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A large ship drifted across the ocean's surface.  The Strawhat Pirates scurried about on the wooden decks enjoying the sunny day. Each member had a role that fit them like a glove. A role they took seriously and admired with pride. The sniper, a young adult named God Usopp, might have been the most complex crewmate of them all. He stood in his cabin quietly, the sound of trickling water filling his ears. Usopp's pink rimmed lips curved into a smile while he watched his Pop Green seeds grow into large plants in seconds. These magicial seeds had impressive instant growth capabilities. Usopp sighed then patted the plant's head before exiting his cabin to rejoin his fellow crewmates on the deck.

"Ohayoooo! Gomensai if I'm late, I was tending to my Pop Green babies. What did I miss?" Usopp yelled out in his cheerful voice. Luffy was seated at the table shoving large chunks of meat in his extendable mouth. It seemed that he had finally noticed the sniper's presence and smiled. "OHAYOOO USOPP-SAN! Sanji made food, come eat!" he muffled. Zoro sat across from Luffy, quietly sipping from a sake bottle. He argued with Sanji from time to time in between his sips. Usopp grabbed a sushi roll in his hand before walking off towards the crow's nest. There he felt like he was finally on top, like he was the king of the world. "Quite peaceful up here.." Usopp whispered while stroking his goatee.

The gentle breeze brushed the salty ocean smell into Usopp's long nose. He took a large wiff of it, cracking a smile. He took some bites of the sushi roll while licking away stray rice grains from his chin. Usopp's eyes stared out into the sea. He wondered how long the wide trail of ocean actually went. Did it really stretch across the Earth's curface? Usopp scratched his collarbone with a huff then looked at his reflection in the metal rim of his slingshot. Usopp's eyes were unique; soft and dreamy-looking, especially while gazing out to sea.  Much warmer and brighter than Luffy's eyes, Usopp's eyes had all sorts of colours going on, ranging from russet to sand and honey. Suddenly, he stopped. 

A small black dot on the edge of the horizon was slowly sailing closer and increasing in size. Usopp's mind jumped to conclusions and he threw himself off the crow's nest. "LUFFFYY! THERE'S A SHIP HEADING OUR WAY!" He screamed out. This wouldn't be like Usopp's pirate lies from years ago. No, this was real. Luffy quickly swallowed the meat in his mouth and called all the members to the deck. Zoro, as fiesty as ever, unsheathed his swords and glared at the oncoming ship. "Doesn't have the Marine's symbol. Still, it could be another damn pirate gang looking to collect a bounty." he mumbled. Usopp placed a Pop Green seed in the leather pouch of his slingshot and pulled it back.

As the ship came into clear view, Luffy's eyes widened. "Wait, don't attack! It's the Red-Hair Pirates! I KNOW THEIR CAPTAIN! SHANKSSSS! OVER HERE!" Luffy jumped on the ship's prow and stretched his arms into long lanky noodles while waving them ecstatically. Usopp gasped and leaned over the side of the ship, using his muscular arms to support him and keep him in place. He had heard of the Red-Hair Pirates before. They were a pirate crew ruling the New World. "THE RED-HAIR PIRATES?! WOOOO HOOOO!"  The ship pulled up besides them and a man with red hair and three scars waved. "Well look what we have here, its a little rubber boy! LOOK AT YOU, GROWING UP SO FAST!" Shanks let out a hearty laugh.

A plank that was placed between the two shipse helped the Red-Hair Pirates quickly board Thousand Sunny. "I can't believe it! The Red-Hair Pirates are here! On OUR ship! Jesus this ama..zing." Usopp's smile stretched up to his ears then suddenly fell. He slowly stepped away from the edge, his honey brown eyes staring at the last pirate to board the Thousand Sunny.  The man had blond hair in Caribbean style locks. He had lips that looked extremely similar to Usopp's mouth. Luffy was too busy talking with Shanks to notice Usopp's sudden behavior change. The wind become hasher and Usopp's ears drowned out the surrounding noise.

He had the word, "Yasopp," written on his upper right arm. The man wore a dark-blue shirt, dark-green pants reaching down to his calves, and blue shoes with buckles on them. He donned a large belt with a bag attached to it. There was also a little necklace around his neck. He wore a   star-patterned cape and a ginat rifle attached to his back via a band. Anger bubbled in Usopp's chest and he clenched his fist so hard that his tan knuckled turned white. The man stopped walking to stare at Usopp with wide eyes. Before Usopp could release all his anger upon the male, he took note of what dirty blonde pirate was doing. He opened his mouth, and in a hushed whisper he spoke.


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