Keeping her Secret

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Neil stood near the closest almirah, leaning casually, his gaze fixed on the girl in her own world. She wore earphones, grooving to some music, her steps awkward and endearing. Smiling to himself, he walked slowly towards her and tapped her shoulder.

A loud shriek resonated through the library, startling them both. Neil bit back a laugh as she removed her earphones, staring at him warily.

"Yes?" her sweet, melodious voice asked, hesitation and awkwardness evident.

"I wanted to know where the horror books are," Neil said, a sly smile playing on his lips as he saw her sigh in relief.

She nodded and led him to the horror section. "If that is all, then I'll leave—"

"The Fury," Neil interrupted, eyeing her intensely.


"I want you to find this book for me, 'The Fury,'" he said softly.

She nodded and hummed, searching for the book while he stood a few steps behind, admiring her outfit: a plain t-shirt tucked into plain black jeans. He noticed a small tag on her shirt with her name. "Avni," he whispered with a soft smile, recalling the cute gestures he had witnessed while reading silently in the library over the past few weeks.

Unable to find the book, Avni cursed under her breath and turned to inform Neil. "What the hell are you looking at?!" she glared, taking a step back defensively.

"Your figure," he replied nonchalantly.

She blinked, dumbfounded, not expecting such a blunt response. Burning with fury, she glared at him, gritting her teeth. "The book you asked for isn't there!" she said, fisting her hands as she moved past him. His next words stopped her in her tracks.

"I know your secret."

She halted abruptly, eyes wide. Whirling around, she looked at him closely, trying to determine if he was lying. Stepping away, she asked hesitantly, "Pardon?"

"I know," he repeated confidently, looking her in the eye.

"No," she whispered, "You can't know." She looked down, feeling her eyes brim with tears. Neil's stance softened as he saw her demeanor change from anger to sadness.

Knowing about her secret of eating in the library was so drastic? Was she getting paid highly that she was upset about losing this job? Neil pondered various reasons, his attention snapping back to her as she spoke again.

"Please don't tell anyone! I can't lose this opportunity to feel free, please!" Avni's glittering eyes pleaded. "I can't let this be just a dream! I can't."

Neil stood there, astounded by her vulnerability. He hadn't expected such a reaction. "I won't tell anyone," he said gently, taking a step closer. "But what is it that's so important? What is it that you're afraid of losing?"

Avni looked up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and fear. "This job... it's more than just work for me. It's my escape. My freedom."

Neil's curiosity grew. "Escape from what?"

Avni took a deep breath, her voice trembling. "From my family. From expectations. From everything that tries to control me. Here, in this library, I can be myself. I can breathe."

Neil nodded, understanding dawning on him. "I see. You don't have to worry, Avni. Your secret is safe with me."

A small smile broke through her worried expression. "Thank you," she whispered.

Neil watched as she turned back to the shelves, searching for the book once more. He couldn't help but feel a growing admiration for her. She was strong, fighting for her independence in a world that tried to confine her.

"Tell me more about you," Neil said, leaning against the shelf. "How did you end up working here?"

Avni glanced at him, then back at the books. "It's a long story," she said, her fingers running over the spines of the books.

"I have time," Neil replied with a grin.

Avni sighed, pulling out a book and examining it before putting it back. "I always loved books. They were my refuge. When things got tough at home, I would lose myself in stories. When I found out the library was hiring, I jumped at the chance. It was a way out, a way to live a life that was my own."

Neil listened, captivated by her story. "And your family? They don't support this?"

Avni shook her head. "They think it's a waste of time. They want me to settle down, follow the path they've set for me. But I can't do that. I need more."

Neil's respect for Avni grew with every word. She was fighting for her dreams, for her freedom, and he admired that. "You're brave," he said softly.

Avni looked at him, surprised. "Brave?"

"Yes, brave," Neil affirmed. "It takes courage to go against what's expected of you, to fight for your own path. I admire that."

A shy smile appeared on Avni's face. "Thank you, Neil."

As they stood there, surrounded by the silence of the library and the weight of their shared secrets, a connection formed between them. Neil realized that he wanted to know more about Avni, to support her in her journey. And Avni felt a spark of hope, knowing that she had found an ally in her fight for independence.

"Let's find that book," Avni said, determination in her voice.

Neil nodded gazing around when his gaze stumbled above her head at the top shelf, 'The Fury' standing out between black and blues, stepping ahead he let his arm to retrieve it when he stilled forgetting her presence against the shelf. 

She stilled in between her search when she felt a slight motion behind her as his chest collided her back in the flurry of the moment. 

Taking the book in his hand he stumbled back with a soft blush in his ears as he balanced the book in his hands, with a thump he slumped back on the shelf behind him with his accelerated heartbeats. 

Avni sucked a large breath as she turned with shy demeanor avoiding his gaze, " I- I need to go!" She stuttered rushing from there to avoid him while he bit back a smile tapping his head with the book held in hand.

He chuckled remembering her flushed face as he muttered to himself, "Haaye! Tu toh gayoo!"  his hand clutching his chest with his heart thudding in its cage. 

This secret he wishes to tell her soon!!

His heart for hers, forever!


Heyaaa Guys!!!

I hope you all will like this too!!!


Amor Seem!! 

 vilealert pls share love to the stories in my second account as well....

I completed a new short story "She could be?" A story of Indian women of 1970's fighting for their own life in dominant suppressing household.

The link:

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