Chapter VI- Meet The Blessed

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I wake up to the first rays of sunlight flashing through the window blinds.

I look around looking for Oz, but he probably woke up before me and left.

Except for Hazel's snoring, the room is peaceful. The most peaceful thing in days.

After a quick shower, I leave the room, hoping to see my mother.

The rest of the Cave is as silent as my room. No one is up yet.

I know I've only been here for a day, but this place is extremely odd without the chaos and noise.

"There you are! I was looking for you. General requested a meeting right now. You can't decline. " a melodious voices echoes through the cave. I look around and see Lenox walking towards me.

"But-..." The surprised look Lenox gives me makes me realize that seeing my mother has to wait. I guess no one says no to the General. "Fine. I'll follow you."

With Lenox showing me the way, I walk in the dark, winding corridors praying to leave this unconfortable silence between me and General's daughter.

"Don't ask me why but I can't get in there. Let's say I'm trying to avoid a fight."

I'm trying to enter the familiar big wooden door when she grabs my arm with a worried expression

"And, Sydney, be careful okay?" I give her an encouraging smile and she turns away, sliding down the hallway, not looking back once

I sigh, wondering what could Lenox be talking about, when the doors open behind me and make me fall on the ground.

A loud laugh from a voice I can't recognize makes me blush.

"Shush, Jade, don't be rude!" says another female voice "Are you okay?"

I feel second girl approaching me and offering me her hand.

Once I take it, she pulls me up with a strenght I wasn't counting on, which makes me almost trip on my feet and fall again. Thankfully, she stops me from doing it.

When I finally look up I see the smiley face of a ginger girl. Her bright green eyes are looking at my face, searching for any visible injury.

I step back to let her know I'm okay and see General, sitting at his desk, covering his face with his hands.

Great first impression Sydney...

"So General, this is the extremely skilled girl you were telling us about?" The first girl, Jade I suppose, is gazing at me with her piercing blue eyes.

I've only been with here for five inutes and I already dislike her.

Despite the beauty her dirty blonde hair and high cheekbones transmit, it's like she has a negative aura floating around her.

"Jade give it a rest." Alarmed, I turn around in order to find the source of this voice and see a boy standing behind me.

He looks like the usual type of boy, brown hair and brown eyes, yet he has something special.

Perhaps it's the way his mouth rests when he smiles, or maybe it's something else, I don't know.

"Don't mind her. Jade is an angel when you get to know her. I'm Tessa, Tessa Trueblood." The ginger girl says

"You already know Jade. ", she nods at me " And that is Ash."

"Now that we are all acquainted," General interrupts " let's talk about what we are here for."

As he finishes the last sentence, the doors open again and Hazel and Lucas get in.

"Oh for Hell's sake, more introductions?!" General raises his hands and we all grin.

With the flick of a hand, General makes a red fog that covers the door, locking it.

"Now that we are all here..." he says getting up " We need to discuss your mission."

"Mission? What mission?" Lucas looks at me for support but I shrug

"As you know, we need to discover the Blessed Sword if we want to defeat the Shadowman. Unfortunately, the only person who knows where it is is in a deep magical sleep. I wanted to send a couple of Cursed to rescue the Cure, but the plant is inside Blessed's territory. So you three," He says pointing at me and the twins " have to join them three" he points to the Blessed" so their master, Madam Babcock, allow us to enter the Godly mountains."

I look around and everyone seems as upset about this quest as me.

"Any doubts? Amazing, get ready heroes, you leave tomorrow morning."

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