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Hey guys. I'm a little upset because i was reading this girls fanfic ab alessio and she basically copied one of my chapters. almost word for word :/
i hope you enjoy this chapter tho

After we messed around in the water for a little bit I lay back down on my towel, trying to get a tan.

I feel something on my back. I move my head and I see Alessio doing something.

"The fuck are you doing?"

"I'm gonna give you a sun tattoo."

"Whats that?"

"It's when you make a design with sunscreen or something and when you tan it'll not tan and become a tattoo." Alessio explains to me.

"Don't draw a dick, please."

He giggles so I assume he drew a dick.

When we're finally ready to go back to Alessio's house he takes a picture of what he made and shows me it.

It's just a Z.

It's simple but I like it. Cause you know, it's his nickname.

I kiss him and we get in his car.

He got a fucking car, forgot to mention that.

We go back to Alessio's house and I go into his kitchen looking for snacks.

One of Alessio's sisters are in there, she's the younger one who dragged Alessio out of the room that one time, I smile at her.

"Hi!" she says to me.

I say hi back and go into the pantry. I find some food and I run up the stairs and back into Alessio's room.

He's in there.

Towel around is waist.

But here's the funny part.

The towel fell.

"I didn't think I'd be seeing your dick this soon." I say as Alessio scrambles to grab the towel again.

He clears his throat and I look up, his face is bright red.

I bet mine is too. "Should I walk out?" I ask.


"Ok." I step out of the room and sit down in the hallway chilling, eating snacks, on my phone. Totally the dream.

He opens the door, this time clothed.

Slightly disappointing but I'll still take it.

I get up and walk in the room. I sit down on the floor and then I lay on the floor. Tossing some of the food in my mouth.

"What the fuck are you doing?" his voice cracks.

"Your voice just cracked!" I start laughing.

He pouts. "Don't be sad Z."

"You're mean to me." he continues to pout.

"Dear god, your acting like my sister. She's three!"

I start laughing again.

"Shut up!" he whines.

I crawl over to him. "Make me."

Me saying that was most definitely an invitation to make out.

He takes the invitation.

Things get steamy real quick bitches.

(contains some smut but not like hardcore)

My shirt was off, his shirt was off.

He was trying to take my bra off but I wouldn't let him. So he resorted to my shorts.

So I was just chilling on his bed, making out, almost naked.

Fun times.

No seriously, there is no sarcasm in that.

I run my hands through his hair as he starts to kiss my neck. He finds my sweet spot and I moan as he sucks on it.

He definitely is going to leave a hickey.

Alessio tries to go further and starts tugging on my panties, "No, stop." he stops.

Thank god he respects my boundaries.

We end up calming down, but we still chilling basically naked.

(smut over lol)

"Penny," I look over at Alessio and he grabs a bag from his night stand, "Want to smoke?"

I nod and he rolls a joint. We pass it between us until we're both as high as a kite.

Of course we both have the stupid idea to go live again.

I put on one of Alessio's shirts first though.

He goes live, I stay out of the screen for a little bit until he pulls me on screen.

"Hi everyone!" I say.

Yet again the comments fill with:

Are you dating

Isn't this the girl you're dating

she hot

have y'all did it yet

she's ugly

ugh so sad i wanted to be his


Me, being me, I get annoyed with all the girls being rude and saying that I can't have him.

So I put my hand on his chin and kiss him, "Guys, we are dating. Stop being rude." I say after we stop kissing.

I grab the snacks from before and start eating them, munchies bitches.

I grab Alessio's hand and put it on my face and laugh as it falls off.

"Guys, we aren't high! I don't know what you're talking about." he says.

"Totally." I stage whisper.

Alessio keeps talking and I lay my head in his lap.

"Bro, we only fall deeply in love when we really don't want to."

"False...oh shit you're right." He says, realization hitting him.

"See bro, I'm smart as fuck!" I yell, a little to loud.

Alessio shushes me, not wanting his little sister to hear, or his mom.

I giggle and shush myself.

I end up falling asleep on his lap, I always fall asleep, and Alessio still on live.

When I wake up I'm somehow magically on Alessio's bed.

Woah, how did that happen?

I look at the clock and it says 2 am.

I groan and look over at Alessio, he's on his computer.

Does he ever sleep?

The answer is probably.

I grab my phone and see an email notification from the agency that I interviewed at.

"Dear Penelope,
We are pleased to inform you that you are now part of our agency. Congrats! We wish you well and we will inform you on any updates regarding your career soon.

Best regards,

I knew I liked that Jared kid.

I walk over to Alessio and put the phone in front of his face. He looks at me and smiles after he reads it.

Alessio hops out of his chair and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist out of instinct and he hugs me.

This man gives the best hugs in the world. He kisses me and whisper yells congrats a lot of times.

I kiss him.


Wassup. Sorry the smut wasn't really smut but it's my first time writing something kinda sexual.

So yeah. More to come maybe.

I might update a lot sooner than you think.



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