Chapter 7: Reniblood

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Renisnow pulled against her chains in agony. It was a week since growth died, and Renisnow couldn't shake the feeling that she caused it. If I hadn't been so reckless, she would be alive, I know it. Renisnow ached to get The chains off, to stretch her torn wings, to work her broken legs. But, she couldn't. Even if she got them off, she couldn't fly, or walk! Renisnow shifted slightly, exposing her stomach to the sun. The heat warmed the gash on her Chest, which was only just healing. Pod walked out of the cage, and sniffed renisnow's raw and bleeding ankles and wrists. He was about to say something, when an explosion knocked him to the ground.

Pod scrambled to his feet as jersey ran out, and pod covered jersey and Renisnow from the falling debris.

"What the heck just happened?!" Roared pod, coughing from the dust and smoke. When all the smoke and dust cleared, jersey and pod stepped off Renisnow.

"Everybody ok? Renisnow?" Barked jersey nervously. The silver dragon nodded. She smiled, and revealed that a rock had broken the shackle on her left paw.

All three looked at the sky, and Renisnow cried out. Pod staggered, as if to faint, and a flicker of a smile pressed on jersey's face, the first time since the attack, and growth's death. A red-tinted silver dragon with blazing green eyes whipped through the air, grappling with a huge black dragon. It had a face just like renisnow's, with cat ears and nose.

"My god- it's- it's a silver dragon!" Gasped pod.

Renisnow looked at it curiously. The black dragon roared in fury and pain, as the silver dragon inflicted blow after blow to the dragon.

"RRRRREEEEEE!!!!!!!" It screeched, and a huge blast of silver poison covered the black dragon's belly and face. The creatures roar of fury was cut off as the stone covered him entirely, and the statue hurtled to the ground.

"Duck!" Roared pod, and he and jersey ran into the cave. Renisnow gaped up as the statue fell right above her, faster, faster.

SSSMMMAAASSSHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pod and jersey ran out, and cried out in dismay. A limp paw poked out from under the pile of rubble. The red tinted dragon gasped from above, and dove into the clearing.

"Why didn't that stupid dragon run away?" She cried, for she was a girl.

"She wasn't stupid! She was chained to the ground, and wounded!" Gasped pod.

"Why did you chain and wound her?!"

"We didn't!!! I'm her mate!"

"I'm her freind!" Piped in jersey. The reddish dragon looked at the paw.

"By God! It's a silver!"

Pod and jersey slunk into the cave sadly, while the red dragon surveyed the pile of rubble. Renisnow's shining paw twitched once, twitched again, then clenched, ripping up grass. The tinted dragon jumped back, and looked closer. She's alive! The red dragon proceeded to push the smashed statue off Renisnow. Pod and jersey came out from the noise, and gaped at the newcomer.

"Help me, will yah?!" Gasped the red tinted dragon between clenched teeth.

The three sat around Renisnow and admired their work. All the shackles were smashed to bits, and renisnow's appendages seemed to be fixed. Renisnow blinked twice, and rose slowly. She flexed her muscles, and peered into the astonished silver dragon's eyes.

"You gave me strength," rumbled Renisnow nobly, "sister."

Renisnow shook rubble off her shining wings, and padded forward slowly, towards the gaping three. She touched her nose to the red tinted dragon.

"We are related, I had a vison," Renisnow whispered, "I'm Renisnow, what's your name?"

"Reniblood," whispered the sister, smiling a bit. Renisnow flinched slightly.

"I see!" She whispered happily, "I'm Renisnow because my scales are kind of white silver, you are reniblood because your scales are kind of red silver!" Jersey and pod stepped back, and let the siblings talk, but they stayed nearby so they could hear the story of reniblood.

" I woke up in a nest filled with eggs. Four, yes, four eggs. A blue one, a green one, a white one, and mine, a red one! I decided I'd leave, so I went away, but I got captured by these huge black dragons. I had to eat meat! But then, I escaped, and a guard chased me here. You saw what happened to him..." She paused for a minute, catching her breath, "you were probably the white egg! This means we still have two siblings to find! Two! And, not to mention our parents..."

All four companions were sleeping in the cave, the white and red lamps flickered. A small creature climbed up onto reniblood's flank.

"AAAHHH!!!" Screeched reniblood, jumping up. Renisnow leaped up to, and swiped her paw at the creature, flinging it to the back wall. Jersey and pod jumped up as well, staring at the glowing creature.

"Ooooh..." Oozed the critter, rubbing his head.

"Sabastian!" Cried jersey, steadying the lizard. Renisnow cocked her head.

"You named it?!" She growled.

"He had a name!" Snapped jersey, letting his lava lizard crawl into his harness. All four copied up again, Renisnow and reniblood curled around each other.

"I will protect you," whispered Renisnow.

"And I you" replied reniblood.

One of the four shall reign above all, destroying the silver dragon race once and for all! Beware the one with blood on her scales! She will destroy the other three! Beware the one! Beware! Renisnow's eyes snapped open. The sibilant whispering had stopped, and the silver shivered slightly. It was two weeks since she had been buried, and the vision had repeated in her mind all the time. Gosh, terror and danger seem to follow me everywhere. It can't be reniblood. Renisnow thought. She decided she would take a nighttime walk. Slowly uncurling from her sister, Renisnow walked over to pod.

"Sweety?" Pods eyes blinked open wearily.


"I'm going on a walk."

"Ok, stay safe." With that, Renisnow walked out of the cave.

Renisnow padded out into the moonlit clearing, dew sparkled in the ferns, and the stars twinkled in the sky. Renisnow thrust herself into the thick trees, crying as she ran farther and farther. The silver dragon stopped in another clearing, and howled forlornly to the moon. Pacing back and forth, she ran again. Stopping in another clearing again, Renisnow squeezed her eyes shut. She would not get lost, she could fly. Suddenly, a paw covered renisnow's mouth, and something large knocked her out.

Reniblood padded out of the cave, followed by jersey.

"Renisnow!"called reniblood anxiously. Pod came out too.

"Where could she be?" Barked jersey. Renisnow hadn't returned, now the three were worried. Sabastian crawled out of jerseys harness.

"Pod, do you remember?" He oozed. The. Whale dragon cracked his head.

"Oh yah, oh no! She said she was going on a walk!" All four heads swiveled to look at the woods.

Renisnow opened her eyes. She was in a secluded section of the woods, it was dark, and creepy. Renisnow jumped into the air, and spread her wings, but a chain attached to one leg thrust her down to the ground again.

"You can go soon." Growled an eerie voice. Renisnow whipped around. "If, you listen. You must destroy the one with blood on her scales!"

"Reniblood? She's my sister!"

"Kin or no, she must die! You will endanger us all fool!"

"I refuse!"

"Ok." Renisnow yelped as she was whisked away in a flash of light, and was back in her feet, in the black dragon pit! A clocked dragon was with her. It crouched to go, but Renisnow called out.

"Wait! What if I say yes?" The dragon turned around, and nodded, whisking her away again.

Renisnow plopped back down behind her friends, which were walking through the woods. The cloaked dragon was no where to be seen. Reniblood whipped around, and locked renisnow's eyes. Hide she mouthed. Renisnow jumped into the bushes, and peered out.

"I'll look this way, you guys continue." Reniblood chirped, then she whisked around and waited until the others were out of sight. Suddenly, reniblood pinned Renisnow to the ground by her neck. A bead of blood trickled into the grass.

"You will not touch a scale on my body..." Hissed the red dragon, and then, renisnow's sister spiraled away into the clouds.

Renisnow gasped as a chill gripped her body. It felt like something was killing her from the inside.

"Help!" She managed to gasp. Footsteps thundered down the path, and jersey and pod looked into the bushes. Pod grabbed her by one wing and pulled her out into the open. Together, he and jersey pumped the silver dragons chest, until a blood red shadow shot out of her mouth. Renisnow coughed and writhed, then she coughed some more. Jersey shot at the shadow, stomping dirt over it.

"Renisnow! Are you ok?" he barked. Renisnow nodded weakly.

"Actually, no I'm not ok! I was just betrayed by my only kin! MY ONLY KIN!!!!!!" Renisnow's dangerous growl erupted fiercely into a roar, so fierce that Renisnow herself was surprised by her anger.

Jersey Renisnow and pod sat in a circle, pod kept twitching nervously, looking left and right. Jersey cocked his head, and Renisnow peered at the anxious whale dragon.

"GAAAH I can't take it! I'm sorry Renisnow I can't! I just can't! It's not natural! Danger follows you everywhere you go! I just can't take it! I'm sorry!" Bawled pod, breaking the silence. The dragon tucked his head under his wing and cried his heart out.

"Pod, what-" Renisnow croaked, tears forming in her eyes too, "what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I can't be your mate anymore. I'm going back to the ocean."

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