Arctic Ocean It's My Pleasure

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Pressing my body tightly onto the wall I tried standing up, but failed again for the umpteenth time in last hours...Thanks to that injection for limping my limbs and to the rope tied fancily on my wrist..

 This place Where I am in is stinking as hell.

Well I don't know how the hell smell or looks like but still...It's worst...Disgusting would also be the insult to this place..its that bad

Dead mice and god-knows-what-other-stuff here smells horrible.

And the ceiling is beautiful dull grey with a beautiful cracks design and beautiful window pane which is covered with beautiful bricks to stop the horrible sunlight in.

The most beautiful Place I ever lived my life in.

Well I hope you'll understood the meaning of Beautiful in my vocabulary.

Thank You God for letting me stay at this place. Well I should thank my dear best friend for this and not the Almighty .

That Bastard.

I-will-always-help-you my arse. 

It was our movie night and Jack and I were having our 'bestie' time but I guess It was too soon for me to give that title to him as the Harry potter began casting its spell on my television My door fell down by three built men and later on my bestie was long gone. And that also without a single scratch because he was shit scared to fight with the men but me being me...I fought with them and the results of it well...Now I am here.

That Idiot jack said he would help me when he left so I trusted him but -

He tricked me into this. And now surely I'll rip all his clothes and throw him in the cold water...

Wait let's give him a VIP treatment...yeah I will throw him in the Arctic ocean.

Ahh the Pleasure of witnessing it. Oh My gosh I would love it.

"My...My look someone is smiling, Are you dreaming of me sweetheart??" 

Oh How can I ever forget this Beautiful pretty face!!!

Well this might be my first encounter with him.

"Yes I was really missing you Darling!!"  I beamed smilingly at him, batting my eyelashes slowly.

He raised his eyebrow's amused at my words.... Ahh dear you will be soon amused by my speciality.

"You would be the only girl, smiling like this in front of her kidnapper!!" I smiled more brightly if possible when he mentioned him being My Kidnapper.

"Well yeah resisting my charms is not easy you I can understand you!!!" 

Oh yeah, if a greasy face with button like eyes and long ears would make you handsome than yeah you surely are!!

I so wished to say this but alas I said this " Yeah darling, you look so charming and handsome that I am unable to resist you, I just wish to rip these ropes apart and pull you and then rip your clothes like these ropes then-"

"Wait.." Clearing his hoarse throat and rubbing his long red ears he continued "don't continue further, I got it that you like me but nope you can't...I- I mean I can't untie your ropes!!"

 Dropping my smile I sniffed with lowering my eyes "Honey I really like you a lot, I just want us together..but -but you can't" saying this I smashed my face in the wall sniffing and sobbing loudly.

"Oh sweetheart!! I apologize to you I can't but please don't cry..Ohkk wait I will untie your ropes it must be hurting you alot..Master  must've tied it carelessly!!" 

Only if he could know I smashed my face in the wall to hide my giggles...gosh he literally had tears in his eyes. 

Wait he said the master must've tied..that means he is not the main leader..but someone else....

Well did I told you'll guys that I was still half standing with the help of the wall and my legs still numb.

Yeah so now I was leaning on his shoulder and my hands free....

Sighing loudly I slumped totally on his shoulder with all the exhaustion.

Yay this guy was actually Nice, OK I abort the mission of throwing him in the artic ocean after ripping his clothes.

I will have mercy on him by wrapping  him in double sweater and then throw him in the ocean.

Yeah I know I am too sweet Guys.. No need of saying it again.

I felt someone Wrapping me in their embrace.

Wait is this that long eared Man??!!

Fine I allow him to hold me like this if that buys me the time to regain my strength.

"I'm Sorry sweetheart!!" I heard him whisper in my ear.

Wait why is he apologi- "Aahhh!!" Missing the body which was before supporting me I fell on the ground hard with head first. No not again...I am crazy enough to annoy others but I don't want to become full blown mad ready to visit the asylum.

Groaning in pain I glanced up my head still slumped on ground. My surrounding came in my view Horizontically-vertical..

Well I hope if that makes sense..but now There's nothing that makes sense. why the hell did this man left me??

Hey when were you in relationship with him?? crazy side announced cheekily.

You crazy witch shut-up...I snapped at my own crazy self.

Argghhh "Wh-why did you Arghhhh dropped me??" I wheezed again in pain...Gosh I really felt hard.

Bending down on his knee, he leaned forward so that he could look me in the eye...well I don't know how he did but I was literally sprawled on the ground in an uncomfortable position with my head resting on my left cheek and ear....well just imagine If your both legs are numb as ice and your head was hit thrice when you stupidly tried defending against three bulky huge monsters.

Well I fought pretty well..

How do I know??

It's because I broke one's leg the other one's hand and the third one's Ahem-ahem..lets forget that. Where was I??

Yeah so I was saying that I have been beaten many times but just got my ribs broken, head bruised and leg numb which can also be fractured may be...

So not much bad..It's pretty good to walk and reach home..

"I can't betray him Sweetheart, I will have to keep you captive!!" oh I forgot he was here my thinking skills now zones me out of the actual situation.... its better than the last time though.

Patting my right side head which was available for him, he kissed my head and went off to god knows where.

Well I change my decision of throwing him off into water with sweater on....this time I will first poke him with the pen in his body several times  then jab a knife at that bulky arm then I will chop off his long ears which were once red because of me.

And then I will throw him in the ocean..

Aahh That's sounds so Amazing..

Yesss That's Perfect for this Idiot. How dare he not to help me.


The one and only Avni Ambrose.

What does this main Kidnapper wants from me...

For money or Organs??

Well for now I don't want to know anything... it better not be anything horrible please.

Glancing once again at the closed door and slight light coming from the open slits between the wooden ragged door and stinky wall.

I let myself get carried away with the forthcoming darkness..


"So you untied her just because she was sweet??" I heard a distant harsh voice barking at someone. Arggg the head really hurts bad.....why can't I feel my lower body...

No no no no this can't happen...I don't want to feel that numbness again no not never.

I will make sure to throw them with-"Harry you work for me!!" That dominant voice once again boomed in the small place..this time more clear to me.

"Ye- yes Master!!!" the second voice stuttered with pure fear and anxiousness, fully affected by his master's plain yet dominant tone.

"Wake her up!!" The dominant voice spoke icily, and after few shuffling and dragging I guess there came silence again and-

"waaaaa!!" splitting some water which went in my mouth and trying to breathe as some of it went through my wind pipe....I coughed continuously, letting my throat dry and gasped for air.

My breathe suddenly labored and my vision started blurring again but this time coughing continuously.

"Ah so that's your sweet girl who croaks more than a frog does!!" That dominant man said again but this time My cough started seizing and I glared at him still laying on the ground with now wet mud on my top and jeans and some more little gasping for air.

"I will say the...(cough) th-the same..(cough) wh-whe--when I wi-will (cough)(cough) do the same with you!!!!!" I gasped for air again.

Taking a long breath I tried speaking "Did you poured a whole tank on me or what!!!" and then again gasped for it.

"Aww she really is too sweet Harry!!...... While going  close the door!!" That dominant man spoke again... 'Aww' also sounded so damn tough in his tone, Harry the beautiful Man of before went away after glancing us, at me he looked warily while at his 'Master' fear-ly.

" princess would you please show me some of your sweetness??!!" He spoke while sitting down on the wet ground 2 feet away from me....

I tried getting up but fell down with a thump "Aaahhh!!!" damn this syringes and those numbing contents....those scientists should surely die if they are alive now..

Gritting my teeth I once again I tried getting up but was not successful at all.

"Stop looking at me like that!!!" I sneered at him in my hoarse voice due to coughing continuously.

"Like what??!!" This time his voice was laced with amusement but still darkness loomed surrounding.

"As if I am some helpless damsel in distress!!" I wheezed trying to get up again with the help of my functioning hands pushing myself up from the ground while my lower body stayed lifelessly at its place. This time I succeeded and sat pressing my back on the wall breathing hard due to exertion.

"That you definitely are...not, Amor!!"
He smirked.

"What did you just say?? Am..Amur??" I asked him confused yet curious to know that new word..which if was a bad word then he surely will get thousands from me in return.

No one dares to cuss Avni Ambrose.

"Love" he spoke with his orbs darkening.

"Huh?" I dumbfounded gazed in his dark blue eyes which surely was light before.

" Well love I had different intentions when I brought you here but now- I know the right thing for you!!!"

His eyes darkened a deep shade of blue now...

Gosh do eye color changing was this easy..I wouldn't have bought so many contact lenses then..

Avni apart from the reason for your kidnapping you are interested in eye shades?? Seriously??

Grow up girl..
I have grown up..

No you've not.

Yes I have..

No you've not

"Yes I have!!" I shrieked aloud getting a startled expression from the blue eyed man infront of me.

"You've what??" He asked perplexed.

"I- I have a better plan!!" I spoke whatever that first came in my mind.

His eyes becoming cold and denser than before and he asked with a serious expression.

"What plan??"

"After our both introduction I would love to stand on my own feet and go home after beating the hell out of you and than dumping your body in the Arctic Ocean!!!"

Phewww my heart finally feels good now after letting all the grudges out.

" will what??" He stared at me shocked...oh yayyy I finally made him react with some real facial expressions.

"Are you deaf?? I won't repeat it again...I am tired and I- aaahhhhh"
Suddenly my hair was held in a vice grip and was  pulled with a hard tug.

"Now let's not forget baby that you are held captive!!!" U hissed near my ear.

"Says the one injecting some filthy medecine in me- aaahhhhh!!!!" He tugged hardly again.

" see baby would you like to have your hairs detached from you skull??!!!" He hissed again this time clutching my neck from the other hand tightly...

I dragged in a long breathe but it became more difficult with his hand exactly at my throat nerves.

Some foreign voice came out of my mouth when he pressed on my throat more.

Black spots started appearing in front of my view and then he let me go and I slumped down on the ground..again.

Letting all the world around me collapse in black.

And last what I heard was "Amor"


Hi guys....I am back ans sorry sorry and sorry for being late...but I didn't got time to breathe as well so writing story was far more difficult.

But now here I am with this short story....
Well it will be a two shot story.

Next part will be posted soon...

Well guys


Guys do read this story and share it if you like it....and pls pls vote and comment.

For now that's it

Adios Amigos ❤️❤️❤️
Love you all lovelies.
Seem 💕💕

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