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3k reads!? y'all are fucking crazy

Ummmmm and Matt (alessio's friend) guested me on his live and i'm freaking out still bc i love matt
kyrease (another friend of alessio) leaked his number and then answered my god damn text. what the fuck is up with my luck tonight.
like imma go cry tears of joy in the corner goddamn!

The day moves by very slowly.

The classes are shorter here and there's more of them in one day. It's confusing to me at some times but my friends, well I don't know if they're friends I just met them, would help me find my classes or remind me its different here.

Anyways it's lunch.

I look around and notice the group of people from this morning. I smile and walk over to them and sit down next to Isaak.

"Oh sup Penelope. How's your first day going?" He asks.

"I want summer back. I wanna go home!" I complain.

Everyone at the table laughs or says same.

"How much longer is this day going to last?" I hear Alessio say as he sets down his lunch tray.

Ok not going to lie, the food here is extravagant, wonderful, tasty, like the best food ever.

I can't say the same for a lot of schools.

Alessio puts his head on my shoulder and starts complaining. I just pick up my quesadilla and take a bite out of it, letting him complain.

When he finishes I sigh, "When can I go home?"

"Y'all complain a lot." Caleb says.

"Ok yeah. But when can I go home? I hate school. And I have homework. And I'm tired!"

Caleb just rolls his eyes at me and then takes a bit from his salad, "You have four more classes. Suck it up buttercup."

I groan and continue to eat my quesadilla.

All to soon the bell rings, "What class do you have next?" Isaak asks me.

"I have a free period. What the fuck am I supposed to do? I've never been to this school." I shrug my shoulders at him.

"You are in luck. Because I have a free period too and I know exactly what to do." Isaak gives me a smile.

My eyes go wide.

Alessio walks back over to us after he cleaned off his tray, "I have to go to math. I'll talk to you later." he kisses me and then walks away.

"Ok. What's the plan?"

Isaak grabs my hand and starts pulling me somewhere.

Since the school is very old he pulls me up a flight of stairs, and then another one, and then another one.

I'm panting when we finally reach where he wanted to go. "Where...the...fuck...are we?" I ask him between breaths.

"This is my favorite place in the whole school."

I look up from my position of squatting with my hands on my knees. It's a giant window with the prettiest view in the world.

I stand up fully now, "Wow..."

"I know. Gorgeous, right?" Isaak grins at me.

I nod my head at him, "Yeah...but is this all you do during free time?"

His eyes flutter and his face contorts into shock, "I'm surprised you think so lowly of me. Of course it's not. I sometimes study if I have a test coming up, do homework if I haven't finished it, go live on instagram, go to the pool that's here, or the gym, or I go to the common room."

"That was a lot. But uh...what's the common room?" I grin at him. Isaak grins at me.

He starts to run down the flights of stairs, "God I thought rich people went here. Why can't they install a fucking elevator?" I start to run down the stairs too, complaining at every step though.

He drags me through more hallways and we finally reach a room where a bunch of kids are hanging out.

I look around the room, seriously!?

More famous people.

There's Madi Monroe, Marc Gomez, Asher Angel, Finn Wolfhard (yes FINN WOLFHARD), and the last person I see is Connor Finnerty (story time. I actually met him on Omegle. Didn't realize he was famous. He ended up following me on insta. and then unfollowed me the next day. but that's my story time).

"Ok..." Isaak leads me to Madi, Finn, and Asher. "We avoid Connor. Our group got some mad drama with him."

I furrow my eyebrows but let it go. Before we reach the group of three I whisper to Isaak, "This school really does have famous kids. Lowkey didn't expect this many people here."

He whispers back to me right before we stop in front of them, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it. Ok everyone. This is Penelope. She was in the show The Five. This is Madi, Asher, and Finn.

Finn looks up at me from the book he was reading, "Hey. You're show got more popularity than Stranger Things. Let me tell you that was a bit shocker for all of us." Finn gives me a big grin.

I laugh nervously.

I hear the clacking of nails on a phone stop so I expect Madi had stopped typing on her phone, "Hi." and then more clacking.


I don't think she likes me.

Finally Asher stands up. "I'm Asher. I'm actually a big fan of yours."

My eyes widen a little bit.

Oh my god. Famous people are fans of mine.

Oh jesus.

Am I hyperventilating?


Only in my brain?

Yeah ok that makes sense.

I force myself to calm down and then I look at Asher, "Thank you."

Isaak shows me that we have a coffee machine and a food dispenser with like high quality snacks.

This is my kind of place...even if I just ate.

I walk over to the coffee machine and make myself some cause this bitch is tired.

I walk back over, accidentally interrupting a conversation, "Ok but the beach today would be fun!" Madi says.

"I agree. It's like a congrats. You survived the first day back at school! You know?" Isaak defends.

I listen to the conversation until I hear Madi say, "Penelope, I'm going to add you to the group chat."

"Ok." I stammer out, having been daydreaming about being at the beach.
Bitch asses
Madi: We're going to the beach after school hoes

Isaak: yay
Isaak: wait i'm sitting right next to you

Madi: ur annoying

Isaak: you love me

Finn: just talk to eachother

Chase: i'm down
Chase: almost got caught from texting lol

Madi: ur teacher doesn't even care

Chase: he doesn't like me

Asher: haha FACTS

Alessio: woah when did i get added into this?

Me: just now
Me: same as me hehe
Me: who all is going to the beach tho?

Asher: me

Finn: me

Vereena: me

Madi: me

Bella: I can't

Marc: I can

Zane: no can do broskis

Lucas: me

Alessio: ight bet i'll go

Chase: i'm down
Chase: some tiktok time

Tati: can't

Caleb: nope can't

Me: there's a lot of people in this gc
Me: but anyways that's a shit ton of people going to the beach
Me: everyone have cars to get there?

Vereena: i need to carpool

Chase: i'm taking madi. i can take you too vereena

Vereena: cool

Madi: so it's settled
Madi: it's the beach we normally go to

Me: what beach is that

Asher: i'll text you the place

Me: ight

"Jesus we all talk a lot." Asher says.

I nod my head in agreement.

"Hey, Finn. I thought you lived in Canada." I pull Finn's book away from his face.

"It's a boarding school too dipshit. I kind of live here." Finn grabs the book back and keeps reading.

I purse my lips into an O shape.

This period was getting awkward.


Saved by the bell.

I tell everyone bye and zoom off towards my next class.


Did you like my random story time?

Ok but Alessio's friends Matt and Kyrease both like talked to me tonight.

It's been like two hours but i'm still freaking out.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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