Ticket for Cheese Popcorn....

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The penguins wagging its tail around walked towards me with their pretty classy walking style...

Hmm I should surely try it, it would help to scare Jake during our Horror movie nights.

"Hello little twinny miney Mr.Penguin or Mrs.Penguin??" waving at the colony of the Penguins I tried getting their attention but failed to get any.

Instead I got something unexpected....

They were...they were dancing without moving their Gentoo feet.

Flapping their fins and wiggling their tails they sang something which was not at all soothing.

"Hello Siri, Why do penguins dance with wagging their tail and showing their pretty arse then flapping their fins??"

I heard a sneery voice in the beginning remarking "They don't show their arse witch, Penguins use body movements to send and receive messages. They tend to communicate through a combination of vocal and visual signals; typically emitting vocalizations and making body movements at the same time to communicate; a posture or movement of head, neck or wings accompanies each vocalization." then her voice became normal as it is always. 

Oh so thank you for being so good to your master Siri!!!

So that means they can understand what I can say, well that's great..

"Hey you baby!! I have some Doritos for you..would you like to have it!! Well it's frozen don't mind that, it's just because of this weather over here!! It's too hot over here.."

Wait what did I just say!!


In this cold arctic island..well where this Island is don't ask me!!

why...Because I myself don't know how the hell I am over here..

Well suddenly I feel too hot now...

"Baby do you feel hot too...well the ice is still hard as rock around so it can't be- Hey wait...why are you fading away??  Baby?? penguin baby??!" I shouted out but all the penguins vanished in the thin of air.

Palming my face I wiped the sweat off and tried drying the same with the clothes I had on.

Which was a baggy top and skinny jeans covered in...mud??!!

Why everything is getting too dark suddenly...It was such a beautiful day and

What the Heck!!!

I- "Aaaaaaaaaah!!!" I gasped It's...It's too hot here...

What is happening I was in arctic Island..My peguines..my babies..

Glancing around the place I am in...

It's not a Beautiful dirty grey walls or ceiling I was before my arctic land but I saw a bright ceiling in front of me the same colour as grey but this time It was beautiful as steel.

Glancing once again carefully at the small square shaped steel chamber around 2 yards space with admirable height of 8 feet.

And apart from me there were some huge Pipelines around with a opening at each corner of each walls above.....and some sounds were echoing in the small place..and yeah there's also a door but not at the ground level but 4 foot above....

which means either this fellow architect is stupid or...or they were unable to get the door at the ground level but why will there be a problem it would be a problem if it was undergroun-

No....No this can't be..

Wait what!! Its-  It's a STEEL CHAMBER!!!

I am in a STEEL CHAMBER Guys....an underground place made up of steel for the captives and the dead one's.

Wow..Your life is Amazing Avni....amazing...

My legs are absolutely fine now, Its lovingly fine ..I can feel my toes my shin, knees, thighs and bones. 

And the cherry on the top is that I-freaking-can't-stand.

And why is that I myself don't know...

Ha, there you go peaceful life!!!

Damn!!! The leg is broken!!

Hii Mum and dad I will soon come to you'll now!! I stared up at the ceiling imagining my parents to look at me through it. But-

No I still want to eat those cheese popcorns at my apartment, I can't leave them without savoring it's last tiny bit.

There's nothing in this place which would help me stand up, come on girl, Be a Woman.

I grasped on the plain steel wall's nuts and bolts and tried getting up.

And Bravo guys...Bravo.




Not on my face.



Gosh..it was a hard fall.


I soon heard some clinking on the of metal from the door then a clump and thudd

The door opened showing a huge bulky man entering, he hit his head on the door's frame which was too small for him to enter making me giggle.

As soon as he entered the small place I was in seemed more small than it could. 

With his 6 ft tall height , broad shoulder and muscular figure, a blue uniform wrapped around him grasping every inch of his bulgy muscles, his sleeves folded till his forearms which were too...too tight, its as if it was not meant to worn at the first place.

What might his muscles be if his shirt was ripped into threads if he flexed his muscles a little and I could then survey-

Ahem Ahem Avni Con-Cen-Trate.

Oh yeah.... clearing my throat I glared at him. "what do you want now??" 

"Oh wait...wait not you, but what does your 'Master' wants??"

"It's not-" 

"That hell of a bastard, I will kill him if he wants to kill me and-"

"Listen to me first!!"

"I chop off his head and throw it in the arctic-" I snarled at him.

"Just listen Miss-"

"I am cussing you stupid master you dumb headed freaky Monster, why can't you say you let me finish it before I could die, I will Cut off his hands and shove it down his thro- Mpphhhhhhhhh"

Clamping my mouth with his palm, he pressed it hard at me and hissing-ly whispered "Just shut the hell up you kid, I am being patient that doesn't mean's you will blabber on, I am here to get you out of here!! I am an off- Aaaowww"

Spitting his skin out of my teeth, I grinned up at him proud at my little action.


 Shutting my eyes close I waited for the gun shot to reverberate again in the small steel chamber.

I felt myself getting lifted up instantly and placed onto a rough surface and that was that bloody bulgy one's shoulder..

Noo My ribs are broken..

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" I cried and moaned at the same time waiting for him to run to his master with me slumped on his shoulder so this is what my death will be like..

Slumped on the bulgy's shoulder, a handsome bulgy man, with auburn eyes, straight pointed nose, Soft full pink lips, chubby cheeks like a baby but still a Grown-up Man, half grown stubble included. 

Hmmmm A damsel in distress Slumped on the Bulgy one's Delicious Shoulder...

"Hey- Hey there Kiddo..What's wrong huh??" I felt myself placed on a warm yet hard land which was nothing but his thigh.

Ohkk I accept its more than nothing...

"Hey Hun Open up your eyes now!! Look I'm an officer, I'm here to rescue you from this dungeon Hell!!" I heard his warm husky voice near my face...well his warm breath as well..

Oh Gosh..He is an officer..

An actual Officer..my Freedom..

My freedom ticket to reach my Cheese popcorn.

I grasped him by his neck and clutched onto him tightly

"Take me out of here, or else I will kill you myself and then let myself die by those bastards- Aaahhhhh!!!" 

Loosening my clutch on him I gasped for a handful of air for my pain to subside quickly.

Exhaling some deep breathes I steadied myself and was fine again.

"Kiddo where are you hurt?? what did those guys did to you!!!" He asked concerned laced in his voice. Rubbing some soothing circles at my cheek and eventually patting my hair and fixing them in place while his other hand held me place on his lap.

Well let me explain our position guys.... he was bent on his one knee with the other leg on his foot and me on his thigh.....(his thigh-serving me as a seat)

While I had my one arm clutched loosely on my broken ribs and the other one holding his bulgy arm not intentionally though..

I swear..

Yeah so where was I again....Hmmm position..I hope now you'll have a clear vision of the situation.

So for an answer to his question "It's not much but just  broken ribs, fractured arm and leg or legs not sure and some head contusion and may be some scratches here and there...yeah that's it!!"

He stared at me intimidatingly but got cheeky smile in return.

"That's it??" He forced on these two words..I don't know why...

I hummed at him looking for something fishy but still got a blank stare in return.

"You call it that's it?? How are you even conscious still...Stupid Girl!!!" 

His Hands around me tightened a bit and soon I was engulfed in a warm embrace held firmly, His honey and mint scent filled my nostrils making my mind hazier.

I tugged at his collars wanting him more close to me and more but instead I found darkness.

No Now is not the time to give up Avni...You should stay awake for Popcorn and this Bulgy Honey guy!!

Don' be a real Damsel in Distress...Be a brave Girl, You are brave, braver than Any bulgy guy shouting at you to stay awake.

Huh I won't shout for such useless stuff!!

"HEY WAKE UP" Huh if I would wake up, I would've been why would I imitate..

"YOU STUPID FREAKING KID..JUST WAKE THE HELL UP!!" What the freaking hell did he think of me..

"Urgggg You annoyingly malicious freaking kind yet unkind Man!!" I groaned in whisper making my eyelids open into thin slits.

I saw a blurred vision of a fair Man with auburn eyes gazing straight into me, his orbs held hostility, cruelty and concern...and also moisture.

That was something new to me in my Past lonely 20 years.

Wait..Yeah I am 20 then.."Why the hell do you call me Kid, I'm not!!" I grudged scowling at him, and felt his hand resting below and hand and the other one clutching from my left shoulder to right shoulder.

His eye brows rose up with amuse and a small curve tugging his lips upwards only a 0.0001 millimeter.

"If you are an old uncle of 40 then I don't mind you calling me kid!!!" I shrugged a little with a smile at my face which surely became a forced one when I felt pain escalate through my body.

Well his soon -0.0001 millimeter smile was now vanished into thin line on his soft pink lips.

"We first need to get you out of here, then I will fondly tell you if I am an uncle or not!!" Saying so he carried me and then-

Wait he was suppose to carry me not to place me down on the ground...what is his proble-

"Come on get on!!!" He was now in front of me crouched on his both bent knees, his whole body weight on his two large feet, and his broad blue uniform covered back displayed to me, with his hands coming behind as if to hold something heavy-

"I won't climb on your back..No thanks I am good over here!!!" I backed a little finding a place to escape but I was in no luck at all, my back touched the hot steel and the front was blocked with the sight of a broad back wrapped up in a tight blue fabric carving enough of his delicious muscles..

Well For your kind Information guys..I do not suffer from Cannabalism   (that is a person or living one eating flesh of it's own species)

His muscles look delicious because...it's delicious, I know I have not tasted it nor I have any intention to do....but it's just looks like some hard candy carved into master piece.

So yeah I hope you'll get it. If not then *shrug*

"Why can't you simply do as the other captives do kiddo!!" Narrowing my eyes into thin slits I looked up at him..

"Because I am not a pussy to be like others to cry out for no freaking reason and clutch onto the person who saves her for her dear life!!" I snarled at his back, glaring it with all my hatred possible for it to be such a good view.

But it was not possible because what I felt for that back was nothing around hatred.

Nothing at all.

I gulped hard and shook my head to clear out my mind and focus to win the argument..

But as I said earlier that Nowadays My thoughts can also zone me out leading me to forget my surrounding is what made me lose the argument.


Because I was freaking carried and pressed onto a strong muscles of shoulder his hands under my thighs holding me in place which were pressed tight onto his waist from behind and my hand clasped onto his neck.

"This way I could shoot anyone with my free hand if-you-clutched-your-legs-tight-onto-me and you won't be hurt by loosely clutching my neck!!"

"Why would I be hurt if I clutched this tight-" Grasping his neck under my arms I pressed my body tight to his only to "AAowwww!!" And instantly I loosened my hands clutching onto his collars, hissing due to sharp pain.

"Gosh...that..was...freakin...Aaahhh" I gaspingly winced due to the pain which was now subsiding a little by little.

"So now lets go shall we?? And yeah when I say 'now' you should clutch your leg tighter on my waist and-clutch-onto-the-person-who-saves-her-for-her-dear-life!!"

 I groaned at him for repeating my exact words which I hated and I heard him chuckle a bit.

Which was damn- Ahem Ahem.

Ohkk so clutching my legs tighter around his waist and loosely clutching on his collar scruff careful as to not hurt my ribs.

I felt him walk smoothly without any traces of me being behind his back.... Do I was this light??

Well that's a good news but still its hurting my pride that he picked me up this easily.

Scowling at his shoulder I rested my head there getting a little scent of his hair....Aaah how did he smelled such-


As we climbed up the stairs leading towards Hell!! I heard many shots echoed around...or it must not be echoed but many shots..

Hmmm Interesting.. I should've been there instead sitting down in that chamber lonely without any entertainment.

"You should be glad that you were not there up, till now you would've been Under the foot of the soldiers!!"

Oh I gulped down imagining me being stamped by many soldiers parading. I shook my head vigorously and earned a chuckle.

Hitting on his arm I snuggled closer towards him being careful again to not hurt myself, A smile tugging at my lips.

The whole silent corridor which we reached after completing the steps was filled and littered  with dead bodies everywhere with blood spread around.Scrunching my nose I tried not to breathe the stinking smell and glance around with my scrutinizing gaze.

Hmmm the lights were lit up flickering from time to time, the bundle wires of god-knows-what broken and the sparks of its leaving a dark aura around....Water leaking through the pipes from the below pipes and box shaped area had many buttons which was half broken emitting a fire spark through it.

Suddenly My gaze dropped at the ground where a Man lying on the ground-injured covered in blood was raising his hand with something aiming towards us.

My eyes widened, Clutching onto the neck of my ride I steered him towards left away from that bloody man gaining imbalance which made us fall down on top of other bloody bodies.

And then 


Gritting my teeth I closed my eyes shut fearing for the consequences only to hear another


Another shot of the bullet...

Did that bloody monster killed me....I surely am in pain but not sure whether its of the broken ribs or the gun piercing through my body.

I felt myself being carried in the air....This monster has surely killed the officer and then must've picked me up to throw me down hard on the floor hence forth killing me dead.

Waiting for the impact I closed my eyes more tight only to feel a soft tender touch at my forehead and a hard yet warm arm clutching onto me.

Opening my eyes slowly I saw a beautiful face so close to me..inches apart...his lips on my forehead and his eyes closed in peace...arms around me and a hard thing poking me on my elbow through his arm.

Turning my head a little sideways to glance at that poking thinking...My eyes widen again but this time with horror plus adoration.

Awww That's so sweet and cute.... Detaching myself slowly from him I held that thing in my hand without his notice as he was still busy with eyes closed and lips firm in the air, as if in peace....as if he was still in daze of kissing my forehead.

Hmmm thinking deeply I smiled victoriously I played with the thing in my hand and then finally took in both hand and placed its nozzle on his lips only to get a best reaction.

His eyes opened wide staring at me in confusion then his eyes swivelled it's gaze at my hand near his mouth at the nozzle and the trigger under my fingers.

He shook his head carefully letting me know that what I was doing was crazy...

Removing the nozzle out of his face I held it upwards laughingly and shot it at the distance...

I laughed more hard and found him smiling at me while shaking his head amusingly.

But my laughing fit was interrupted with a rough hand clutching my neck hardly choking my breath..

" lea (cough) leav...meh(cough) (cough) me!!" I gasped for air but the hand pressed onto my neck was still not budging....I scratched at his arms and tried biting but it was of no use. My lungs started burning and craved for the oxygen.

leaving the muscle of his arm I stretched my arms forward towards shocked Bulgy Officer, he soon was in front of me yanking me away from the Bastard who almost killed me.

Falling down I gasped for breath and coughed hard and felt a hand patting my back and warm embrace around me.

"Nothing is wrong you are alright Kiddo!!" I felt my head being slumped on its own on his shoulder and darkness engulfed me.

And last what I heard was "Cap- captain I thought she is an attacker!!...I'm sorry" 


The beeping around me constantly increased my headache...leaving me feel more restless than I was...

What was this...is it the machine sending me to the hell...Am I free from the earth..

But I still need to finish my cheese pop-

"Aaahhhhhh!!!" The pain in my head increased, I clutched at the soft thing under my arms and with eyes shut gritted my teeth to bear the unbearable pain.

"doctor!!" A panicked lady's voice surged around me

"anaesthesia injection now!!" A calm and collective firm voice said

And soon I felt myself getting drugged into the darkness....the calm searing place without any Pain.


Hello guys...I'm again here to entertain you'll with my short stories...well today's chapter was thoroughly interesting for me to write..I enjoyed each scene writing I hope you'll too feel the same while reading..

Please guys Tell me How was it.....I am dying to know your thoughts on my stories....

Well Nowadays I am trying to improve my writing techniques...well do tell me did I succeeded in it or not.

Well about today's update..Do you'll wanna know what happened next then for that  you'll have to wait....

Nah I am kidding.....



"Cap- captain I thought she is an attacker!!...I'm sorry"  

I heard him say...But what was more important to me now was this silly kiddo in my arms.

"Hey..hey kiddo...wake up!! you are so stupid, idiot, and annoying kid!! get up now come on....Don't fall at the end now...see I have kidnapped the captor who did this to you....He wants nothing from you now...you are free....Hey..Hey kiddo wake up!!!" I patted her cheek continuously to wake her up but failed at ever attempt.

She can't fall weak now, after torturing as hell to me with her silly remarks and bravery.... The first ever person to not cry even in this tough situation.

Till now she didn't cried..even when she was choked on her throat...Is she an alien..

Even if she was I wouldn't be much amazed..because she was too much different than any one I have passed through or met or even known.

She has been the first ever person to amaze me this much to make me cry for her at the first meet with her.

Taking her to the ambulance outside they treated her while I left to  meet those monsterous bastard.

As quoted by her..I chuckled and a tear streamed down my cheek at the same time.

Great now you are making me crazy as well...great.

"Why did you kidnapped her??" 

My colleague threatened him while throwing him in cold iced water filled tub.

With a splash he drowned in it unable to Swim with numb muscles... This is what you get to do the same with  Kiddo.

Knocking at the torture chamber came in Alex my team mate...

"Commando Neil" saluting he continued speaking 

"Commando The guy under this man, has spoken about his boss's deeds and how he tortured this girl!!" 

"Take me to him!!" 

Entering to the interrogation room I saw a Bulgy Man sitting on it with tear filled eyes and stains on his face.


"Sir I told master to leave sweetheart. ahem.. " getting my glare he continued"I mean that sweet girl, but he said he wanted some strong brave girls to join his squad of terrorists, so that no- one get's suspicious of their country girls becoming one!!"

"And what was that injection which your master gave her every hour??" 

"Its for numbing her muscles and brain so that it could help brainwashing her!! bu-but it was not acting accordingly so Master took everything in his own hands and he tried doing it calmly but she was not co-operative with him so he beat her!! I was against this sir..but I can't disobey my master!!"

I could only see red in front of me, holding him by his collar I pushed him against the desk and thumped him down several times leading to some blood spit from his snarly face.

"John technique 118"

Leaving him and his 'Master' to my best Man I left to see my Kiddo.

Entering the hospital I felt my heart beating ferociously against my ribs...Sweat smeared on my forehead with blood on my uniform.... it's been 2 days she's been in operation theatre...after every 5 hours going through various surgeries and treatments.

I- I don't know how she will be...the moment I found her breaking down in my arms, it felt as if a big part of me was hurt.

She made me smile in her worst situation. and it became my best situation, but not with her being injured..I would love it when she was fit and fine...which I'll make sure she will be in future.

"Fast bring me the medecines now!!" I saw comottion going on outside Kiddo's ward, making mu body go stiffer on its place but I dragged my legs and moved forward till the closed door where all the doctors and nurse's were surrounding her and my Kiddo-

My kiddo was screaming in pain "Aaahhh!!" her head covered in white bandage...one leg wrapped in cast  hung in the air with the support of a bandage acting as a rope tied in a stand.

Bed sheet resting on her bandaged ribs and bruised shoulder, various sharp pipes pierced in her body to supply her energy and her hands were clutching the bed sheet's tightly bearing all the pain alone.

Her forehead coated in thin sweat which soon was absorbed by the white bandages.

her mouth covered with oxygen mask, her screams muffled by it.

I closed my eyes wanting to go away but unable to move from there...and soon the whole corridor was engulfed in silence.

My Kiddo is silent now.

I never thought that a small boy running with his doggy and some officers would take me to her.

I never thought that there was a dungeon under the hospital itself.

We were there to talk to our senior Carnal who were recently ill...and there that boy named Jake told me the whole situation leading us for another mission to return to our home town.


It's been 3 days but still she is unconscious.....according to the Camp doctors...she will wake up on her own when her body will be stable to function and understand.

Doctor also cleared that she has been tortured for days with those mind numbing injections and beaten if not worked properly.

If that day she was not rescued she might've lost the ability to walk because of it's side effects... but now she can but it will take a while for her.

We have started searching for another pack of these monsters which according to that Harry is supposed to me 3 miles away from here...

We will know about it today after some hours. All the best soldiers have been taken this in their hand to save young brave girls from these monsters as well some young boys.

Getting up from the chair I drank a cup of water from the water dispenser and sat again to my place from past 4 days..infront of my Kiddo's ward.

Avni Ambrose...an independent girl..teaching karate lessons to small students.. Geography teacher in school.

A teacher....she surely is too small to be a teacher. I smile waiting for her to get up so that I could tease her.


"Hii there kiddo!! hope you had brilliant sleep!!" I gave a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Getting a smile from her but then her face contorted into confusion.

"Why am I here, I was supposed to be in hell??" 

I chuckled at her, Shaking my head I fed her soup get a pouty look from her.

After finishing the soup I wiped her mouth with tissue and sat down on the seat beside her bed.

I forwarded my hand and moved it on top of her head but hesitated to place it on.

Kiddo saw this and moved her head upwards towards my head and gave me her bright smile.

Caressing her head I saw her sighing contentedly "Any problem?"

Blinking her eyes she gazed deep into my eyes "I wanted to throw that bastard in arctic ocean after ripping his clothes!!" 

A large smile escaped from me and she narrowed her eyes then turned her head opposite mine.

I moved my head forward towards her ear and whispered softly "what If I tell you that your wish was granted?" 

I tried hiding my smile but it was fully spread on my face. She turned her head instantly towards me beamingly smiling..

"Really?" Her eyes glinting with some sparkle...

Inching closer towards her face I placed a kiss on her soft pale cheek quite long than intended and after backing away I saw her cheek's tinted a soft lush red.

"Beautiful!!" Resting my forehead on hers I whispered getting a sigh from her and a bright smile.

We both closed our eyes Contended.

Perfect thing to happen to m-

"Wait My cheese pop corn!!!" I heard her cry and the warmth around me was replaced with empty coldness.


That's it...guys

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bubyee lovlies

Amor Amigos


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