Chapter 4

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 Owlkit woke up. He saw his littermates and Dawncloud still sleeping. Owlkit walked out of the nursery and into the clearing. He suddenly saw a long haired grey tom with yellow eyes. The tom walked towards Owlkit. "Hello,Owlkit," he meowed." "My name is Greystripe." Owlkit looked at him in shock. Greystripe must of seen this because he purred. "Yes,it is I the great Greystripe," he meowed jokingly. Owlkit purred. "But,how can I see you? You're dead," Owlkit asked. Greystripe grew serious. "You have an extraordinary power,Owlkit. You can see every cat that has died. Clan,Tribe,kittypet,loner,rogue,Skyclan,or Bloodclan. This is also a weakness,remember you can also see the evil cats in the Dark Forest. Don't let them manipulate you," Greystripe meowed. "I will do my best," Owlkit promised,his voice shaking. Greystripe nodded. "I would also advise you," Greystripe said,"to keep your power a secret. Others might use it to get what they want." Owlkit didn't know for certain,but he thought Greystripe was talking about Shrewpaw. "Don't tell anyone,not even your family," Greystripe continued. Owlkit was shocked. How could I not tell my family about my powers? He thought. Greystripe sensed his hesitation,and he purred. "You'll do fine Owlkit,You'll do fine," Greystripe meowed as he faded away. Owlkit turned back to the nursery,and saw Dawncloud staring worriedly at him. She probably thinks I'm crazy,Owlkit thought,maybe that's better then me having powers. Owlkit slid through the nursery entrance without Dawncloud commenting. He saw the other kits play fighting,so Owlkit played with them. When they were all tired out,the older kits-Owlkit,Hawkkit,Eaglekit,Jaykit,Sparrowkit,and Startlingkit- went to the fresh-kill pile. (Gingerkit and Blackkit aren't old enough to eat fresh-kill yet.)   As their mother explained,it was Leaf-fall,so the prey were starting to go into their holes and sleep through Leaf-bare. Owlkit shared a vole with Jaykit and Eaglekit,while Hawkkit,Sparrowkit,and Startlingkit shared a black bird. Dawncloud came out a few moments later,and shared a mouse with Sparkfur. The cats all went to the nursery,just as the other cats headed to the fresh-kill pile. Dawncloud laid down in her nest,with new black bird feathers in it, and her six kits laid next to her. In the other nest Sparkfur laid down with Gingerkit and Blackkit next to her. Before they knew it,they were all asleep.

This picture is of Eaglekit,Owlkit's sister.

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