Chapter II - Who the hell are you and why are you holding my cat

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I followed the black feline for a long time, through unknown streets and houses.

After a long time he stops and looks at me.

I notice we are at my place. Thats a bit odd.

How did the cat know?

I walk towards the door with the keys in my hand, but I notice it is already open.

"That's strange..." I think to myself "mother never leaves the door open"

"Mum I'm home" I hear my voice echoing through the empty rooms and hallways.

She isn't home.

I see a small ball of fur climbing up the sofa.

It could be cute if I wasn't so concerned.

I decide to check on her room, but there is no one there as well.

When I'm about to leave, I see a small wooden box on my mother's desk, with an envelope saying in a beautiful handwriting "To Sydney"

Curiously, I open it and read.

"It's time for you to learn some secrets about yourself honey. Inside this box there is something that has been passed through generations and now it is your turn. Use it well and always remember, I love you Sydney.

Secrets? What secrets?

I save the letter in my bag and pick up the box. Its has delicate drawings covering the surface and a metallic lock.

I take a deep breath and open it.

There is a small silver lighter laying on top of a dark blue pillow.

I look closely and see my initials incrusted on the metal.


"Sydney Isabelle Archer"

It's beautiful.

I open it so I can light it up but I can't see any button.

Well that's a bit useless.

I shrug, put the lighter back in the box, and save it inside my bag too.

I head to the leaving room and I'm already speaking when I notice that I'm not alone.


A guy I've never seen in my life is sitting on the sofa scratching the little kitten's back.

"Your cat?" He asks amused "Oz has been in my family for ages. He is not yours. Nice costume by the way."

I instinctively cross my arms on my chest.

"Great you've answered one of the questions. Now the other one. Who are you?"

"Calm down smarty-pants." I roll my eyes " Im Derek Pines. General Pines to you"

"General Pines? And what cat is named Oz?" I really dont care about him I just want to know where is my mother.

Oz hisses when I insult his name.

"I warn you to treat Oz with more respect. He is knows how to make your life a living Hell. And you, Sydney Archer, you are coming with me."

"How do you know my name? And why should I come with you? As far as I know you could be a psycho."

"First I know your name because I have to. You'll be my new soldier. And I won't make you come with me. Who am I kidding of course I will." He grins "I've found your mother and she was lying on the ground unconscious."

My knees fail me and I find myself on the floor with the shock

"Is she... Alive?" I ask with my voice trembling

"Barely breathing but yes alive. But not for long. She'll die unless you come with me and save her." I let out a sigh of relief

He gets up and offers me his hand

"However I warn you, you'll be entering a world full of darkness and dangers. It's time for the destiny to meet up with you. Will you come with me and join your equals Sydney Archer?"

I hesitate for a few seconds but I end up taking his hand.


Maia Mitchell as Sydney Archer

Tyler Hoechlin as General Derek Pines

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