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After 2 hours of driving

"Z, how long is this car ride going to take us?" I complain.

Alessio looks at the GPS, "Thirty more minutes. But trust me, it's worth it."

I sigh and turn the radio louder.

A thought dawns on me and I grab the AUX cord. I plug in my phone and play one of Z's songs.

I smirk to myself a little, I hope he sings along.

Of course, he sings a long so I get to listen to his voice while we drive.

I slowly start to drift off even though it's still light outside.

"God damn she sleeps a lot," Alessio mutters. Opening my car door, "Penny, get up. We're here."

I slowly open my eyes and rub them, "What?" I mumble.

"We're here."

I unbuckle myself and get out of the car. He drove us up to some mountains. It's a pretty view.

I look over at Alessio and he's grabbing things out of the car. Some blankets, pillows, and something else he's struggling to get.

I walk over to him and grab the blankets, "I got these."

He smiles and grabs the other thing, it's a picnic basket.

I laugh quietly. We've already eaten so much today I don't know why he would bring more food.

Alessio and I set up basically a makeshift bed.

"And this, is our final destination." Alessio exclaims, smiling gleefully at me.

"What are we even going to do?" I ask.

"Haven't thought that far, but I want to watch the sunset with you."

I look at my apple watch, "Z, it's only six. We have like two more hours until the sun sets."

"Well that's two more hours with you."

Fuck, that was good.

Cheesy shit gets to my heart.

I smile at him and we both sit down on the blankets.

"Penny, do you want to know something cool?" I nod my head, "I got you an interview at my agency. They want to meet you."

"Alessio, I...thank you."

Why would he do this? He'd only just met me. He was being to kind and it was overwhelming me with emotion.

My eyes started to water, I sniffled trying to prevent tears from falling down.

"What's wrong Penny?" Alessio asks, there's fear and worry in his voice.

"Things have been, they've been, um, pretty tough recently. You've just been so nice to me. Even after you know everything that's happened in the past year, and well, recently too." I failed with the tears. They start to stream down my face.

Alessio sits up next to me and pulls me in for a hug, a really long and warm hug.

"I want you to be happy, Penny."

"You make me happy." I whisper.

We lay down, waiting for the sunset.

And we talk, we talk about everything and anything. Things that's happened to me and things that have happened to him.

And then the Sun started to set.

The view from where we were was beautiful. You could see all the colors, the oranges, pinks, reds, and an occasional purple.

These we're my favorite types of sunsets. They're make the world look calm. Make me feel calm.

"I love sunsets," I whisper.

"I do too."


Alessio and I had fallen asleep. We shouldn't have but we did.

The cold air wakes me up, I realize how dark it is and I shake Alessio awake.

"Wake up. We need to go home."

Alessio mutters something and I shake him harder. "Get up!"

He wakes up after a little bit. "What time is it?"

"I don't know, but our parents don't know where we are. We need to go back," Alessio gets up and we start to pack everything into his mom's car. We get in and drive off.

"My mom texted me, she wants to know where I am." I inform Alessio.

"Uh, just tell her the truth."

I text her and tell her we went some ways and we both fell asleep watching the sunset and that the ride is basically three hours so it's going to take time for us to get back.

She texts back immediately and says that it's fine but just keep her updated more.

Alessio asks me to check his phone so I do. No messages.

"You have no texts."

"My parents probably fell asleep. I'll just drop you off and head home, pretend I came home at a sensible time." He looks over at smiles at me.

I yawn.

When we get back to my house I kiss Alessio on the cheek and thank him for such and amazing date. Then I run inside.

I immediately go to sleep, cause you know I'm tired.

The next morning my sister wakes me up. Jumping on my bed and yelling.

"We get to go see James!" my sister exclaims.

James is Dahlia's new baby. My new cousin.

"Oh really?" I ask.

She nods and jumps off the bed and runs downstairs.

I get out of bed and start my day.

I get dressed and put my hair in a high ponytail (well as high as it will go, my hair is pretty short still) then run downstairs.

I grab a granola bar and start to eat it when my phone rings.

It's Alessio.

"Hey, do you want to come over today?" he asks when I pick up.

"I can't. I get to meet my cousin!" my parents start to usher me out the door, "Can't talk, call you later! Bye!" I turn off my phone and get in the car.

When we get to Dahlia's house her husband immediately opens the door and ushers us inside.

He takes us to the living room where Dahlia is sitting, with the baby in her arms.

I run over there and Dahlia puts a finger to her lips, warning me to be quiet.

I nod my head, acknowledging her. And then I look down at the baby.

If I'm being honest it's not as ugly as I thought it would be.

It has soft tufts of black hair. It's a lot of hair for the baby to just have been born.

"Can I hold him?" I whisper.

Dahlia nods and carefully sets the baby in my arms.

James moves around a little bit.

God this baby is so cute.

"How are you doing Dahlia?" my dad asks her.

It's his sister so of course he would want to know.

They continue in their adult conversation and I just hold this baby. This cute ass baby.

Eventually my mom holds the baby and they walk into the kitchen, leaving Dahlia and me alone.

"He's so cute."

"I know, I just can't believe I made him. I'm a mom now," Dahlia whispers the last part, like it's a realization hitting her. "So, how are you? Tell me what's been going on in your life."

I laugh a little bit, "Oh so there's a boy-"

"Is it that kid from your school, he was a cutie."

I tense up at her words. "No, not him. But this boy is so sweet. He's hot too. His name is Alessio. Here," I show her a picture of me and him from yesterday. "This is from yesterday, we went on a date together."

"Oh my god! That's so cute. Are you two together?" She questions.

"No, we like eachother, and we go on dates. But not together together." I answer.

"Oh, ok. So...how old is he? Have you guys kissed?"

"He's sixteen," her eyes go wide, "And yeah, we've kissed."

"Penelope! You just turned fifteen! You've kissed him!"

I shush her, not wanting my parents to hear that I've kissed Alessio. "Yeah, it's just one year. You and Evan are four years apart."

"Well that's different. We're adults."

"Barely," I whisper. "But we haven't had sex so I think one year is fine. I'm not even dating the boy."

"Well I think you should."

I roll my eyes, of course she does.

My mom comes in about a half hour later and says we have to go. I hug Dahlia, and say goodbye to Evan and James.

And then we part.


Oh my god 500 reads! Thank you all so much. Half way to 1k haha.

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More parts to come soon.


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