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The whole ship went silent as members of both crews watched the two males in the center of the deck. Yasopp lifted a hand and ran his fingers through his blonde locks. "What?" Usopp watched him and muttered in a harsh tone. "Heh, son? SON? You got some nerve coming onto this ship and calling me your damn son. After twelve years of you being gone you think you're in any position to even speak to me?!" Usopp yelled. Luffy watched the scene unfold while chewing on a piece of meat. "I had no idea Usopp-san could get so angry outside of battle.." he thought. Yasopp raised his hands up in a defensive manner and said, "U-usopp please! I know I haven't been around and I'm sorry for that!" stuttered the blonde haired man. "Alright. Listen up old man because I'm only saying this once."

Usopp stepped closer to his father and between clenched teeth he hissed, "Never. and I mean NEVER, talk to me about ANYTHING unless its important." he then shoved past Yasopp and grabbed a plate of food before stomping away back into his cabin. Shanks raised an eyebrow, "Yasopp. What did you do to get him so pissed?" he asked. Yasopp rubbed his neck with a sorrowful look in his eyes. "When I met you Shanks, Usopp was only seven. Once I joined the crew and left him and his mother it must have made a lasting impact on him. God I feel so stupid." Yasopp plopped down into a seat and buried his face in his hands. "My own son wants nothing to do with me. What kind of father am I?" he groaned.

Luffy flashed a big grin and hopped over to Yasopp. "I have an idea. We host a party! A BIG PARTY! Both crews sail with each other for two weeks and you'll spend that time with Usopp-san. Some quality father-son bonding would totally get him to forgive you!" Luffy used his gomu gomu fruit abilities to stretch his neck out so his head hovered over Yasopp. Yasopp looked up and was extremely startled to say the least. "JESUS LUFFY YOU ALMOST GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" Yasopp staggered back from his seat. "Gomensai Yasopp! I didn't mean to scare you like that, I was just having a bit of harmless fun thats all!" Luffy retracted his neck back to his body and laughed.

"You're right Luffy. I'll do my best. Usopp should have cooled off by now.."

"Go ahead by all means! Just go up the stairs to the cabin halls. Usopp's cabin is the fourth one on the left." Luffy pointed to the small set of stairs on the deck. "Arigato Luffy!"Yasopp stood up and walked up the stairs to the cabin halls of the ship. "Ichi, ni, san.." Yasopp muttered the numbers in Japanese under his breath while walking down the hall. "Ah, fourth door to the left." he stopped infront of a small wooden door with gold metal hinges. A piece of paper was pinned to the door. After close inspection, Yasopp noticed that it had the kanji ウソップの小屋 on it, which directly translated to, "Usopp's Cabin." Yasopp took a deep breath, straightened out his shirt, then slammed his knuckles on the door. At first there was silence, then there was shuffling coming from inside before the door cracked open.

Usopp stared up at Yasopp with less angry eyes, more so filled with saddness. "Do you need anything?" he mumbled. Yasopp's heart lept for joy. Knowing that Usopp actually opened the door gave him a small sense of hope that he could still mend the rift between them. "Yes, actually. Can I..come in?" Yasopp asked in a hushed whisper. It was safer to talk to Usopp in a calmer tone rather than one thats loud and demanding. Yasopp didn't want to add more fuel to the fire. Usopp's honey brown eyes shifted around for a while. He pursed his prominent lips and hummed, opening the door fully and stepping aside to let his father through. "Arigato." Yasopp smiled slightly and walked inside. Usopp closed the door and turned the lock with a small click noise. "Feel free to uh, look around I guess. Just don't touch those plants." Usopp pointed to the Pop Green seeds laid down in their pots. The blonde pirate carefully examined his surroundings.  

Usopp's cabin had a unique design to it. The floors were polished nicely with a few wood shavings scattered about. A nightstand with an oil lamp sat besides a prussian blue hammock tied on two hooks on the walls. Thre was a bookshelf with an array of novels. Sitting on top was a framed photograph of Yasopp's beloved wife Banchina. Yasopp walked over to a mahogany wooden desk with a matching chair in front of it. The desk was full of blueprints for slingshots and new ideas for amno. Some rolls of tape and a half built slingshot laid on top. Yasopp read over the blueprints, "Usopp. Did you.. design all of these? They're very thought out." he said without raising his head from the papers. Usopp stopped what he was doing to turn his attention over to his father. "Why yes actually. I-I don't use guns like you though. I prefer slingshots." Usopp walked closer to his father and opened up the window, grabbing the slingshot off the table. He propped it against the windowsill and squinted at the ocean. "Wind speed: check. Slingshot at a 40 degree angle? Check."

Usopp placed a pop green seed in the leather pouch of his slingshot and pulled it back. "Special Attack, Green Star..." Usopp took a deep breath, "DEVIL!" he let go off the pouch and the small pop green went flying far from the ship. It exploded and turned into a giant venus flytrap that landed on an incoming enemy ship. The plant let out a ferocious roar while wrapping it's vines around the ship, bringing it underwater along with its crewmates. Usopp smiled and wiped the sweat off his brow. "USOPP! GOOD SHOT BUDDY!" Nami screamed from outside. "DON'T MENTION IT! JUST DOING MY JOB!" he laughed and picked up his slingshot, brushing the dirt off of it. Yasopp's lanky muscular arms hung at his side, while his jaw hung low. "Usopp. That...was AMAZING! YOU JUST SHOT THAT SHIP LIKE IT WAS NOTHING! ARGHH I'M SO PROUD OF  YOU!"  

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