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I'm freaking out.

Like freaking the fuck out.

I passed an audition for a show.

Like a Netflix original show.

I play one of the main characters, her name is Charlotte. She's sassy, stubborn, and sarcastic.

Hey those all started with s. Coincidence? Probably!

I FaceTime Mia, "OH MY GOD I'M GOING TO BE IN A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SHOW!" I yell as soon as she picks up the phone.

She starts screaming and I do too.

My parents run into my room, very concerned.

"I GOT IN!" I yell at them in French.

My parents start screaming and jumping around my room.

My parents hug me and we jump around the room again.

When we all settle down I FaceTime Alessio.

"BABE! I GOT IN!" he yells.

"I DID TOO!" we both start yelling and cheering.

Alessio and I tried out for the same show. Alessio is another one of the main characters.

His character's name is Jayden.

Skip to first day on set

Alessio drove me because I had no idea what to do.

We get out of the car and he walks over to this person. They put Alessio in one trailer and me in another.

My costume is laying out so I change into it.

The show is about this group of kids who all have like weird secret powers.

They're put through test but they all escape together and have to figure their shit out.

My character and see paths of the future (so she can see ways that the future can happen, I think Doctor Strange can do the same thing), Alessio's character can take control of people's minds.

I like his power the most.

The scenes that we are filming is the group in the lab, I guess, so I'm dressed in like one of the outfits you wear in the hospital.

Except you can't see my ass.

I slip on some slides and sit down in a chair.

Belle tries FaceTiming and I answer, "Oh my god! Are you so excited?"

"I'm so nervous, and excited," someone knocks on the door and comes in. It's the hair and makeup people. "Oh hold on, I have to go."

We hang up and the people start to work on me.

I have to wear gold colored eye contacts cause it's like a weird part of her powers. They hurt at first, but then I get used to them.

The put my hair into two french braids down the back and for makeup the put bags under my eyes and add makeup that makes me look tired.

When ready I walk out and out to the place that we're filming at.

I sit in my chair and read my script. I look up when someone is sits next to me and I take a double take.

China Anne McClain is sitting right next to me.

I love her show Black Lightning, oh my god!

"Hi, I'm Penelope." I introduce myself.

"I'm China, it's nice to meet you."

China and I talk for a bit, her characters name is Grace, and her power is she can read minds (unless the other person as a power).

Eventually I meet everyone, there's two other guys.

One older and one younger than me.

The older one plays my brother, his characters name is Beau. His real name is Winn.

The younger kids name is Benji.

Eventually the director places us all where we're supposed to be.

The first scene is basically all of us being introduced.

My character's first scene is me being yelled at as I have to sit there calmly.

When the character yelling at me says, "Worthless piece of shit!" I finally get to say something.

"Your future, has two paths. One of misfortune and the other one of death. Which will you take?"

( the show that they're in will be a book so wait for that.)

When the day finishes it's later at night. I'm exhausted.

I go back to my trailer and change back into my black sweats and white tank top.

I slip on my slides, take off my makeup, and head out the door.

I somehow manage to find Alessio. He's eating some food and talking to the kid who plays my brother.

I grab a plate of food and sit down next to them.

"Is this your big break?" I hear Alessio ask.

I look up and the Winn shrugs, "I hope so. This is the first big thing I'm on."

"Same home skillet." I mumble. They both hear me but it wasn't a statement I didn't want them to hear.

They keep on talking and I just enjoy my food.

When Alessio and I finish, we walk back to his car and he drives me home.

I walk inside, say hi to my sister and parents, then run upstairs.

I check the clock, 7:09.

I take a quick shower, put on a face mask, watch some Netflix, take off the face mask, and fall asleep.

It barely just turned 8 when I fell asleep.

I end up waking up at five in the morning. Today is not a filming day so I change into a sports bra, some athletic leggings, and tennis shoes.

I put my hair up and write a note to my parents telling them I went out for a run.

They probably won't be awake by the time I get back but still, I wanted to take precautions.

I run and run around my entire neighborhood and half of the neighborhood near mine. I run back home.

I let myself inside and see that no one is awake still.

It's like six thirty so it makes sense.

I grab one of my pre-made smoothies out of the fridge and I sit down on the ground. The ground is colder than the table so it makes sense because I was sweating like a pig.

When I finish I wash the cup out and head upstairs to take another shower.


I wrote this really quick so there could be spelling errors.

Also I think i'm going to make the show they're in into a book.

Sorry that the Alessio scenes were so short today I just needed a filler chapter.

I think the book is going to end soon so... yeah.



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