Chapter 74

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Seth (POV)
It's around sunset and I'm still in second. I haven't seen Jet in the longest of times and my legs are beginning to hurt. Good thing the mountain with the scales is in sight.
Seth *mind*- Good. Almost to the mountain. All I need to do is just get a scale and high tail it back to the guild. Simple enough.
???- Lightning Slash!!
I jump to my right just in time to see a lightning magic slash go by me and destroy a boulder. I turn around to see Erza I'm her lightning Empress Armor.
Seth- God Damn woman. Don't you ever stop?
Erza- I will do whatever means necessary to beat you. Plus master did give us to ok to fight.
Seth- Oh yeah. He did didn't he? Well then, you're getting your rematch right here and now.
Erza- I'll beat you this time for sure.
She requips into her fairy queen armor and conjures her swords. I get surrounded in my Death God Slayer magic and we stare each other down. Right as the sun set enough to temporarily blind me with it's like, she attacked. She dashed at me and slashed at me with one of the swords she's holding. I watch her wrist watch me left hand and quickly bring her down to the ground. With it down, I go for side kick to he head which she blocked with her other sword. She conjured a volley of swords and sent them towards me. I backed off from her and I do backflips to avoid the swords coming at me. After the last sword is through, I wipe the blood from my cheek because it nicked me.
Erza- Heaven's Wheel!!
Seth- Death God: Blooming Rose.
I point my index finger towards her oncoming attack and release a blast of my red Death God Slayer magic. The attacks collide and explode on impact. I rush into the smoke and come out to other side catching her off guard. I Superman punch her square in the jaw. She swings both swords at my chest but I catch both of them by the blade. They hurt a lot and my hands started to bleed but I break the blades. Now swordless, she throws a left hook which I catch her arm and twist in a way it shouldn't be twisted. I knee her in her stomach, pull her into a back elbow and chokeslam her into the ground hard and place my hands in the ground next to her.
Seth- Death God: Orion's Reckoning.
The ground below her glowed red and it exploded. I waited for a bit to see if she was alright but out of the smoke comes Erza in her giant armor with the big spear.
Seth- Oh fuck.
She brings down the spear and I leap back. The spear left a crater where I once stood but she's slow.
Seth *mind*- Ok she's slow which means she can't keep up with my speed. Time for some hit and runs.
I take off in circles around her striking her every chance I get. I stop behind her and jump on her back and get her in a rear naked choke hold.
Seth- Go to sleep Erza. It's over!
Erza- Never!
She reaches up and grabs a fist full of my hair and slams me into the ground in front of her. She stomps on my chest and I cough up blood as some of my ribs just broke. She kicked my downed self in the air and drove her spear into my shoulder and launched me and the spear away. I connected with a boulder on the mountain with the scales and slumped down. I pulled the heavy ass spear out of my shoulder and just sat there tired.
Seth- Damn she's strong. Exactly how long have we been doing this? It's nighttime already.
I sense a presence and I look up only to see Erza in her samurai armor diving towards me with twin katanas at the ready.
Seth- Holy shit.
I rolled out the way ass she landed and cut the boulder in half. She turned around and came at me trying to cut me. I backed up multiple times to avoid his slices until I found an opening swept her off her feet. As she got to her knees, I superkicked her right in her temple and followed it up with Death God Slayer magic filled punch which sent her careening into another boulder. She gets up and and we stare at each other huffing and puffing. As if there was a cue, she drops her katanas and we bolt towards each and just throw hands. Each of our punches could be heard for miles probably and the ground was shaking due to the impact. She threw more punches and I caught both of her fists and we headbutted each other. Blood slowly trickled down both of our faces as we just glared at each other.
Erza- Transform already! Stop holding back!
Seth- No.
Erza- You changed for Laxus! I'm just as capable as he is now do it damn it!
Seth- Fine but remember (changes into Blue Devil form) you asked for this. Death God: Chaos V-Trigger.
I bicycle knee her right in her jaw and it sent her flying back. She landed next to her katanas and picked them up as she got up. I summoned a blue flame sword and waited. She rushed to me me and we exchange magic filled sword clash after sword clash.
Indigo: Like this

One of her swords break and we slash each other back but we quickly get right back up.
Seth (Blue Devil form)- Death God: Blue Flame Hell Stab!
We dashed at each other stabbed each in the gut.

We sat there in that position for a couple seconds until it was Erza who coughed up blood. I dissipate my sword and she falls to her knees.
Seth (Blue Devil form) Death God: Blue Flamed Death.
I making a ball of blue flames and release it point blank at her.

It causes a huge explosion.

She's on her back when the dust settles. She ain't dead thank god.
Seth (Blue Devil form)
I lose my blue devil form and I collapse on the ground next to Erza and I pass out.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Oh and another thing. Holy shit guys. 3k views?! You guys are awesome!
Zack- Shameless advertisement coming in 3...2...1...
Indigo: Also if you guys really enjoy this story, why don't you check out my other stories I've done and are currently still doing. And don't be shy to hit that follow button on my profile.
Zack: Called it.
Indigo: Alright guys, I'll catch y'all later. Peace indigo fam.

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