The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Three

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Jin’s scandalous relationship with Naoki kept going through the year. They were even still secretly hooking up after school when the couple would go back to the older male’s house. Unfortunately, William’s harassment with Jin hadn’t stopped either, the principal constantly tormenting him by pulling him into his office before school would officially start for the day. On one of the days Jin was actually home after school, Naoki having taken him home so he didn’t walk, the young male sat on his bed and started on his homework. His phone started ringing the moment he went to start, making him groan as he answered.
    “Hello…?” He answered, writing down an answer,
    “Why hello young one, long time no see…” William’s sadistic sounding voice said afterward, causing Jin’s eyes to widen in horror.
    “H-how did you get my new number…?” He asked, a slight whimper in his voice. The principal chuckled.
    “Don’t underestimate the power I have as a principal Jin.” William said, Jin being able to feel his smirk through the phone. “You seem to be avoiding me, you know that isn’t a good idea right?”
    “Y-yes b-but-”
    “But nothing. You shouldn’t give me an excuse, it may cause something bad to happen Jin. Am I clear?” William cut off, hostility in his voice.

Jin whimpered and subconsciously nodded, gripping the phone tightly.
    “Y-yes sir…” He whined, falling victim to the predator's intimidation.
    “Good boy…” The older male growled suggestively, causing the smaller to flinch. “As always, keep this a secret, and I’ll see you tomorrow. Until then…” The line cut after that, tears streaking Jin’s cheeks as he started feeling sick to his stomach. He swallowed thickly then felt something come up, the poor teenager getting up and running to the bathroom to release the contents of his stomach. He coughed and gagged as he sat back, a sob caught in his throat as he rubbed his eyes.

The teen finally stood and flushed away the vile fluids, sniffling as he rinsed out his mouth and rubbed the cool water on his face. He dried his hands and face and walked out, going back to his room and shutting the door. Jin grabbed his phone and went to the number William used to contact him, gritting his teeth and blocking the number, sighing as he set the device back down.
    "I don't want to do this anymore…" He said to himself, rubbing his eyes as he laid down, completely forgetting about the homework he needed to do. He pat his stomach softly with a hum, sleep creeping up on him one more time as he closed his eyes, falling asleep.


Later, with Night being home, the two sat at the dinner table eating. The female cooked a wonderful dinner for the two of them as well as a couple pieces of chicken for herself, the two eating in a comfortable silence. At least, it was before Night spoke when she glanced up at her son and saw something out of place.
    "Jin, baby, do you realize you're eating chicken?" She asked, staring distinctly at the poultry that sat on her vegetarian son's plate. Jin looked down and tilted his head, finishing with chewing the bite he already had, and looking at her.
    "I don't even remember grabbing it…" He said, putting his fork down.
    "Is everything alright? You've seemed a little distant lately." Night asked in concern, worry crossing her grey eyes.

Jin smiled softly at her, going back to eating.
    "I promise I'm okay mom… I wouldn't lie to you…" He said, feeling guilt gnaw at his heart. Night smiled, continuing eating as well.
    "I trust you honey, I was just worried." She said, the conversation dying down after that. Jin winced when she said she trusted him, finally realizing what he's doing to her. This could ruin their trust if Night finds out about this too soon…

Excusing himself, Jin took care of his plate after finishing, going back into his room and closing the door, guilt further knocking him in the chest.
    "What am I doing…?" He asked himself, gripping his hair in his hands. Jin rubbed his stomach gently when it started to grumble, another sick feeling washing over him. His thoughts crossed to what Night had said, saying that he was eating chicken. "I'm a vegetarian…" He said softly.

He sighed and turned to his phone, yawning as he collapsed on his bed, texting Naoki.
    'I just ate chicken…' He sent his teacher lover, setting his phone aside. A knock sounded on his door before it opened, Night stepping in and closing it behind her.
    "Jin, I have a question…" She started, a worried look in her eyes.
    "What's up…?"
    "Are… Are you being completely honest with me? Like, where you keep going after school?"

Jin blinked and felt the color drain from his face, his breath hitched.
    "O-of course, w-what makes you think I'm not…?" He asked, trying to sound like he isn't absolutely terrified. Night thought a second, holding a hand to her head with a small laugh.
    "Honestly, I don't know. Ever since I met you, I know you've always told me everything. Lately, I just been feeling like you're slipping away from me." Night said with a laugh, her hand now on her cheek. "Crazy right?" 
    "Y-yeah, crazy…" Jin laughed softly, trying not to sound nervous. Night walked over and kissed his head, smiling softly at him.
    “If you need anything or need someone to talk to, I’m always here for you.” She said, walking out and closing the door behind her. Jin released a heavy breath, looking at his phone when it vibrated.
    ‘What the hell do you mean you ate chicken? You’re a vegetarian.’ Naoki sent back, Jin flinching subconsciously.
    ‘I was eating dinner, and  guess I grabbed the chicken without thinking… I don’t know what's going on Naoki…’
    ‘I understand baby. Tomorrow, come and see me before school and we can talk about this.’
    ‘Naoki, my guardian came and asked if I'm being totally honest with her, and I had to lie to her…’
    'What are you saying Jin?'

Jin whined softly as he wrote out the text, taking a deep breath before he sent the message.
    'I don't want to keep lying to her…"


With school the next day, Jin dreaded waking up, exhaustion evident in his eyes as he got dressed. Night dropped him off before she had to go to work, blowing him a kiss and telling him to have a good day. Jin waved and walked into the school, looking around as he walked the halls. Unease immediately filled his chest as he tried getting to Naoki's classroom, a spark of hope lighting up his eyes as he closed his hand around the doorknob.
    "Mr. Aizawa, how are you today?" The voice he didn't want to hear asked. Jin tensed immediately, tightening his hold on the knob.
    "I-I'm okay, j-just need to ask Mr. Minamo some questions on the homework…" He said, trying to hide his fear. William nodded slightly, moving forward as Jin sighed and slipped into the classroom.

    "Hey, there you are. I was starting to get worried." Naoki smiled, looking up from his work. He noticed the fearful look in his lover's eyes, frowning slightly. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
    "I-I'm okay… B-but I really need to talk to you…" Jin said softly, sitting at a desk.
    "Is this about last night?"
    "M-more than that… I-I'm very worried…"
    "What about my love?"

Jin whined softly, his hands fumbling with each other.
    "I-I'm throwing up Naoki… I ate meat even though I'm a vegetarian… I-I'm constantly lying to the woman that took me in after I finally managed to escape the pain of my old life…!" Jin was starting to get angry, tears in his eyes as he slammed his hands against the desk.
    "Jin, calm down, it's all going to be okay." Naoki tried, hoping to stop his little meltdown.
    "No! It's not going to be okay! Nothing has ever been okay in my life Naoki!" The teen yelled, standing suddenly.

    "Jin, I will not have you yell at me in my own classroom!" Naoki snapped suddenly as he stood as well, his hands on his desk. Jin flinched and immediately cowered, the tears he had in his eyes finally streaking his cheeks. He immediately went silent and his arms went behind his back, looking down as he waited for his punishment. Naoki looked at him and sighed, walking over and putting his hands gently in his shoulders.
    "I-I'm so s-sorry…" The smaller male said softly, a quiet sob leaving his lips.
    "It's okay dear… I know how stressed you've been lately… Do you feel a little better after venting?"

Jin nodded softly, sniffling softly and rubbing his tears away as he looked into his eyes. Naoki seen how exhausted he looked and sighed softly, kissing his forehead.
    "No offense honey, but you look terrible… Do you want me to take you home?"
    "M-maybe…" Jin said softly, yawning as if on cue.
    "Alright, grab your bag, I'm taking you home."
    "A-are you sure…?"
    "Of course baby, let's go." Naoki said, smiling softly at him.


Jin waved slightly as Naoki drove off, walking up the front steps of Night's house as he pulled out his house key. Unlocking the door, he walked inside, closing and locking the door as he took his boots off. The teenager sighed then let out a yawn, grabbing his bag as he walked up the stairs, immediately going into the bathroom and shutting the door. He dug into his bag and pulled a little box out of it, his breath hitching as he stared at it. 

This was the last thing he wanted to think about but knew it was going to continue to eat at him until he did something.

He read the instructions and followed them before he set a timer on his phone, setting the device and the other object on the sink as he sat against the far wall, waiting. He hid his face in his knees and waited what felt like hours, but the timer went off after five minutes, causing him to look up. He crawled over and shut the timer off, grabbing the second object as he counted to himself, opening his eyes on one.

His eyes went wide and he dropped the object, tears filling his eyes as he covered his mouth. He really didn't want to believe it,  but knew it was true. But the question was, how is he going to Naoki?

How is he going to tell Night?

NightBear15  signing off...

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