Chapter 5

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Owlkit bounced with excitement. Tomorrow will be his apprentice ceremony! Owlkit woke up his siblings,and they all groaned. " why can't we get some sleep for once?" Complained Hawkkit. "Why did you wake us up?" Sparrowkit groaned. "We have to practice our apprentice moves!" Meowed Owlkit excitedly. "Oh,I almost forgot! Thanks for reminding us,Owlkit," meowed Eaglekit. Jaykit,Startlingkit,Hawkkit,Eaglekit,Sparrowkit,and Owlkit ran out of  the nursery. Unluckily,Shrewpaw padded out of the apprentice den at the same time. Eaglekit,being distracted by Shrewpaw,ran into the fresh-kill pile. Eaglekit's ears folded in embarrassment. Shrewpaw snorted. "Watch where you're going, bird-brain," he hissed, just loud enough that only the six kits could hear him. "Well,at least I won't have to worry about competition, because the soon to be apprentices are still acting like three moon old kits," he snorted and padded away towards the camp entrance. Hawkkit,Owlkit,Sparrowkit,Startlingkit,and Jaykit shot the apprentice hostile glances, while Eaglekit gave an embarrassed look. "Well,let's continue our training," Hawkkit told them. "Sparrowkit,find a big leaf," Hawkkit commanded him. Sparrowkit nodded his head and looked for a leaf. "Startlingkit,find a big branch. Jaykit,help her." The two she-kits nodded and padded away. "Eaglekit,find a feather,and if it's to heavy Owlkit could help," Hawkkit teased. Eaglekit looked embarrassed as she searched for feathers. "Owlkit,go and help Sparrowkit,while I'll help Eaglekit," Hawkkit commanded. Owlkit nodded and padded away towards Sparrowkit. The she-cat was still looking for a big leaf. Owlkit walked up to her. "Sparrowkit,did you have any luck?" He asked his sister. Sparrowkit shook her head and continued searching. It shouldn't be that hard,Owlkit thought,it is Leaf-fall after all. Owlkit searched with his sister. "Is this big enough?" Asked Owlkit,holding up a medium sized orange leaf. Sparrowkit shook her head. "It has to be a big one,not just a medium sized one," she told her brother. Owlkit nodded his head in understanding. Finally,Sparrowkit stopped and picked up a red leaf as big as he paws! Sparrowkit beamed with satisfaction. Owlkit followed Sparrowkit to the place they were meeting in. Sparrowkit put her huge leaf down. "Where's the other kits?" She asked. Owlkit was just going to say something,when Sparkfur padded over. "Gingerkit and Blackkit want to know if they can play," she told them,"Is that okay with you?" The two kits nodded, and Gingerkit and Blackkit walked out of the nursery towards them. Sparkfur went to go back in the nursery,probably talking with Dawncloud. "Where are Hawkkit,Eaglekit,Jaykit,and Startlingkit?" Asked Gingerkit. "That's what I was just asking!" Exclaimed Sparrowkit. "But where are they?" Asked Gingerkit. Owlkit shrugged. "Well,what are you waiting for?" Asked Gingerkit. "Let's go!" She raced around the camp. The other kits shared a glance, then raced after her. The kits found Startlingkit and Jaykit trying to lift an exceptionally large branch. Gingerkit,Blackkit,Owlkit,and Startlingkit ran to help them. It was still heavy with all of them helping,but they soon got it to the place with the large red leaf. "Where's Hawkkit and Eaglekit?" Jaykit asked them. "We thought you might know," Sparrowkit admitted. "But,where are they?" Asked Jaykit. Then,they caught a scent.

I am now doing a guessing game. If you guess this cat correctly,you get a kit in the story!


Kit name:I choose the warrior name

Gender:tom or she-cat

Apprence:pelt,eye color,and extra.

Personality:what are they like?

Family:please have it be an actual cat in Thunderclan

Reminder-you can only guess one cat each round.

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