Chapter 6: in a trance

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Pod and Renisnow flew together, tails twined. Renisnow blushed at pod, who was beaming.

"So what kind of dragon is this, jersey character?" Asked pod. Renisnow burst out laughing, and almost fell out of the sky! Pod steadied her, laughing as well, and said,

"What? Oh Renisnow! Tell me!"

"Ha ha-ooh... He's not a dragon! Ha ha!" Now pod almost fell out of the sky.


"He's a dog!" Pod scratched his forehead in astonishment.

"A dog?"

"Yes, a jack Russell terrier with wings, and a cute little harness... Ha!" Pod pushed Renisnow, who tumbled in a barrel roll a couple feet away.

Renisnow flapped franticly to steady herself, and looked over at pod, who was laughing. For a second Renisnow reddened with anger, but then realized how silly it must've looked, and laughed as well.

"Look!" Shouted pod, gasping for air, "the mainland!" Renisnow powered ahead of pod. She looked in extreme happiness at the shore. Oh jersey! I'm coming for you! Renisnow landed gracefully on the white sandy beach and began to stride forward, when something leapt out of the bushes in front of her.

Renisnow screamed, and tumbled head over heels backward. Pod landed down next to her, and helped her up. The two stared at what had startled her, it was a lizard! A lava lizard, what was it doing down there?

"Renisnow!" It slurred, it's voice goopy like a lava flow, "there you are." Renisnow cocked her head, puzzled, when she realized, oh, jersey's lizard. Pod sniffed in confusment.

"Jersey said he needed you urgently." Renisnow immeadietly scooped up the lizard, plopped it in her neck fur ruff, and galloped forward, leaping into the sky, with pod a few heartbeats after her.

Renisnow flapped as fast as she could, despite her tired wings protest. The lava lizard warmed her neck, as the little reptile scrambled frantically for a hold. Rensinow did not look back, but she heard pod's wing beats not far behind her.

"Over there!" Cried the lizard indignantly, "and for pete's sake slow down!" Renisnow and her mate glided into a grassy clearing, her heart skipped a beat when she saw jersey lying, eyes closed, in the sun.

Jersey raised his head sleepily at the sound of dragons landing, and yawned. He turned his head sleepily towards the pair, and yipped with glee.

"Oh Renisnow! Renisnow Renisnow Rensinow!!!" The happy puppy jumped around the silver dragon in a circle, chanting her name happily, "who's this?" He barked, suddenly stopping.

"This is-" purred Renisnow, "my mate. Pod, a whale dragon." Jersey smiled widely, his tongue hanging out a side of his mouth.

"Right this way, lovebirds!" he panted merrily, and skipped into the cave in the clearing.

Renisnow and pod ducked under the low entrance to the cave. A large green heap lay at the back.

"Gr-growth!" Stuttered Renisnow, happy to see the grumpy Godparent again. She didn't stir.

"Growth, she is very sick," whimpered jersey, "she used to light this cave with her fire! But she can't anymore!" The dog gestured to a few torches on the walls. Renisnow breathed a wisp of silver flame in each, and the cave was suddenly filled with glimmering light.

A shadow slunk outside of the cave, and peered in. My dinner will not escape again. The company will be very pleased. The wolf like creature blinked its eyes twice and they suddenly glowed red, allowing the shadow to see Renisnow better. This, thing, it has come a long way. Pity it's adventures end now. He scanned the cave, red eyes like a spot light. They landed on pod. Even got a mate! Oh bother, what a pity... The creature grinned, sharp teeth flashing. He darted into the cave, fast as lightning, and hovered over Rensinow, ready to strike.

Pod's eyes flashed open. He gasped in terror when he saw the wolf shadow, gripping Renisnow by her neck. The silver dragon's eyes were shut, and blood leaked out of the corner of her mouth. The whale dragon leaped into action, pummeling the shadow with his tail, or, he tried to. His strong blue tail slid through the beast, and pod crashed to the floor. My duty is done here. Pod jumped as he heard the voice in his mind. The creature dropped Renisnow with a thud to the floor, and she didn't rise. Might as well do a bit of treachery to finish the job. The creature flashed a wicked smile, and pinned pod to the nose by his snout. Holding the whale dragon down, he injected a syringe into the whale dragon's back, then whisked away into the night.

Jersey woke up with a start. He had had a terrible nightmare. Turning to look at growth, the dog smiled faintly. He. Turned to tell Renisnow, but instead he yelped in pure terror. A few blood spatters littered where renisnow's bed was, and a syringe lay on the ground. A trail of blood led out into the clearing, and pod was gone.

Jersey galloped out into the clearing. Pod was raised up on his hind legs, his paw poised to strike. Renisnow was lying on the ground, Unconscious and wounded. Jersey knocked pod down to the ground. The whale dragon's eyes were tinted red, and out of focus. Jersey jumped back as a huge black dragon landed on the ground. He glanced at pod, and smirked, then he turned to Renisnow.

"You will not escape again, because you will not be imprisoned at our pits!" He roared dangerously.

The giant dragon handed pod some chains and shackles, and the whale dragon dug huge holes into the ground. He put the ends of chains in these, and buried them well. Then, pod chained his mate around her ankles, making sure her legs were splayed out uncomfortably. The black dragon nodded, and took off into the sky, the wind knocking jersey onto his side.

"Your friend is in a trance!" He boomed down, "minion, take care of the witnesses!"

Pod bunched his muscles and jumped forward, snarling nastily. Jersey now realized what the syringe was. Pod was under a trance! Jersey glanced at Renisnow for a second. The silver dragon twitched slightly and groaned. Jersey darted aside as the huge whale dragon crashed into the ground beside him. As pod worked to get his muzzle out of the ground, jersey ran inside the cave, and over to growth.

"Wake up!" He whimpered quickly. The green dragon cracked open her eyes. "Cleansing herbs! I need cleansing herbs!" Growth weakly pointed to a corner of the cave, where a couple piles of herbs resided. Jersey dashed over and picked up a couple of some round leaves. He was ready, to face pod.

Jersey ran forward, gripping the cleansing herbs in his mouth, and growling menacingly. Pod was hovering over Renisnow again, and he whipped his head to look at jersey. He snarled, and dropped down to all fours. The two faced each other. Jersey ran at pod bravely, his growl rose to a loud snarl, and he suddenly leapt into the air, his wings unfolding regally. Pod stared up at the flying terrier in surprise. Jersey banked sharply, and landed with a thump on pods back. The whale dragon shook his head and bucked, snapping at jersey. The dog stepped. Out of reach, and shoved the herbs into pods snapping mouth.

Pod fell to the ground with a cry. Renisnow thrashed around, and whimpered feebly, hearing her mate in distress. The whale dragon say up, and shook his head.

"What happened?!" He snorted, and his gaze fell on Renisnow, "RENISNOW NO!!!!!!!" He fainted flat on the ground, and jersey got an idea. If those herbs helped pod, maybe they could help growth! Jersey padded cheerily into the cave, and then, pod heard a howl.

Jersey came running out of the cave wild eyed.

"She won't wake! She won't!" He howled. Renisnow's eyes snapped open, she rattled her chains feebly, and stared around, puzzled. Curiously, the baby turned her head to jersey.

"Why am I chained? Who won't wake? Why-why does everything hurt?" Jersey slowly lay down by Renisnow, and told her what happened.

"Yah, a big wolfy shadow creature!" Interrupted pod.

"Now growth won't wake! She won't wake!" Jersey yelped unhappily, and renisnows heart dropped like a stone.

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