Chapter V- A Night In The Cave

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The clothes Hazel gave me make me look like a different person.

The boots make me taller and the black thinner.

I put my hair up in a pony tail and meet Hazel outside the room.

"There you are! Let's go I'm starving. "

We chat until we reach the cafeteria.

Hazel is amazing she knows how to make me laugh and right now that's what I need the most.

"There is my brother. Lucas!" He looks up and smiles.

Hazel's brother moves his head, telling us to join him.

"Hey little sis. Who is your friend?" Lucas looks at me with a goofy smile and I cant help myself from smiling back.

"Lucas this is Sydney. And I'm just 5 minutes younger than you can you shut up?" Lucas rolls his eyes and Hazel punches his arm slightly.

"Oh you're twins" I state

"I'm the pretty one. " Lucas grins

I laugh, feeling truly happy for the first time in forever.

"What are you eating Haz?" Lucas asks

"Probably spaghetti."

"Yeah me too."

They both turn to the table and say "Spaghetti" in unison.

I'm starting to think they are both mental when,magically, a plate of the requested food rises from the wooden table.

Hazel and Lucas act like nothing happened.

Eventually, Lucas notices my confused expression so he explains.

"You have to tell the table what you want. As simple as that. Dont ask me how because I dont know. As long as I have my food I'm happy. "

I ask for a lasagna and, as Lucas said, the food appears ready to be eaten.

The rest of the meal goes as normal as possible in that Cave.

We three get up and Lucas comes with us to our dorm room.

"What's your room mate this year Luke?" Hazel sits on her bed alongside with me.

"With that creep Joshua Martin. He spends the nights awake stalking Lenox and writing cheesy poems about how he is so in love." Hazel chuckles, like stalking a girl is normal around here.

"Like you dont have a crush on her lovebird" Lucas blushes and looks at his hands

"Changing subject, so Sydney what's your power?"

"Power? I think that General mention it once, but when I asked him about it he ignored me." I shrug and look at Hazel who is still staring at Lucas suspiciously

Like waking up from a dream, she blinks and looks at me, confused

"Powers...? Oh yeah powers! I'm a shape shifter. Lucas is a future reader. I think the name explains itself right?" I feel a bit useless right now... Why dont I have a power? That's not fair!

"We are not experts though. On her examination Hazel was supposed to turn to a tiger, but she became a cute kitty." It's Hazel's turn to blush and ours to laugh at her embarrassment

We chat for a long time and I learn that every Cursed has the same weird scar I have. Apparently, that is the only way to recognize Hazel when she shape shifts. I don't know why I have more than one, but maybe that is just because of my lack of powers.

Lucas leaves and we all go to sleep.

Well all except me. I just lay on the bed, unable to sleep, playing with the small lighter my mother left me.

After a few hours, I feel a familiar black ball of fur crawling next to me.

"There you are Oz" I whisper stroking his ears.

He purrs and I fall asleep next to him, with my mind wondering to a million different places.

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