Chapter I- A pair of yellow eyes glowing in the dark

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Everyday is the same routine. My mother wakes me up with one of her powerful screams, I eat my breakfast and then run to catch the bus.

Today isn't an exception.

I roll out of bed and crawl to my closet.

It's too early to even get up...

I take off a pair of jeans and a black top and get dressed.

I put on a jacket so I can hide my omega shaped scar on my shoulder. Long story short, never give a stapler to a kid.

I attempt to brush my stubborn brown hair and head to the kitchen to meet my mother.

My "Lucky Charms" are already on the table so I sit down and start to eat.

"So today is the big day isn't it?" My mother asks anxiously

"Big day?"

"Dont speak with your mouth full, honey." She reprimands me

I swallow and she smiles

"What big day mum? It's just another day in Hell,  a.k.a. school"

"The day when you'll go to your first ballet class!" My mother had signed me up for ballet classes this year and I didn't have the guts to tell her I hate ballet.

"Yeah, that. I'm super excited" 

I lied

Hey dont blame me I'm just a girl trying to make her mother happy.

"See, I told you you'd love it." My mother looks at the clock and gasps "Sydney, you're going to miss the bus! Hurry up!"

She takes my bowl of cereal away from me and pushes me towards the door.

"Mum, I'm eating that! Let me finish!"
I complain

"Have a nice day at school, Sids." She kisses my forehead and closes the door on my face.

I shrug and turn around just in time to see a black tail disappearing inside a bush.

"It's probably Mrs Abby's cat", I think.

The rest of the day went as normally as it could. I missed the bus (again), my english teacher punished me because I forgot my homework (again), and I was the only girl who was able to finish the running competition (again).

All those years running to catch the bus were worth something.

It is exactly 4p.m. when I arrive to my ballet lesson.

The changing rooms are intoxicating. It smells like hair products, perfume and cleaning products.

I think I'm going to faint.

I can already see my autopsy: "Intoxicated with Versage."

This place is not for me. Dont take me wrong I like ballet, but only when other people do it.

I'm too clumsy for that.

It is a sacrifice I have to do for my mother's sake, though.

When all the other girls leave and the gossips end, I'm finally alone.

I put my hair on a bun and look to the mirror.

I've never thought of myself as an ugly person.

I have long wavy, brown hair and big brown eyes, but I definitely don't look like my mother, she says I look more like my father, but I've never met him.

He abandoned us when I was just a baby. Mum defends him, she says he had his reasons.

I dont buy it. There is no excuse to abandoning a child.

It's not like I had a sucky childhood because I didnt.

My mum always knew how to be a father too.

I interrupt my procrastination when I notice something is moving on the corner of the mirror.

I squint my eyes and gasp.

I turn around and see a pair of yellow eyes glowing in the dark.

I grab my hairbrush and raise it in front of me.

I'll brush the monster to death. Great plan.

He leaves the shadows and I see it's just a small black cat.

The same I saw today at my house.

I kneel near the small
animal, but he doesnt move an inch.

"A brave one we've got here right?" I scratch his ears and he purrs.

"Whats your name?"

The cat turns away and starts to walk towards the door.

The time he steps out, he turns to face me, like saying "Are you going to move or you're just planning to stand there staring at me like an idiot"

Hey never argue with a cat.

I grab my bag and put my jacket on and, just in my pink tutu and my ballet shoes, I leave the academy and follow the mysterious through the streets of London.


Maia Mitchell as Sydney Archer

Naomi Watts as Abigail Archer

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