The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Seven

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Jin stared in disbelief at the man at his door, panic filling his chest quickly.
    "W-wha- h-how did you get my address…?" He asked, his hand tightening on the door.
    "I told you, you fail to see my power as a principal young one…" William smirked, his hand on the door as he pushed on it tauntingly. "Aren't you going to invite me in?"
    "A-absolutely not… Y-you have no reason to be here…" Jin said sternly, pushing back on the door. A dark look crossed the older man's eyes as he forced the door open, grabbing Jin's wrists tightly as he shut the door behind them.
    "What have I told you about that attitude little one? It's going to get you hurt…" William growled lowly into his ear, causing him to whimper. The principal grunted at his whimper and tightened his hands, forcefully pushing his lips against Jin's in a rough kiss. Jin, the poor boy, struggled against the stronger man in fear, either trying to free his hands or kick him away. William growled then slammed him against the wall hard and stood over him, the smaller whining and holding his head tightly.
    "You are really starting to upset me Jin…" He said lowly, kneeling down and pulling his hair back roughly for him to look at him.
    "... C-choke…" Jin hissed, his vision blurry with tears. William sighed and slammed his head back into the wall, making him cry out in pain before he slapped him hard.
    "Consider this a warning little one…" William said shortly, standing and showing himself out. Jin whimpered and curled up against the wall with a sob, wiping his nose when he felt something drip from it.

Seeing it was blood, he carefully pulled himself off the floor and locked that fucking door, going off to the bathroom to take care of his bloody nose. He sighed and cleaned up the blood, rubbing his head as it started to pound.
    "Jin sweetie! I'm home!" He heard Night call all of a sudden, the black-haired teenager taking a couple aspirin for the pain before walking out to the living room. "Hey honey bun! How was school?"
    "It was okay… I tripped at lunch and ended up on the floor with my food though…"
    "Oh, honey, are you okay?" His mother asked, cradling his face in her hands. Jin did everything in his power not to flinch, smiling nervously at her and nodding.
    "I'm fine… Naoki had sandwiches for me in case I was hungry through the day…"

Night felt herself smile slightly and hugged him tightly, tears in her eyes.
    "I'm so proud of you…" She said softly, kissing his head gently.
    "But… Why…?" Jin asked, his hand on his belly for emphasis.
    "Because when I first brought you in, you were so shy… So, broken… Now look at you! You're so much happier then you were back in August honey…" Night kissed his head gently, pushing his hair out of his face to look at him better. "You look like you're finally starting to get sleep again…"
    "Besides waking up to use the bathroom through the night…" Jin said jokingly, laughing softly.
    "Yeah, there is that." Night smiled, kissing his head again. "Anything specific you want for dinner tonight hun?"
    "Not that I can think of… I'll take anything at this point…" Jin smiled, rubbing his eye slightly. "I got some homework to work on, so I'm gonna take refuge in my room mama…"
    "That's fine dear! I'll call you when dinner is ready."

Jin nodded and ventured off, going up into his room and closing the door with a sigh. He rubbed his cheek slightly and sat on his bed, patting his stomach gently. He looked down and pulled up his shirt to look at his baby bump better, tilting his head slightly. He found out he was pregnant at the beginning of November, so he put himself at about three months pregnant, but why was he looking bigger than that. He got onto his laptop and searched up people three months into a pregnancy and looked at images before he stood himself. Looking in the mirror then glancing at the images, frowning when he realized he was bigger than normal.

The pregnant teen walked back downstairs and to the kitchen where he found Night, grabbing onto his shirt nervously.
    "... Mama…? I have a question…" He said softly, looking down at the floor.
    "Sure! What's your question baby boy?" Night asked, glancing at him as she continued preparing dinner.
    "W-well, I was wondering… Why do I look bigger than normal…? Like, my belly looks bigger…"
    "What do you mean by 'bigger than normal' honey?"
    "Like, I'm three months pregnant, but I look farther than that…" Jin said softly, rubbing his baby bump gently.
    "Well, here's what I think. One possibility is that you are further than you think, which is possible considering how long you've been with Naoki." Night started, a little bit of bite in her voice when she said his lover's name. "Or, the second possibility is that you're pregnant with more than one baby. Either twins or even triplets."
    "T-twins…? T-triplets…?" Jin echoed, panic creeping up suddenly.
    "Oh Jin, don't worry honey! It would be a miracle if you were blessing me with more than one grandbaby." Night smiled,  leaning over and kissing his head as her hands were handling raw meat. "If anything, I'll schedule you an ultrasound appointment so we can see what's up and if the baby, or babies, are healthy…"

Jin nodded slowly and rubbed his belly, venturing off back to his room as he closed the door. He pulled out his phone and started calling Naoki, a million things running through his head.
    "Hello?" His lover answered, making his lip quiver.
    "N-Naoki…" Jin whimpered softly, tears threatening to spill over.
    "Jin? Baby, what's the matter?" The older male asked softly.
    "I-I… I-I'm terrified…!" The teen cried, his tears racing down his cheeks and not stopping.
    "Why baby? Talk to me please…"
    "I-I'm being harassed a-and bullied, a-and I-I was attacked at my own house…! I-I'm hormonal, a-and I might be pregnant with twins…!"
    "Wait, back up. You were attacked at your own house? By who?!" Naoki asked, about to grab his keys.
    "D-Don't be mad…" Jin whined softly.
    "No promises."
    "P-Principal Talisborne…"

The line went silent.

Neither spoke.

    "What did he do…?" Naoki asked shortly, causing Jin to flinch as he stayed silent. The older male felt his anger rising, closing his eyes. "Jin, what did he do to you?" He asked again, the venom thick in his voice.
    "H-he pinned me a-and kissed me…! W-when I tried getting away, he slammed me to the wall…!" Jin panicked. "I-I told him to choke, a-and he slammed my head against the wall really hard and slapped me…!"
    "Tell me you're joking."
    "I-I'm not! H-he's been bothering me since before I moved in with Night, a-and kept my mouth shut since he could ruin my life!"
    "Alright, alright, let's calm down a bit. We don't you to stress yourself or the baby out…"
    "I-I can't calm down Naoki! I'm so scared that I don't even want to go to school tomorrow!"
    "Baby, we can fix this little problem."
    "N-no we can't! I-it's not a little problem! Naoki, I am three months pregnant, I-I can't handle this!" Jin yelled, hanging up immediately after. He reached over and grabbed his pillow, shoving his face into it and screaming to release pent up anger. His phone started ringing again and he immediately declined, rubbing his teary eyes.

Night knocked on the door and Jin immediately rubbed the rest of his tears away, telling her she can come in.
    "Hey, everything okay?" She asked, giving him a little smile.
    "Y-yeah, just… Just thinking…" Jin said, sniffling softly.
    "Oh, okay well, dinner is ready if you're hungry."
    "O-okay…" the teenager carefully got up and walked over, Night ruffling his hair gently as they both walked down the stairs together.


In the morning, after no sleep the whole night, Jin started getting ready for the day, tiredly getting his shoes on when the time came to leave. Night drove to the school as Jin sleepily watched the scenery pass, fighting to keep his eyes open. His mother figure dropped him off and told him to have a great day, Jin wishing her the same as she drove off and he walked into the school with his hood up. He kept his head down as he walked to his locker, wanting to make it through the day without an incident.
    "Mr. Aizawa." Of course, that seemed unlikely the moment that god forsaken man spoke his name. "I wish to speak with you in my office before school."

Jin slammed the door to his locker, looking at him with exhausted fiery eyes. 
    "There is no way in hell I want to be alone with you in the same room again…" The teen growled, turning to walk away. William 'tch'ed and grabbed his wrist suddenly, pulling him down the hall. Jin fought and tried to tear his arm free, which only caused the older male to tighten his grip. He pushed him into his office and shut the door, locking it as he forced him against the wall by his throat.
    "I enjoyed our little talk yesterday, that I wanted to continue it before school little one…" The principal smirked, staring down at his prey. "What was it you told me to do yesterday? Oh, I remember, you told me to choke… Yet, here you are…" He said lowly, tightening his hand around his throat. 

Jin struggled and clawed at his hand as his breath left his lungs, his vision starting to darken the more he tightened his hand.
    "What does it feel like? Eating your own words like this Jin…? Tell me…" William growled lowly, loosening his hand slightly.
    "... B-bite me b-bitch…" Jin spat, a glare in his dull, tired eyes.
    "Testing my patience while I have the upper hand, bold but not wise…" The older male squeezed his throat harder, squeezing until Jin started to stop clawing his hand, but froze when a knock sounded on his office door.
    "Principal Talisborne? May I come in?" A voice sounded, making the principal frown and let go of Jin's throat, forcing him in the chair by the door. He unlocked his door and opened it up, smiling at the secretary.
    "I apologize, I was in the middle of a discussion with a student. You're free to leave Jin." The male said, causing Jin to get up and leave immediately. The pregnant teen rushed to his locker as silent tears coated his cheeks, making it to his first class before the bell.


Jin yawned heavily as he walked into Naoki's classroom, sparing his lover a wave as he made it to his desk.
    "Did you sleep at all last night?" Naoki asked suddenly, making the smaller shake his head.
    "It did not come easily…" He said softly, his voice raspy from his encounter with the principal.
    "Well, rest for now dear. Keep your hood over your eyes to help." The teacher said softly, giving him a small smile. Jin waved him off and yawned again, shaking his head to stay awake.
    "I'll be fine…" He said softly, sitting down as the other students filed in.

Starting class, Naoki smiled and greeted his students, going over the plan for the period. They were being introduced a new topic in the class, which the teacher discussed for twenty minutes. Once the class got the hang of the new scientific equations they were using in the section, Naoki passed out the homework for them to work on for the rest of the period. Looking up from his laptop for a second, he glanced over to his young lover, smiling to himself when he realized the poor boy fell asleep doing the homework.

The end of class, the other students filed out of the classroom when the bell rang, Naoki wishing them a good rest of the day. After everyone left else left, the man turned his attention to Jin, the sleeping teen having not moved since. Naoki walked over to his desk quietly and smirked, raising his hand up and slamming it down on his desk. Jin squeaked loudly and lashed out, ending up punching his lover in the stomach. Naoki felt his breath leave his body, hunching over and coughing.
    "What the hell-" The older male started, Jin cutting him off.
    "What is wrong with you…?! I was sleeping…!" The teen growled, glaring at him with his arms crossed.
    "You punched me in the stomach-"
    "You scared the shit out of me…!"

Naoki looked at him and smiled slightly, laughing.
    "You're really cute when you're angry." He said, causing Jin to stop and blush.
    "S-shut up…" The teen said softly, looking away. "I'm hungry…"
    "Want to eat in here? I have sandwiches."
    "Oohh, peanut butter…?"
    "Three of them are peanut butter for you." Naoki smiled, making Jin shake his hands happily. The older male chuckled and walked over to his bag, pulling out the sandwiches for him and handing them over. The two ate together and talked, Jin subconsciously hiding his throat as they did.
    "So, tell me, has he bothered you today?"

Jin felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at him, noticing the upset look in his eyes.
    "U-uh… N-no…?" He said, the last part sounding like a question.
    "What did he say? Or do, I don't trust him."
    "H-heh, remember I said I told him to choke…?"
    "H-he about choked me out…" Jin said softly, moving his hoodie down to show the bruising around his throat. Naoki felt the color leave his skin staring at the bruising, gritting his teeth as he stood. "N-Naoki…?"
    "Wait here…" The older male said shortly as he walked to the door.
    "Naoki, wait… Please don't start anything…"
    "I am too going to start something! He has no right to put his hands on you like that!"
    "Naoki, I-I probably deserved-"
    "Do not finish that sentence. You don't deserve any of this honey."
    "I'm just going to talk to him."
    "No you're not…" Jin frowned as Naoki walked out of the room, going back to his sandwich.

The teacher came back three minutes later, still searing with anger as he sat back down at his desk, leaning back in the chair.
    "The coward wasn't there…" He growled, putting his unfinished lunch away with distaste.
    "... Really…?"
    "Yeah. Secretary said he had matters to attend to outside of school…"
    "That makes me anxious…" Jin said softly, the bad feeling he suddenly got making him nauseous.
    "I can't explain it… The thought of him suddenly leaving the school for 'matters outside of school' just gives me a really bad feeling…"
    "Well, don't let it get to you. That just means he won't terrorize you for the rest of the day." Naoki said, giving him a small smile. Jin nodded slightly and smiled slightly back, looking at the time.
    "Well, lunch is about over, so I'm gonna head out… Get ready for my last classes…"
    "Okay my love. Want me to drive you home today?"
    "Sure…! That'd be great…" Jin smiled softly, pecking his lips before walking out of the classroom.


Towards the end of his last class, his last teacher for the day told him that he was needed in the office, which of course made him panic. But he packed up and went anyway, pulling his hoodie down when he stood. He walked from the classroom and down the hall, walking into the office and looking up.

Hartz was there and he looked like a wreck, which made him tilt his head.
    "Hartz…? What are you doing here…?" Jin asked, a look of concern in his eyes.
    "Jin… Night's in the hospital, and she's not doing too good." Hartz explained, the teen's eyes widening and filling with tears.
    "Grab your backpack buddy, we need to go. And fast." Hartz told him, Jin nodding and rushing to get his bag.

After grabbing his things and the two males walked from the school to the car, Jin broke down in the passenger seat.
    "W-what happened…? W-why isn't she doing good…?" He asked in a whimper, looking at his mother's fiance. Hartz glanced at him, a dark look in the showing green eye.
    "Jin, she was shot…"

NightBear15 signing off...

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