The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Two

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Jin stirred slightly as the familiar jingle to his phone filled the silent atmosphere. His tired bright green eyes opened as he took in the sort of plain looking bedroom, leaning over the side of the bed and digging his phone out of his jeans. The small male yawned as he answered the phone, rubbing his eyes.
    “... H-hello…?” He said softly, stretching his back out as a sigh of relief came from the other line.
    “Thank god I got a hold of you… Where the hell are you? I haven't seen or heard from you since you left for school this morning.” A female’s voice greeted him, worry evident in her voice. Jin yawned again, shaking his head slightly.
    “I’m just at a friend’s house Night… Didn’t you get my message…?”
    “I did, but just because you sent me a message, doesn’t mean I gave you permission to go. If your mother was here-”
    “Stop right there… You know I don’t like hearing about her, not since the fire…” Jin snapped, his grip on the phone tightening.
    “I know that Jin, but you know I’m right. You need to come home.” Night said, pacing her living room worriedly.
    “No… I won’t…” Jin said boldly, causing the blonde female to stop her pacing.
    “Jin Aizawa, I am your guardian, you will listen to me.” She growled, her voice carrying a warning.
    “No, you’re not my mother… I don’t have to listen to you…”
    “Don’t you dare talk to me like that, I don’t have to take this from you.”

Jin growled as tears filled his eyes, refusing to back down from his female guardian.
    “Then don’t… Goodbye Night…” He hissed, hanging up abruptly. He held the device in his hands tightly, threatening to snap it in half as a tear slithered down his cheek. Naoki wrapped a gentle arm around his partner’s waist, grabbing his glasses and sliding them on.
    “Hey there… Are you alright?” The older male asked softly, concern laced in his voice as he sat up. Jin sighed softly and set his phone down, nodding as he hugged him.
    “I-I’m fine… My guardian and I just had a little argument…” He said softly, rubbing away his tears. Naoki kissed his head gently, holding him close.
    “It’s okay my dear, I’m here for you…” He said softly, pinching his cheek gently to make him smile. It proved effective as Jin let out a soft giggle, his frown replaced with a small smile. “Do you want me to take you home?”

Jin shook his head slightly, his smile dropping yet again as he looked down at his hands.
    “No, I don’t want to go home tonight… Night and I need some space right now…”
    “I can respect that, you’re always welcome to stay here when you need space.” Naoki smiled, pecking his lips quickly as he looked at the time. “Oh, I just remembered, I have homework I need to grade. Care to join me downstairs?” The science teacher asked, getting out of bed and getting some comfy clothes on. Jin smiled slightly and nodded, getting up himself and getting his own clothes back on. Naoki leaned over the bed suddenly, dealing a quick ‘smack!’ to Jin’s ass. The teenager yelped and snapped his gaze to him, glaring at him as Naoki laughed softly.
    “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.” He smiled, fixing his hair slightly as Jin finished getting his clothes back on.
    “Uh huh…” Jin rolled his eyes, smiling slightly as the two walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.


A couple hours later and Naoki finished with grading his Biology class’s homework, He glanced over to Jin. The junior was still doing the homework he had from his math teacher’s class, sighing softly as music played through his headphones. Naoki smiled softly and walked over, leaning down and kissing his partner’s head gently, causing him to look up and smile.
    “I'm going to start dinner, any suggestions?” The older male asked, ruffling the younger’s hair gently. Jin pulled an earbud out, smiling softly at him.
    “Anything without meat please… I’m a vegetarian…” Jin said softly, his smile turning shy. Naoki responded with a gentle smile and a nod, kissing him softly before he slipped off into the kitchen, leaving Jin alone in the living room.

The black-haired male smiled softly as he looked down at his homework yet again, frowning as he struggled with math quite often.
    “Fuck it, I’ll finish it later…” He told himself as he started putting his things away. He breathed out in a sigh and leaned back in his seat, staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts drifted to when he and Naoki walked through the door of the teacher’s house and he suddenly flushed, his hand resting on his chest as he tried calming his heart. Is he holding back on him…? Jin asked himself, shaking his head. Best not to think about it.

What they’re doing is horribly dangerous…

Jin shook his head yet again and tried to push the thought away, rubbing his burning cheeks gently. Naoki came walking into the living room with a smile, it faltering slightly when he saw how deep in thought his young lover was as he walked over. Naoki set a gentle hand on his shoulder and felt him jolt under his touch, bright green eyes looking up at him in question.
    “Hey there, thinking hard?” The older male asked, smiling warmly at him. Jin giggled softly and nodded, standing up and stretching.
    “Yeah sorry… That tends to happen a lot…”
    “That’s alright my dear. Are you hungry? I just finished cooking dinner.” 
    “Starving…” Jin smiled, the two of them walking into the kitchen. Naoki led him over to a chair and pulled it out for his younger lover, smiling when he heard him giggle softly. Pushing his chair in gently, he went over to the stove and took a pan off of the burner, setting it on the table and lifting the lid.

Inside the pan held a lovely blend of vegetables and cheese, sliced french bread on a plate next to the pan. Jin stared in awe at the dinner and looked up at the older male, nervousness in his eyes.
    “W-what about you…?” He asked suddenly, playing with his hands slightly. Naoki set the lid down and chuckled, getting a couple glasses for them.
    “What do you mean? This is for both of us.” He said, smiling at him gently as he set a glass of water next to their plates. “I made it to benefit you and I. No meat, but very healthy.” Jin felt like he was going to cry, the sweetest smile on his lips.
    “You’re the best…” He told him, rubbing his eyes. Naoki chuckled and kissed his head gently, plating the vegetable dinner and sitting across from the smaller male. Jin smiled back and took a bite, his eyes lighting up at the taste.
    “Do you like it?” Naoki asked, trying not to laugh at his cute reaction.
    “Amazing…!” Jin smiled, digging into the meal as Naoki began eating his.

Jin had his plate cleared within a couple of minutes, making Naoki laugh.
    “Damn, you sure were hungry.” He said, sipping at his water.
    “It had been a while since I last ate… I never had lunch today…” Jin said, subconsciously shrugging. Naoki lost his smile for a second, remembering he was the reason he didn’t have lunch, looking down at his plate. Jin looked at him and immediately remembered why Naoki had suddenly gotten quiet.
    “I-I’m sorry...! I didn’t mean it like that…!” He said quickly. “W-what we did during lunch was great… I had fun…” Naoki looked at him and noticed how red his cheeks were, smiling and chuckling softly.
    “You’re fine my dear.” The older male had said, reaching across the table and grabbing his hand gently. “I'm glad you had fun, but what do you say to round three…?” He suggested with a smirk.
    “Why not…? What’s the worst that could happen…?” Jin asked with a smile, the two taking care of their dishes together before Naoki picked up his small lover, taking him up the stairs.


An alarm cut through the air early that morning as a hand reached out and shut it off. Naoki yawned and stretched out his arms before he went to sit up, noticing the arm that held on tightly to his chest. Naoki looked down and smiled softly at the sight, Jin curled up next to him fast asleep. The older male gently moved his arm and got up, kissing his head gently before he moved to the bathroom to take a shower. Jin yawned softly as he turned, his bright green eyes opening slightly when he heard the shower start. He sat up and stretched out his arms, rubbing his back softly before he got out of bed, venturing to the bathroom. He opened the door silently before slipping in, getting into the shower with Naoki and sitting on the bathtub floor, his knees pulled to his chest. Naoki looked down at him and raised an eyebrow, reaching down and petting his head gently.
    “Hey there, everything okay?” The science teacher asked, kneeling down in front of him. Jin looked up at him and gave him a soft smile.
    “Yeah, I always do this in the shower…” He said softly, running his hands gently through his black hair as the water soaked his small body. Naoki smiled back and kissed his head before he stood back to continue showering. Jin gave a soft sigh and rubbed his face gently, getting out of the shower and drying off before he walked back into the bedroom, getting dressed. Naoki watched him get out and shut the shower off, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist as he followed his small lover.
     “Are you sure you’re okay?” The science teacher asked, drying himself off. Jin stopped for a moment as his fingers touched under his eye, shaking his head slightly as he turned and smiled slightly at him.
     “I’m fine… I promise…” He said, putting his hood up after he got his hat on. Naoki still felt a little suspicious but smiled back, pecking his lips gently.
     “If you say so dear.”


Jin walked through the doors to the cafeteria, getting himself a small breakfast before he walked to a table in the corner, sitting by himself as he ate. He sent a quick apology to Night about their argument the previous night before taking a drink of his water, feeling a sudden presence behind which caused him to swing around. Amber eyes stared down at him, a scary smirk spread across the lips of the principal; William Talisborne.
    “W-what do you want…?” Jin asked, trying to keep his voice steady and a glare in his eyes. William’s smirk widened slightly as a slight glow crossed over his eyes.
    “Oh, don’t be like that. I just wanted to say ‘hello’.” The principal said, making Jin’s skin pale slightly.
    “I told you not to talk to me anymore, Mr. Talisborne…” Jin growled softly, glaring at him with his teeth grit together. William chuckled, which caused Jin’s glare to falter, leaning down to him   slightly.
    “Come now, I just wanted to see how you’re adjusting, since you don’t live with your father anymore.”

Jin stood and squeezed past him, going for the door to avoid him, which caused William to growl softly and grab him, forcing his back against the wall by the door.
    “I don’t like being ignored Jin… Did you forget about all I’ve done for you?” The older male warned, causing Jin to shrink under his stare.
    “N-no…” He said softly, tears in his eyes as he avoided eye contact. William smirked and pat his head gently, letting him go.
    “Good boy, now go and get ready for your classes… I’ll be checking up on you…” The principal whispered to him, straightening his tie and walking off. Jin whined softly as he subconsciously rubbed his wrists, walking out of the cafeteria when the bell went off. The morning went by slower than normal and progressively got worse after the principal. He got harassed by a couple seniors as he was walking to his third hour, and when he tried ignoring them, they didn’t like that and roughed him up. Now with him going to his fourth hour class, his class with Naoki, he’s sporting a darker black eye and a busted lip. He pulled his hood further over his face as he trudged into the classroom, trying to sneak in without Naoki noticing. 

Just his luck though, as he was walking to his seat, Naoki tried to greet him which only made him duck down more. Naoki frowned when his small lover sat down without any acknowledgement, adjusting his lab coat as he went and sat on his stool in front of the class. The second bell went off to alert the start of class, the science teacher smiling as he addressed his class with a good morning before starting the lesson for the day. 

With the homework for the day passed out, Naoki sat at his desk and grabbed his phone and, since he and Jin gave each other their phone numbers, sent him a text asking if he was okay. Jin felt his phone vibrate and glanced up, noticing Naoki staring as he dipped back down and glanced at his phone. He hitched his breath and put his phone away, going back to work. Naoki frowned again and sent another text, wanting him to answer. Jin whined softly when he felt the vibration of his phone again and stood all of a sudden, grabbing his stuff and rushing out of the classroom. The door closed and some students looked up, Naoki excusing himself as he stood and stepped out of the room.

Jin glanced back and seen his teacher lover, turning back and trying to move quicker. 
    "Jin, wait. What's wrong? What happened?" Naoki tried, catching up to him and grabbing his shoulder gently.
    "Naoki let me go… I don't want to talk…" The teenager said, tearing his shoulder away to keep walking.
    "You're still in my class, I'm responsible for you right now." Naoki said, moving in front of him and grabbing his shoulders again.
    "Stop… Leave me alone…" Jin pleaded, looking up suddenly with a sad look. Naoki frowned as a look of sadness crossed his eyes.
    "What happened honey…?" The older male asked softly, pulling his hood back gently. Jin flinched as tears filled his eyes, biting his lip to stop a sob.
    "S-Seniors…" Jin whimpered softly, tears streaking his cheeks as Naoki started leading him back to his classroom. 

Naoki rubbed his shoulder gently as they walked, stopping outside his classroom door.
    "Come back inside, lay your head and calm down baby… After class, you and I can talk…" He said gently, giving him a small smile. Jin nodded and sniffled softly, walking back inside and going over to his desk


Jin walked down the sidewalk after school, having talked through a lot with Naoki and saying he needed to be home. The older male agreed with a smile, and the two parted ways for the rest of that day. The teenager sighed as soft tunes played in his ears, pulling out his keys while he walked up the front steps of his guardian's house.
    "... I'm home…" He called softly as he took his headphones out,  closing and locking the front door once more. 

Silence greeted him while taking his boots off, the black-haired male remembering Night was still at the daycare she works at. He sighed again and walked upstairs to his bedroom, opening the door and closing it behind him. Pulling his hoodie off, Jin stretched out his shoulders and looked into his vanity mirror. He yawned and collapsed onto his bed with a grunt, closing his eyes before drifting off to sleep.


A knock on the door caused him to jump awake, rubbing his eyes as Night poked her head into the room, giving him a small smile.
    "Hey honey, I just wanted to check on you and see if you're hungry…" The blonde female said, walking into the room and sitting on his bed.
    "No mama, I'm not that hungry…" He said tiredly, hugging her and leaning into her in exhaustion. Night smiled softly as she held him, petting and combing her fingers through his hair.
    "That's okay dear, you get some sleep…" She said softly.
    "I'm sorry for everything…"
    "Don't be dear… You know mama was just looking out for you…"

Jin nodded softly and yawned, falling asleep in her embrace. Night smiled and kissed his head gently, laying him down and tucking him in before walking out of the room and closing the door behind her.

NightBear15 signing off...

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