The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter One

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Twenty-three-year-old Naoki Minamo has been a teacher at Beigoma City High School for almost a year. He became the new science teacher after the last one retired. The new year was upon the teachers and students as the first day of school arrived quickly. The science teacher was pretty excited to greet the new bunch of students he would be teaching this year, as well as seeing the classes from the previous year when he first started. His students were rather kind and considerate towards him when he first started, and he treated them as well as they did him. It wasnt until they got further into his first year did he notice how he effected mostly his female students. They always gave him these flirtatious looks which made him feel wildly uncomfortable.

Naoki shook his head as the bell to alert the start of class rang, bringing him from his thoughts as he looked over all of his students. Ah yes, the new junior class this year, he thought to himself, as he recognized most of his students.
    "Welcome to the start of the new year, Juniors!" Naoki started with a smile, listening as his students all let out a cheer. "Its very nice seeing you all back and for those of you who are new, my name is Mr. Minamo. I teach Biology, Physics, and Chemistry, so I teach almost every grade within our high school." He explained, adjusting his glasses with a smile.

One of his previous students rose their hand, Naoki calling on him as he took a seat on his stool.
    "Mr. Minamo, are we going to do the introduction like we did last year?" The student asked as he brought his hand back down.
    "A very good question, Mr. Blake. The answer is yes! Everyone, please stand and make a circle!" Naoki directed, standing himself as the students stood and made the circle. "The rules are simple; were all going to go around and introduce ourselves! Well all say our names, our age, and something about ourselves. It can be anything from hobbies or something you like. Be creative! Ill start: My name is Naoki Minamo, Im twenty-three years old, and I love working with periodic table of elements. "

Everyone went around and introduced themselves, until they got to the last student, a shy black-haired boy with his hood up. Naoki looked at the boy and tilted his head slightly, smiling warmly at him.
    "Come on son, introduce yourself. No one will judge you." He said gently, making the boy look up at him. His dull bright green eyes gave off a soft glow, his pale cheeks warming up at the sight of the science teachers soft orange eyes.
    "... M-my name is Jin Aizawa... I-I'm sixteen, a-and I like Halloween..." His voice was soft, almost like he hasnt slept in a while, but Naoki kept his gentle smile, clasping his hands together.
    "Alright class, now take your seats and well begin going over the syllabus for this year." The teacher said, his class sitting back down as he passed out the class syllabus.


About a month went by already for the new year, and it was going rather smoothly, just like last year. The majority of his chemistry class was passing except for a couple of people, which is alright as its still early into the year. One thing Naoki noticed was that the shy boy, Jin, was not at all involved with the discussions. He mostly kept to himself and never talked with anyone, leaving the other students to constantly talk about him. Naoki frowned when Jin looked up one time, noticing that around one of his eyes was unnaturally dark, leading him to suspect bullying. The bell rang to indicate the end of class, meaning it was now lunch for the students, everyone filing out of the classroom.

Jin was normally the last to leave, but Naoki called out to him before he walked out.
    "Mr. Aizawa, please hang back for a minute." The teal-haired male said, closing the door to his classroom so they could have some privacy. Jin felt himself tense, his eyes still to the floor.
    "A-am I in trouble Mr. Minamo...?" The teenager asked softly, sitting at the desk in front of Naokis stool.
    "No, youre not in trouble. I just have a couple questions for you." Naoki started, sitting in front of him. He held a serious look in his eyes, reaching his hand out and lifting Jins head up to look into his eyes. "Are you being bullied here?" Jin felt his eyes widen as he stared into the orange eyes of his teacher, tears filling his eyes.
    "N-no..." He croaked, his lip quivering slightly as he forced his tears to stay in his eyes.
    "Jin, you can talk to me... I can help..." Naoki said gently, his hand resting gently on his cheek as his thumb gently rubbed under his black eye.
    "I-Ive already been helped... T-there's nothing you can do to help..." Jin explained, slowly taking the older males hand off his cheek. Naoki felt his cheeks heat up slightly when he touched his hand, swallowing thickly. The teacher moved off his stool and leaned down suddenly, capturing his students lips in a sweet kiss.

Jin felt time stop around them feeling his lips on his own, but it felt oddly... right... The teenager closed his eyes as he leaned into the kiss, his arms slowly wrapping around the taller males neck. Naoki felt his heart absolutely soar, pushing into the kiss more as he moved his tongue past his lips. Jin moaned softly into the kiss, tugging the teal hair he suddenly had a grip on. The older male pulled away and moved immediately to the door, locking it before he moved back to Jin, having him stand before he kissed him again, picking him up and setting him on his desk, kissing him hard as he took off his lab coat. The small black-haired male moaned into the kiss as he tossed his royal blue hat aside, pulling away from the kiss and taking his hoodie off. Naoki smiled softly at him as he undid his vest and his button-up, kissing and nipping at the boys neck gently.
    "Are you sure you want to keep going?" The orange-eyed male asked softly, his hands at the hem of Jins jeans. Jin looked up into his eyes and felt a small, genuine smile touch his lips.
    "P-please... Lets keep going..." He said softly, undoing the science teachers belt. Naoki chuckled as he kissed him again, his hands unbuttoning his black jeans before doing the same to his, attempting to pull the youngers off. Jin helped him out as he kicked his boots off, his pants sliding off his legs with ease. Naoki felt his cheeks burn dark at the sight of the teens body smirking as he pulled him close to him, his pants sliding down and exposing his hard member.

Jin felt nervousness creep up as Naoki took two of his fingers into his mouth, slicking them up with saliva before taking one and sliding it into his exposed entrance. He moaned out softly in surprise when he first felt it, his hands coming up and grabbing onto his teachers hair, his hips moving in slight discomfort.
    "Shh, I know..." Naoki said softly, kissing and biting his neck again as he slid in the second. Jin yelped softly and arched his back, tugging a little hard on the teachers hair which made him hiss softly. Naoki pulled his fingers out slowly and gripped his pale hips in his hands, his orange eyes staring gently into the youngers bright green ones. Are you ready...?
    "I-I... I-I think so..." Jin said softly, looking away and closing his eyes. Naoki nodded softly and pushed slowly into his entrance, visible discomfort etching onto Jins features. The further he pushed in, the more tears had filled the youngers eyes, threatening to spill over. I-it hurts... He whined softly, a tear streaking his cheek.
    "I know it hurts baby, but itll feel better... I promise..." Naoki cooed softly, taking his hands and gently rubbing away the smaller males cheeks. Jin nodded and bit his lip as the pain slowly subsided, his back arching as a reaction. Naoki noticed and moved his hips inward slightly, smirking softly when the boy below him flushed and moaned softly. He decided to start slow, thrusting gently as to not make him uncomfortable, but Jin wanted more. He whined softly at the slow pace and moaned, which made Naoki move quicker.
    "A-ah~ F-faster~" Jin moaned in pleasure, making Naokis smirk widen. The science teacher pinned his arms to the desktop and let loose, thrusting roughly into him and kissing him to keep him quiet. The more they went, the more Jin moaned, a small scream muffled as the older male had reached the youngers sweet spot. The pleasure hit them both hard as Jin accidentally bit Naokis lip, making him flinch at the pain, but not stop his brutal pace. Jin grew close to his climax as the teacher continued, moaning into his neck as he suddenly came on their stomachs, his entrance clamping suddenly. Naoki gasped and let out a soft groan, cumming deep inside his student.

The two panted softly as they started to come down from their highs, Naoki pulling out and resting gently on top of the smaller male. Jin smiled tiredly at him and pet his head gently, nuzzling him slightly and taking a deep breath.
    "T-that... T-that was amazing..." He said softly, near breathless as Naoki moved and stood. The orange-eyed male smiled gently as started to clean themselves up, taking Jins hand gently and sitting him up carefully. Jin stood and fell forward suddenly, his newfound lover catching him with a look of concern.
    "Are you okay?" He asked, Jin giggling softly and nodding.
    "I-Im fine... M-my legs are just numb..." Jin told him, starting to get his clothes back on. Naoki nodded softly and started getting his own clothes back in order, glancing over at the smaller male with a gentle smile. Jin yawned softly and slid his hood up, rubbing his eyes gently as he went over and grabbed his things.
    "Stop by after school?" Naoki asked him, walking him to the door. Jin nodded with a smile, his books to his chest.
    "Count on it..." He said softly, slipping out of the classroom after sharing one final kiss with his new teacher lover.

Jin slipped out of the class room and moved to his locker, setting his things in it with a sigh. The bell rang to alert that lunch was over and that the next class would be starting soon, the smaller male getting the materials for his next class and shutting the door.


Jin yawned as the last class for the day ended, the tired male walking out and to his locker for the last time today. He grabbed what he needed and stuffed it in his backpack, closing the door and venturing off. He came to the door of the science room and looked around for a moment, slipping into the room and closing the door.
    "Hello...!" Jin smiled, setting his bag down. Naoki glanced up and smiled at his small lover, zipping up his laptop bag before he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.
    "Hello. You look awfully happy." Naoki smiled, straightening up.
    "I am... I get to see you again..." The smaller smiled, picking up his bag again and yawning.
    "Are you doing okay? I went a little hard on you for your first time..." Naoki asked softly, rubbing his back softly. Jin giggled softly and nodded, sighing gently at his touch.
    "I'm fine, Im just really tired..." The black-haired male said, adjusting his bag onto his shoulder. Naoki smiled softly at him, nodding.
    "Well, would you like to come home with me tonight? Have a nice dinner together and maybe have a little more fun...? "
Jin thought for a moment and thought about what his guardian would think. But then again, hes able to make his own decisions.
      "Sure, I have nothing else going today..." Jin smiled, tilting his head at him slightly. Naoki chuckled and ruffled his hair slightly, grabbing his bag and leading him out the door. They took the back hallways and walked out of the school together, no one around to see them together as they both got into Naokis car and drove off.

~~ Welcome to The Teacher/Student Scandal! Ive had this idea since my sophomore year of high school, except I used a completely different couple from a completely fandom.

This is the rewrite!

This is gonna be such an emotional storyline, as I already have seven parts from the original written out and to go off of.

Yall ready for the feels this Teacher/Student couple is gonna face along the months?

I know I am!

NightBear15 signing off...

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