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The next day is pretty calm.

Mia comes over and we try to watch all of the Harry Potter movies.

And this is only between you and me, I stayed up and watched all of them. It was awful for me but the movies were great. I'm kinda a big fan of the Harry Potter franchise. I'm a RavenClaw bitches.

Anyways, we supplied ourselves with candy, food, and lots of caffeine.

I ended up drinking two Bangs and a cup of coffee. I thought I was going to die.

I didn't, of course, but I still felt like I was going to.

When we got to like the fourth movie Mia had passed out but I was still going.

When our the first day and night of our sleepover ended, we decided to sleep for a really long time.

We woke up at like 7 pm the next day, we order an Uber eats of a fuck ton of food from basically everywhere. The people arrive we grab the food and run upstairs.

"Oh my god, this is like heaven in the form of food." I moan.

Mia agrees, "Mh, Penelope I have to tell you something."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Brayden asked me out!" She shrieks.

"OH MY GOD! What did you say?!" I yell.

"I said no," I stop being excited and give her a look of confusion. "I SAID YES DUMBASS!" we start screaming again.


Mia smiles and laughs. "He makes me so happy. Have you seen his dimples when he smiles, or when he's driving how he always grabs my hand, he tells me that I'm beautiful. Penelope, he thinks I'm beautiful!"

I smile gleefully at her.

She rambles on about Brayden.

And then, when Mia and I are trying to figure out how people do yoga at 1 am I get at text.

I immediately run away from where we were and Mia falls.

"The boys want to meet up." I tell Mia.


"Twenty minutes. At the park near here."

We give each other the look and scramble to my closet.

I put on a sweatshirt Alessio forgot to take back from me and some black leggings.

Mia wears my Tommy sweatshirt and black shorts. Why would she wear shorts? I don't fucking know.

I put my hair up in a bun and so does Mia.

It's our sneaking out ritual. We always put our hair up in a bun.

I run downstairs to check if my parents are awake, they aren't, so I run back upstairs.

Mia has already made fake bodies so I don't have to worry about that.

I open my window and we climb out. We jump down onto a shed near my window in the back. Then we climb down the ladder that's on the side of it. I open the hatch to the back of my gate and we hop in Mia's Jeep.

Mia drives us near the park. We get out and walk the short distance to the park.

I see Brayden and Alessio on the play set, sitting on the roof of it.

"There they are." I point to them and we quietly run up to them.

"You boys shouldn't be here." Mia says in a surprisingly good deep voice.

"Just kidding!" I yell at them.

Mia and I climb up the play set and onto the roof. Mia moves over to where Brayden is. I sit next to Alessio.


"So, I get a text at two in the morning. Some boys want me to come and meet them. What's up with that Mr. Insomniac?"

"We got bored, and Brayden really wanted to see Mia. And I mean, I guess I wanted to see you."

"You guess? Bitch you love me."

Alessio laughs and I put my hand on his mouth. "We don't want to get already man." I say.

He takes my hand off from his mouth and he holds it. He whispers a sorry.

I let go of his hand and slid down the roof and onto like the top of the play set. I look up at Alessio, watching as he slides down too.

I walk over to the slides, "Race ya."


We both sit on the slides and count down from three.

I'm pouting because he won. "You'll always be a winner in my heart." Alessio whispers in my ear.

I giggle and run away from him, towards to swings. I sit on one, "Push me."

Alessio walks behind me and starts to push me. When I get high enough he sits on the one next to me and starts to swing.

I swing my feet around when I'm up there. Acting like a little kid who's care free.

When we finally stop and just sit on them I sigh, the feeling of happiness filling in my body.

"Hey, nice sweatshirt." Alessio says.

"Oh thanks. I just can't remember where I got it." I smile playfully at him.

"Oh really?"

"Yep." I pop the p.

I look up at the play set and see Mia and Brayden making out, "Dear god. GET A ROOM!" I yell, kind of quiet though.

Brayden laughs and yells back a no.

Suddenly, Alessio stands up and grabs my hand. Pulling me with him.

We walk over to the play set but not that close to Mia and Brayden.

I'm not trying to get cooties.

Just kidding, I already got them from Alessio.

We sit down and I put my head on his shoulder.

"These are the nights I'll always remember." Alessio whispers.

"Why's that?"

"Cause they're some of the best nights. You've been in them, they're fun, some of them dangerous, others filled with drugs."

I laugh at the last statement, "You're right. These are the nights to remember."

Then we hear shuffling, we look back and see Mia and Brayden running towards us. Ushering us to run. We're near Mia's car so I grab Alessio's hand and run to the car.

Mia starts it and drives off when we're all in the car.

"What happened? Why'd we leave?"

"Pretty sure a cop saw us. We had to leave man." Brayden says.

Mia drives us all back to my house and I take everyone into the backyard. I shush someone as they make something move.

We all climb up the ladder and onto my roof.

I open my window again and everyone gets in my room. I lock the window behind me.

"Ok, here's the rules. No sex please," I look at Mia and Brayden. "Don't be to loud cause I have a little sister, and I swear to god if any of you wake up my parents I will personally kill you."

"Ok, but I'm hungry." Brayden says.

I roll my eyes and mutter that I'll go get food and walk downstairs.

I grab a shit ton of food and walk back upstairs.

I throw it at Brayden and Mia who are sitting on the ground. "Yay!"

I roll my eyes again and walk over to Alessio who's laying on my bed and I lay down next to him.

"Hey there." He says, putting his arm around me.

"Z, I was thinking. You should give me more of your sweatshirts. I mean, I think it's for the greater good of the world." I say, laying my head on his chest.

"Only if I get the one you're wearing back."

"Why? I mean it seems like a fair trade, but why?"

"Cause then that one will smell like you."

I smile.

When I've almost completely drifted off I hear Alessio says something, "You are the best thing that's happened to me Penny."

And then I'm asleep. What he said drifting in my memory.


I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I might post again today. Who knows man.

Comment, vote, and follow me.

Love you guys


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