The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Eight

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Jin sat in the waiting room while Hartz went to get more information on Night's condition, the teenager sniffling and rubbing his pregnant belly gently. He called Naoki and explained the situation the best he could through tears, his lover wishing him the best for the small family.
    "Well, they say that she's in surgery right now… The bullet is dangerously close to her heart and pierced her left lung, so she's going to be here for a while…" Hartz said when he came back, sitting next to him and tying his hair back slightly. He leaned back with a sigh and looked at his fiance's son, noticing how sad he looked and pulling him into a side hug.

Jin, feeling his embrace, broke down into sobs once again and hid his face in his shoulder, feeling like his whole world was coming down again.
    "I-I don't want her to die…!" He cried, Hartz holding him tightly.
    "I know buddy, I don't either… But everything is going to be okay… Night is probably the most stubborn woman I've ever met…" The older male comforted, petting his head. Jin laughed sadly at the last part and nodded, wiping his tears away.
    "... T-thanks dad…" The teen said softly, sniffling and closing his eyes. Hartz felt his heart skip a beat when he said 'dad', smiling and holding him closer.
    "Any time buddy, I'm here for you…"


    "She just made it out of surgery..." Jin said into the phone, 12 hours after his mother first went in the operating room.
    "That's good to hear. How did it go, well I'm hoping?" Naoki asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes after he had just woke up.
    "Yeah... They said she's going to recover just fine, it's just going to take a few months before she's 100% again..."
   "I'm very glad honey. Are you doing okay? Have you slept yet?"
    "I have, but not long... Maybe four hours at the most... I'm too stressed to sleep right now..."
   "Well, you really need to babe. This can't be a habit while you're pregnant."
    "Oh, speaking of that... I got checked out by a doctor..."
    "Yeah... I'm pregnant with twins..."

Naoki felt his heart skip a beat, a hand in his hair.
   "You're kidding..." He said, shock imminent in his voice.
    "I'm not kidding... She put me a four months and I found out the genders too..."
   "Really? What are the genders?"
    "We're having a boy and a girl..." Jin felt himself smile at that, a hand on his belly. "I'm so happy Naoki..."
    "I know baby, I am too... And we're having twins! That's so exciting!"
    "I know..." Jin giggled softly, looking at Hartz as he slept on the couch in Night's room. "I'm going to let you go... I'm starting to get hungry..."
    "Alright, and try to get some sleep too. We do have school in the morning."
    "I'll try... Night babe..."
    "Goodnight my love."

Jin rubbed his eyes gently and stood, walking through the halls of the hospital as he made his way into the cafeteria. He rubbed his belly as he looked at the menu, deciding to just grab a salad and an apple. Something healthy for him and the babies... He walked back into Night's hospital room and sat at the table in there, eating quietly as he listened to music.

4:30 in the morning, Jin was still wide awake and scrolling through his phone, glancing over to his peacefully sleeping parents every now and again. The steady rhythm of Night's heart monitor made him smile softly, that being the only thing to ease his mind on his mother's condition. He tapped on his belly gently and felt a kick in place, making him smile more.
    'Twins...' He thought to himself, his hand in place to feel all the little kicks his babies were making. 'She was right...'
    "Oh, good morning." A nurse said when she walked in, causing Jin to jump at the new voice. "Oh, sorry! I didnt mean to startle you."
    "It's alright... I've kind of been stuck in my head, so you did me a favor..." the teenager said, giving her a soft smile.
    "Rough night?"
    "A little bit..." He said softly. The nurse took down Night's vitals and did a quick check on her wound, writing that in the chart.
    "Your mother is doing exceptionally well having been shot. I've heard from sources that she protected all the children in her daycare class when they were in danger."
    "That sounds like her..." Jin giggled softly.       "She'll do anything to protect children..."
    "Such a shame too, I heard the shooter was a principal."

Jin felt his heart stop for a minute, a hand to his neck as he stayed quiet. No, it could be someone else, a different principal that went on a rampage.
    "I'll be back in a few hours to check on her again." The nurse said sweetly, waving to him as she walked out of the room.
    "You wont see me but okay..." Jin muttered, that thought never leaving his head. There's no way it was him, he wouldn't sink that low just to try and get to him, right?

'... It may cause something bad to happen..."

"I'll make your life a living hell..."

"You won't like me when I'm angry..."


    "H-he tried taking my mom away from me...!" Jin sobbed, his whole body shaking as he landed on his knees. Naoki, panicked at his sob, was by his side, rubbing his back to calm him down. "He wasn't in school because he went to kill my mother...!"
    "Who baby? Who?"
    "Principal Talisborne...!"

Naoki held him and rubbed his back gently, doing his best to calm down as his young lover quivered with sobs.
    "Calm down honey, it's alright. The cops had to have arrested him at this time. He won't bother you anymore. " The teacher told him, making his puffy green eyes look into his orange ones. Jin sniffled and leaned into his hands, nodding against them.
    "O-okay... You're right..." He said softly, rubbing his tears away with the sleeve to his sweater. Naoki smiled at him and helped him off the floor, kissing his head gently and ruffling his messy black hair.
    "Now, to change the subject, twins?! Do you have the ultrasound pictures?!" The older male asked excitedly, making Jin laugh and nod. He pulled out the photos from his bag, handing them to his lover with a smile.

Naoki stared at them and felt his heart flutter happily, running a finger along the outlines of the babies. He looked at Jin who was staring at him, a loving smile on his lips with his hands to his pregnant belly. 
    "This is incredible..." The teacher breathed, hugging him tightly. Jin smiled and hugged him back, sighing in content.
    "It is... And the doctors say Night is gonna recover just fine... No long term effect..."
    "That's really good to hear. After school, you want me to take you to the hospital?"
    "Anything for you honey." Naoki smiled, the bell ringing for the start of the school day.
    "I gotta go... I'll see you later..." Jin smiled, waving to him as he walked out of the classroom.


    "Hi mama...!" Jin smiled when he walked into the room, seeing his mother awake and alert.
    "Hi baby boy!" Night held her arms out to him, embracing him when he sat on the bed. "Oh, I'm so happy to see you okay..."
    "I'm glad that you're okay... I was worried I was going to lose you..."
    "Never honey, I'm here to stay." Night smiled, kissing his head. "You can't get rid of me that easily." 

Jin giggled at the joke, pulling away from the embrace before he dug into this bag.
    "Mama, you were right..." He said, handing her the photos.
    "About what?" Night asked, looking down and at the photos. She felt her eyes widen as she squealed, looking at her son with a wide smile. "Is this true?!"
    "Yeah...! Twin grandbabies...!"
    "Oh, I'm so happy about this!" Night smiled, glancing over and noticing Naoki standing there. "Honey bun, why don't you find Hartz and get something to eat. I'd like to talk to Naoki for a minute."
    "Oh, okay…" Jin smiled, grabbing his bag and kissing his lover's cheek before he walked out of the room.

Naoki felt his stomach drop when they were alone, looking at her with a nervous smile.
    "Hello Miss Slydale, uh, I'm glad you're doing well." He said, tugging his collar slightly.
    "Please, call me Night." She smiled softly.     "Any time I hear 'Miss Slydale', I look for my mother."
    "Fair enough." Naoki laughed softly, making her smile widen slightly.
    "Look Naoki, what happened was really scary and I can see the effect it had on Jin. I want you to promise me something." The female started, fiddling with her IV line. "I want you to promise me, that no matter what happens whether to me or to Hartz, you'll protect and be there for him."
    "Til death do us part." Naoki agreed, walking over to her bed. He held a hand out to her, smiling as Night took his hand and shook it gently.
    "That's really good to hear because in my opinion-" She stopped for a moment, thinking back to the day she adopted him. "-He deserves the whole world…"

"I couldn't agree more…"

NightBear15 signing off...

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