's those bullies she's been talking about?

Salem : *Sighs* please I hope not, no one can be that evil she's young, she's only ten years old

Kavel : Well hopefully this will blow over and pass, soon we'll have our susan back

They hug each other.

Susan : I love you

Kavel : I love you too

Later in the night.

Salem and Kavel were sound asleep in there bed snuggling, Susan was sitting in a chair on a desk with a lanter on the table to help her see threw the dark along with the moon light threw the window.

Susan : You did this....

She was looking at three photos of her  cursed bullies.

Susan : You three did broke me....and my hand

She looked at it as she slowly move her hand which surprisingly it healed faster.

Susan :, Drake, Sam and three ruined my life....made it a living three treated me like a witch....and then used me....

She pulled out her custom knives she made.

Susan : This is the last time you three will ever call me names....and say I can't do anything....

She started to hum.

She began to sharpen her knives to the most absolute of sharpness as she hums.

Susan : hmmhmmhmm hmmhmmhmm hmmhmmhmm~

She looks at it as she poked it with her finger as it started to bleed as she smiled.

Susan : Time for retaliation...retribution...and....blood

She gets up and sneak through the house as she slowly open the door and close it leaving the house with her knives.

Susan : Three targets two rip and tear *giggles evily* I'll make them fear me

(⚠Warning the following scenes are describe graphically, violent and dark reader discretion is advise if you do not wish to see then leave please ⚠)

Target 1 - Sam

Susan walk down the midnight road looking for one of there houses.

Susan : You think I didn't know where you all lived....Sammy I know your house is first

She walked until she noticed it, the  house.

Susan : There you are sammy~

She walk to the house and try to open the door but it was locked of course.

Susan : locked.....

She looks up and see the window wide open.

Susan : how do I get up there ?

Suddenly Susan jumped and climbed on the wall like a parkcore expert as she hopped in a window.

Susan :*whispers * How did that happen?....*shrugs*

She look around only to see she's in sams room as he was lying in bed asleep.

Susan :*whispers * There you are

She slowly walk up to his bed.

Susan : *whispers* You were the one who called me a flat chested whore, slut that no one will love....soon you'll regret saying that

She pulled out her knives and whisper in Sams ear.

Susan : Wake up sammy, it's nightmare time

Sam : M-mmmm...

She got ontop of him straddling his waist and covered his mouth.

Sam : M-mmm...mmmgh?

His eyes open as he sees Susans face.

Sam : MMMGH!?

Susan : You thought you got rid of me..think again

She slice sams throat as blood splatter across the wall as sam started gargling and choking on his blood.

Sam : *Bleeding out*

Susan : Look at you squirming

She began to stab his body over and over with the sound of her knives stabbing in and out of his body, the slisk sound echoing around the house over and over.

Susan : Die die die *giggles* die sammy

She pulled of her knives out of the lifless corpse of sam as she then stabed and cut a hole in upper left of his chest deep as she see his heart not beating as she stabbed it, the heart exploded and popped.

Susan : Ooops~

She then took her other knife and cut his skin open from the top of his head down to his dick, as she pull his skin open leaving his muscle and meat out.

Susan : Ehehe

She gets up and stabed both knives in his eyes and twist the knives and stabbed his skull over and over at least 20 times, Susan then breathe hard tired.

Susan : *Panting *

Susan was covered in blood splatter along with the wall, bed, floor  everything.

Susan : Hehehe.....Draaaake your next~

She gets off sams body and hopped out the window landing on her feet.

Target 2 - Drake

She walk down the street road looking for Drakes house.

Susan : Hmm if I remember there doors always unlocked

She finds the house and slowly open the door and sneaks in.

Susan : Hehe

She sneak up the stairs however the stairs creeks up the to the top bedroom, she peek threw the rooms until she see Drake sitting in a chair looking out the window.

Drake : *Yawns* Why can't I sleep

Susan sneak up slowly behind him.

Susan : Cause I'm here

Drake : Huh?

He turn but susan pushed him down on the table with surprising amount of strength, and began the strangle him.

Drake : *choking and struggling to breathe*

Susan : Y-you were the one who tore Mr bunny up, you were the one who for you three to....rape me

Drake : P-please *chokes* I-I'm s-sorry p-please

Susan : Hehe you want forgiveness?, after all you three put me threw and torment me?, you three even broke my hand and you want forgiveness?

She squeeze harder around his throat as Drake turning blue, trying to fight it by pushing her face away.

Susan : You'll know what it feels like to slowly fall into the pit of darkness and never return

She then bite his hand hard as blood come out, teeth sinking deep into the flesh to where her teeth hit the bone with a tap sound.

Susan : Mmmm! Mmmmrgeraph!

Soon Drake stop struggling as he slowly gods to the out of darkness as his lifless body layed on the table with Susan letting go of his hand and throat, as Susan taste his blood go in her mouth as she taste it and thinks.

Susan : Hmmm...a bit bitter with a tiny hint of bullshit

She pulled out her knives and stabbed his body over and over at least 80 times as blood splatter across the wall, the desk and out the windows edge.

Susan : Die die

Even though Drake was dead she still believed he was still alive as she stabs over and over until the body was a bloody mess.

Susan : Hmmm

Her body was covered in blood more, her knives bloody.

Susan : T-that- take that

She look around and see some old rope.

Suan : *giggles*

She grabbed the rope and tied it around drakes neck and attached the other to the bed post and threw his hanging body out the open window.

Susan :

She hop out the window landing on her feet.

Final Target - Maverick

Susan walked, scratch that she started skipping happily to find Mavericks house, humming.

She seee Maverick house, she noticed everything was closed.

Susan : Hmmm he's clever but I will rip you apart Maverick

She explores around the house around looking every inch to find a opening somewhere to get in.

Susan : Hmm

Susan go to the door and look at her knives and dug one of them in the key hole, trying to pick lock it.

Susan : Hmmm

She hears the click sound as the door open slowly.

Susan : Perfect

She sneak upstairs looking for Maverick and sees him sleeping in the bed.

Susan : You were the start of it all....forming that group to pick on me

She slowly walk up to his bed.

Susan : I'll make your suffer more than the other two

She wrap the rope she saved up and tied his legs and arms to the bed then softly put a cloth in his mouth to muffle his voice so no one can hear him.

Susan : Time for your true nightmare

She got ontop of him and slap the shit out of him, making him wake up.

Maverick : MMMMHJG!?

Susan : Hi Maverick remember me?

Maverick realized he was pretty much gagged and tied.

Susan : You started the torment, you try to ruin my life ? Well It's time for me to ruin yours

She gets off and slowly started to slice off his feet.

Maverick : MMMMHHHHGGHH!!!!

She smiled slice his entire foot off as it fell with a thud as she smiled.

Susan : Like it?

Maverick : M-mmmmgh! *Crying*

She went over and sliced the other foot off.

Maverick : MMMMGH!

She went over and look at his hands.

Susan : Hmm these hands the ones that used to molest me....

She then suddenly broke it making his hand twist all the way 360 style.


she then pulled with all her might and ripped it off as blood splat and run out.

Maverick : MMMMM....

Susan : Don't passout on me

She slap him.

Susan : I'm suppose to do that

She hop on him and pulled both her knives out.

Susan : Hehehe

Maverick : MMMMM MMMMM!

He shake his head.

Susan : It's to late for sorry, scream as loud as you want no one not even your parents will hear you

She began to stab his body over and over.

Maverick : MMMMMMMM!!!!!! MMMMMMMM!!!!! MMMMM!!!!!!

Susan : Die die die go to hell

She stabed him more and more until she stopped.

Susan : Hmmmm

Maverick : M-MMMM....MMMM....

She then completely stabed his dick and balls over 40 times.

Maverick : MMMMMMGHH!

She then used the over knife and stab him in the head, she then chopped his body into pieces and leave his decapitated head on his cut up chest.

Susan : *Giggles* perfect

She lick her knifes of the blood of all three victims enjoying every second of it.

Susan : Mmmmm~

She then open the window and jump out, once she landed she felt happy, all the torments and suffering she want threw slowly went away and realized that killing felt great.

Susan : T-that felt....wonderful

She walk home as she jumped back in her open window to her room and she closed it, hiding her knives and get in bed still covered in blood on her body and face as she lays her head on the pillow and tucked herself in bed.

Susan : Time for a good night sleep finally~ ahhhhh~

She close her eyes drifting off into slumber, for tomorrow is another day.

To be continued.....

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