Chapter 15

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Seth (POV)
We make it back to the village storage area after Grey had a little talk with Lyon. To our surprise, no ones here.
Happy- That's weird. Where is everybody?
Natsu- Are you sure they came here?
Lucy- Yeah, this has been their camp. I wonder where they could have gone.
Happy- Hellooooooooooo?!
Grey- Since we're here, imma grab some bandages and medicine.
He goes in our tent.
A villager runs up on us.
Villager- You finally made it back. There's something you need to see. Please follow me to the village.
We walk back to the village and see it totally rebuilt.
Lucy- Wow.
Happy- Yesterday it was a total mess. Now it looks perfect.
Natsu- What's going on here? Everything is back to how it was. It's like the village went back in time.
Lucy- Now that it's fixed, you probably shouldn't touch anything, kay Natsu?
Natsu- Are saying I destroy everything I touch?!
Seth- Yes. Yes she is
We move along and go see the chief.
Chief- You and your wizard friends used magic to restore our village didn't you?
Lucy- Uh well, sir that's not...
Chief- I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. However, I must know when are you wizards gonna destroy the moon for us?! Well?!
Seth- Destroying the moon is a simple task sir.
Grey- What the? Did he just say that with a straight face?
Happy- Aye. Maybe he's finally gone crazy.
Erza- Before we do that, I need to ask you all a few questions. Would you be so kind as to call everyone together for a meeting?
The chief gathers all the villagers at the front of the village.
Erza- Let me make sure I have all my facts straight. The first time everybody in the village took on these demonic forms is when the moon began to turn purple. Is that correct?
Chief- Yes. During the day we're fine, but when the moon comes out, we transform into what you see now.
Erza- And the moon first turned purple about three years ago right?
Villager- Wow, has it really been that long?
Erza- We've learned that the moon drip ceremony had been performed on this island every night for the last three years. And each night it produced a beam of light so brilliant that you couldn't have possibly missed it.
She falls through a pitfall trap.
Happy- Whoa. Even Lucy's pitfall trap is back.
Natsu- She screamed like a girl.
Grey- Yeah.
Seth- It was cute.
Lucy- I'm so gonna be dead meat when she gets out!
Erza climbs out.
Erza- Seriously. Didn't you ever wonder where that light was coming from?
Seth- She picked back up right where she left off like it was nothing.
Erza- I don't understand. Why didn't anyone investigate?
Chief- Well, we would have looked into it, but according to village lore, our people must never go near that temple.
Lucy- But who cares about village lore when your own people are dying? You obviously knew there was a problem cause you contacted the magic guilds.
Chief- Oh well.....
Seth- Why don't you tell us what's really going on here?
Chief- To be honest, we don't really know ourselves. Allow me to explain. We've tried to investigate that light many times. We'd taken up weapon we've never had to use. I'd trim and style my sideburns and then we'd venture into the jungle towards the temple. But we could never get never get near it. We'd get close enough that we could see it through the trees, and then suddenly we'd find ourselves back at the village gates.
Lucy- But how's that possible? It doesn't make sense.
Natsu- We got into the temple without any trouble at all. How weird.
Villager- We didn't say anything to you earlier,because we were worried that you wouldn't believe us.
Villager 2- We're telling you the truth. We've tried to go back to the temple many times.
Villager 3- But not a single villager has ever been able to get inside.
Erza- I get it. Yes. Seth, come with me. (Requips into new armor) I'll need your help to destroy the moon.

Seth- (pops fingers) Finally.
The villagers cheer.
Villager- They're really gonna do it! We get to watch it happen!
Villager 2- That's right and then we're all gonna be human again!
Seth- Alright, where shall we do this thing?
Erza- We'll do it from here. The villagers can't go near the temple, and they need to witness this.
Grey- I don't know what they're thinking. I mean, they can do something amazing things but still.
Lucy- So what do you think they're gonna do to it?
Happy- This is exciting huh?
Mandy- More like terrifying.
Erza- This is Giant Armor. It increases my strength and allows me to throw farther. And this (summons massive spear)

Erza- This is the spear of Haja. It repeals darkness.
Natsu- Whoa! I see what you're planning now! You're gonna use that spear to knock the moon outta the sky!
LGHM- Give me a break. That's never gonna work.
Erza- Actually, Natsu is right for once. But I'm afraid I'll need more strength than this armor can give me. So Seth, I'm gonna need you to give a little boost.
Seth- No problem.
We climb the tower of the town and Erza prepares to throw her spear.
I charge up my Holy Dragon Slayer magic and the ground shakes a little. Erza gets into her stance.
Erza- Now!
Seth- Holy Dragon: Holy Wraith!!
My Holy magic concentrated on my right leg and I run up to Erza and kick the back end of the spear just as she throws it. The impact explodes the top of this wood tower and there's a big gust of wind from the impact. The spear flys up and hits the moon and it cracks along with the sky.
Seth- Just as thought.

Seth- A noxious membrane of magic energy was covering the island. The moon drip released evil energy in the form of a gas. The gas crystallized thus forming and invisible shell in the sky that covered the island.
The villagers turned their memories back and it turned out that they were actually demons this whole time. The rest of the the night was filled with partying and laughter from everyone.
Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and I'll see y'all in the next one. Piece.

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