Just a Hug

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Avni stood by the large bay window of her opulent bedroom, gazing at the vast, cerulean sky. She wore a heavy, pink-shaded floral tube dress in the Indian style, clinging to her posture without support, hurting her not physically but in a metaphorical sense.

The morning sun cast a golden hue over the sprawling estate, but its warmth only served to highlight the searing pain within her. The grandiose mansion, the opulence, and the luxury – all were part of a life she never chose, a gilded cage she was trapped in.

With a heavy sigh, she reached behind her, struggling to unzip the elaborate dress she was forced to wear. The dress was a metaphor for her life – beautiful to look at, but constricting and suffocating. Her fingers fumbled with the zipper, but it wouldn't budge. Frustration welled up inside her, and a bitter smile tugged at her lips.

Who cares about what she wants? She always has to abide by their rules, doesn't she? A bitter smile caressed her face as she gazed through the forlorn memory.

Memories of a happier time flitted through her mind, but they were overshadowed by the weight of her current reality. Tears of frustration pricked her eyes as she tugged harder at the zipper, "Ugh" with utter frustration she tugged hard but no avail It was always her against the odds.


 But it remained stubbornly in place. With a final, desperate yank, she lost her balance and nearly fell to her knees, defeated and despairing.

But just as she was about to give up, a pair of strong arms caught her, pulling her back from the brink. She turned her tear-filled eyes to see Neil, his expression a mixture of concern and sadness.

"Avni," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. She gazed at him for a moment before letting her sobs break free, collapsing into his embrace. His arms tightened around her, and she clung to him as if he were her lifeline.

Neil held her close, his own eyes moist with unshed tears. He had never wanted to see her like this. It was never his intention to hurt her, and he had always tried to shield her from the harshness of the world. But he realized now that the anguish she felt wasn't something external; it was embedded deep within her soul, choking her heart with its venomous roots.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple. "I wish I could take all your pain away."

Avni shook her head, her sobs subsiding as she tightened her hold on him. "It's not your fault, Neil. It's just... everything. I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know how to escape."

Neil's arms tightened around her, as if trying to infuse her with his strength. "You don't have to go through this alone, Avni. I'm here for you. Always."

They stood there, locked in a tight embrace, as the world outside continued to spin. In that moment, the only thing that mattered was the comfort they found in each other's arms. Neil's warmth seeped into Avni, soothing the ache in her heart and bringing a semblance of peace to her troubled mind.

Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she sobbed a bit opening her eyes to clear her vision, tightening her hold on him but suddenly something felt odd.

The muscular body she was embracing earlier suddenly turned softer.

What the! 

With a start she detached herself only to gasp in horror looking at the person she was hugging...

Oh no no, not a person but a pillow!

A freaking pillow!

Startled she let her gaze observe her surrounding as she saw herself in the safe confines of her bedroom, sun rising in its own pace outside the window spreading its warmth to the cold morning.

"Oh my god! That was a dream!!" She cried exasperated, unable to digest the fact about her best hug in her life to be just a dream.

"Tu kiss hi karleti Avni agar sapna hi tha toh!!" She chided scratching her head still catching upto the dilemma her mind created. A slight slap to her head soon followed disappointed by her actions, 

It was HER dream for god's sake.

(You could have kissed, Avni, if it was just a dream!!)

And Neil?

Who is this Neil she dreamt about? 

Sighing she shook her head getting ready to head to her office, she needs to prepare for this huge presentation which could give her a chance to lead the designing group in AR firm.


"- so we need to be efficient with our planning and execution. After the site visit, we'll have a better understanding of what we're dealing with and can draft a more detailed timeline." 

After a thorough discussion she sighed as the last slide ended with the people around nodding in encouragement a feeling of euphoria surged within her.

She smiled wholeheartedly holding onto her tab and making her way out of the conference room when suddenly a body clashed into hers when she reached the door. 

With a stumble she fell on her derriere, her essentials and tab scattered around.

"Oomph!" She groaned sitting on her knees patting her butts to inspect any injury as her gaze well on her tablet.

"Oh no no,my baby!" She muttered caressing the cracked screen, inhaling a huge puff she prepared herself to unleash few curse words to the man who uttered many sorry's with his arm infront of her face wishing to help her to get up.

"I'm sorry, Ma'am!" The voice spoke to her as she situated her glare with a scowl on her face towards him.

" Say sorry to my-" She began with her eyes roaming to his face, her voice coming to a loud screeching tone at the end of her sentence. "-Asssss!!" 

There in his glory stood the dream guy!!

Her eyes widened as she opened and closed her mouth like a fish still unable to process the situation.

What the freaking Hell!

She closed her eyes and tried to stand up with her essentials and tablet in hand but stumbled a bit but was soon held by a pair of arms, a deep cologne hit her senses as she inhaled deeply unable to resist.

Oh my GOD!! She screeched from within slouching on him completely.

"Ma'am!!!" His concerned voice reached her ears as she looked at him from under her lashes. 

His brown orbs held her gaze worried about her being injured.

He held her by her shoulders close to him in a side hug as he maneuvered her towards the seat stationed at the table. 

The conference room was empty long back when was packing her stuff leaving them being the only people in there. 

With him being concerned about her while she in a daze gazing at him.

While he crouched over her with his one hand at the back oh her chair while the other holding one arm of the chair inspecting her from close as her eyes seemed a bit lost to him.

"Ma'am I am so sorry!! Are you alright?! It's my first day here and I got late to this presentation today! The reason I barged in carelessly without making sure to knock or even wait!" He rambled in his deep voice a bit young but oh no no not in physique Avni thought gazing onto his masculine features and broad shoulder covering her sight to witness anything but him. 

She gulped hard not hearing to his blabber at all but thinking about how he resembles so much to the guy she dreamt!

Oh boy, was he charming?!

"Neil" She voiced out slightly trying the dream's craziness to settle in. 

It felt so real to take this name but what more shocked her was the way he fell rigid in place. 

"Huh?" He furrowed his brows, his messed-up speech and actions halting suddenly at the melodic whisper of this lady, "How do you know my name?" He voiced out his inquiry while a blank expression was the answer he got.

"Yo-your nameee?!" She squeaked again with her wide eyes as she gasped with a palm on her mouth.

Oh MY god! 

OH! my! God!!


She inhaled a large breath as she felt her mind reeling the whole dream in her mind and this guy hunched over her looking and exact same copy!!! 

"ohmygod!" She whispered breathily as her head fell back on the headrest as eyes closed shut leaving her unconscious.


Heyaaa Guys!!! 

Please tell me what do you think about this chapter!! 

And share if you liked it.

I'm back again but only for short stories cause I have lots of them in my notes and I need to unload it to make me feel better.

Well the dream sequence in this, is the exact dream I had but with a faceless man!!! 

OH MY GOD!! The dream felt so real yet surreal.

So this is in the form of our Avniel!!!

Adios Amigo!



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