Chapter IV- The Cure

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I enter the mysterious Cave and, for a second, everything goes black.

When I'm about to ask General Pines what is going on, a pair of black gates open, revealing an enormous new world.

The outside was minuscule! How is this even possible?!

General smiles at my confusion.

"Follow me" he demands

Still completely speechless I follow him through the room.

It is so high I can see the end, with small paths connecting each side. It is a circular room, and each floor is surrounded with oval entrances on the rock.

It is full of people working or just chatting and goofing around, but most of them are frowning at me, confused.

I've never felt so vulnerable.

I walk faster so I can keep up with General and he leads me through the third door on the right.

It turns out to be a small office, with a wooden desk and a red chair behind it. The walls are covered with dark bookcases, filled with books, maps and tiny objects I dont reckon.

Two simple chairs lay in front of the desk and I sit in one of them, while General occupies the big red one.

"Can I see my mother?" I blurt out.

"Of course not. She is resting right now. But if you dont want me to tell you how to wake her up just leave. "

I hold my breath and look at him anxiously

"I thought so" he grins "We are going to help you with your mother. We need her to tell us where did she hide the Sword so we can protect it properly from the Shadowman."

"Did you find out what happened to her?"

"I called my daughter and she must be arriving with news"

An awkward silence grows between us and when I'm about to break it a girl bursts in.

She has her long wavy black hair on a perfectly made braid.

The dress she is wearing is dark and short, matching the gladiator sandals on her feet.

"I have the results" she turns to me "Nice costume. "

I realize I'm still wearing my ballet suit so I blush and cover myself.

"The poison used was from a really dangerous type of plant. Solaris Spectrum. The only cure is a tea made with a petal of the same plant. Unfortunately, those plants only grow on top of the Heavenly mountains which are Blessed territory."

"Dont worry I'll figure something out. Lenox why dont you take Sydney to one of our dorm rooms and give her some clothes."

Lenox throws her parent a pleading look, but he just raises his eyebrows and looks at me.

"I could use a bath" I shrug

"Then I think were done here" General lays back on the chair and crosses his arms over his chest.

I turn to Lenox, hoping for instructions, but she simply asks me to move, so I get up and leave the room.

I follow her through endless corridors and different divisions.

At some point, we reach a long hallway with identical doors.

"Yours is the second one on the left."

When I'm about to thank her I notice that she is already gone.

The dorm room is simple.

Two beds lay on the left side of the room, along with a small closet between them.

On the right side, there is another door "A bathroom" I suppose, and a wooden desk full of books and gadgets.

I guess I'll have a room mate.

I'm wondering about the dinner time when the bathroom door opens, revealing a girl with a black outfit and wet brown hair.

"Hey you must be the newbie. General warned me about you." She comes nearer and shakes my hand "I'm Hazel, you are...?"

"Sydney" I say awkwardly

"Dont be nervous I wont bite" she laughs at her own joke and sits on one of the beds.

"May I ask why are you wearing a pink ballet costume?"

"Yeah I really have to change. Here I have some combat clothes you can borrow." Hazel gives me pile of clothes, quite similar to hers

"Combat clothes?" I ask confused

"Yes combat clothes" she chuckles "Hurry up dinner is almost ready and my brother must be waiting for me. "

I thank her and enter the bathroom.

How am I going to get out of this mess?


Maia Mitchell as Sydney Archer

Tyler Hoechlin as General Derek Pines

Vanessa Hudgens as Lenox Pines

Zendaya as Hazel Collins

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