The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Thirteen

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~~~ Before I start this chapter, I just want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support I've been experiencing with this book. I was really skeptical with posting this in the first place because I was worried how people were gonna respond. The response I got was beyond what I imagined, so thank you all again! :') ~~~

A month later, Jin was just under eight months along and restricted to bed rest. The weight of the twins were starting to have a dangerous toll on his body, and still having a broken ankle didn't help either. He had also recently moved in with his teacher lover, the two dedicating one of the rooms within the house as the nursery for the twins. They had everything set up, so they were all ready for whenever Jin was to go into labor.

Whenever that would be.

It was also revealed to the couple that Night was also pregnant, her and Hartz revealing it to the teenager in one of those pregnancy reveal scavenger hunts. Something really fun as opposed to all the stress poor Jin had been feeling lately. Said teen sat dejectedly in his and Naoki's bed, scrolling through his phone as the Chem teacher got ready for work, his laptop next to him so he could be ready for the online classes he was enrolled in.
"Everything okay my love?" Naoki asked as he buttoned his vest, looking at his pregnant lover through the body mirror he was looking into. Jin glanced up at him, sparing a gentle smile.
"I'm fine, just not looking forward to online classes..." He said softly, patting his belly as the twins kicked. Naoki smiled and walked over to him, setting a gentle hand on his stomach as he gave him a soft kiss.
"I know honey, but bed rest is what you need. Your body is having a very hard time right now, we don't need anything else to happen to complicate the rest of your pregnancy." The teal-haired man smiled warmly at him, making Jin blush softly. The teenager nodded and exhaled, wincing when one of the babies kicked a little too hard. "My point was proven right there baby."
"Yeah yeah..." Jin said in defeat, pushing his face away jokingly.
"You gonna be okay by yourself?"
"I should be... If I need anything, I'll call you..."

Naoki smiled and kissed him again, ruffling his messy hair playfully.
"You better." He said, kissing his belly before standing. "I'll call and check up on you during lunch. There's sandwiches for you in the fridge as well as water for when you run out in your bottle. Don't hesitate to call about anything, I'll keep my phone on me during class."
"Anything else...?" Jin joked, laughing softly as Naoki pushed his shoulder gently.
"Ha ha..." The teacher said sarcastically, wiggling his nose at him. "I have to get going. I love you, and I'll talk to you later. Okay?"
"Okay, Naoki... I already told you, I'll be fine..."
"Right, right... Sorry, I'm nervous to leave you here by yourself..." Naoki shook his head, smiling at him. "You're sixteen, you can handle this."
"Don't remind me..." Jin laughed, causing Naoki to grow nervous again. The teen noticed it and grabbed his hand, patting it gently. "Calm down... The only thing you should stress about is our twins Naoki..."

Naoki nodded and squeezed his hand before letting it go and sparing him another quick kiss. He bid him a good day before grabbing his bag and walking out of the bedroom to leave the house. Jin shook his head with a sigh and a smile, grabbing his laptop to get ready for his online classes.


The pregnant teen threatened to throw his laptop against the wall, struggling with the work he had to do for his online math class.
"Fuck math...!" He yelled angrily, slamming the computer closed. He leaned back into the fluffy pillows with a sigh, rubbing his heavily pregnant belly to pacify his poisonous thoughts. "You two better be good at math when you're in school..." His phone went off shortly after, causing him to look at it with a grunt.

His lover's name was on the screen and he smiled softly, answering the call.
"Is it lunch time already...?" He asked when he answered, causing a chuckle to come from his love.
"Just about baby. I'm calling to check up on you, how are you doing?" Naoki said to him, sitting back in his desk chair.
"Besides wanting to throw my laptop against the wall, I'm doing okay..."
"Let me guess, math again?"
"Ding ding ding, you win a fucking cookie Naoki..." Jin said bitterly, making Naoki laugh. The Chemistry teacher ran a hand through his hair, sitting up better.
"Your bitterness towards math is duly noted babe. I'll help you out with it when I'm back home."
"That will be greatly appreciated, thank you..."
"Anytime, my dear."

Jin could feel his smile through the phone, which made him smile in return.
"Well, I'm gonna grab lunch and get back to homework honey... I love you..." The teen said happily, rubbing his eye slightly.
"Okay baby, I'll leave you to it. I'll be home in a few hours, so I'll see you then. I love you too." The two finished their phone call and hung up, Jin carefully getting out of bed and stretching. He was still in a cast, but he was able to walk without crutches, which made going up and down stairs a bit easier for him. He carefully made his way down the stairs and rubbed his heavy stomach, letting out a breath as he wobbled his way into the kitchen for his sandwiches.

He ate them happily while he grabbed his water bottle, sitting at the table with his phone.
"I've never been so bored..." The teen said, sighing as he scrolled through TikTok. He finished his sandwiches and drank his water, yawning softly as he watched the funny videos on his phone. "I don't wanna go back to class..."
'Then don't, simple as that...' He thought to himself, standing and putting his phone away. Looking at the time, he looked at the sink and noticed the dishes in them. Maybe doing the dishes would clear his boredom.

Jin nodded at the thought and carefully took his hoodie off, setting it on the chair as he got to work on doing the dishes.


"Jin, baby, I'm home!" Naoki called as he walked in the house, closing the door and taking his shoes off. Silence greeted him save for the sound of... music? Naoki furrowed his eyebrows and walked up the stairs, hearing that it was indeed music. "Babe?"
"In the bedroom...!" Jin called back to him, having turned down his music so he could hear him better. Naoki smiled softly and walked into their bedroom, seeing Jin out of bed and folding laundry.
"Hey honey, how was work...?" His beloved asked him, glancing back at him with a smile. His smile fell when he noticed the look Naoki was giving him, making him turn to him better. "What's wrong...?"
"Baby, what are you doing? You're supposed to be taking it easy." The older male said, rushing over to him to have him sit down.
"I was bored, so I decided to clean up around the house a bit..."
"Oh no, baby, you can't be on your feet for too long. How long have you been doing this?"
"... Since I finished lunch..."

Naoki felt his heart skip a beat, a hand to his head.
"Jin, that was four hours ago!" He said, nervous that he hurt himself.
"I know, but I didn't want to just sit around and do nothing..." Jin said softly, his hand on his belly. "I did the dishes, I did laundry, and I took a nice bath..." He smiled, feeling really proud. Naoki sighed softly and kissed his head, smiling at him.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I just don't want you to hurt yourself. Thank you for everything you did today, I appreciate it baby." The teacher said, kissing him softly. Jin giggled and kissed him back, wrapping his arms around his neck.

Naoki pulled away and kissed his head, straightening up and looking at the bed.
"Alright honey, you just sit and relax while I put away the rest of the laundry. After, I have a bit of homework to grade, but then I'm yours the rest of the night." He said sweetly, making Jin sigh in defeat.
"Are you sure I can't help...?"
"You've already helped enough baby. Let me finish this up for you."
"No buts, let me do this for you" Naoki said, hands on his hips. Jin grumbled and crossed his arms, puffing his cheeks out in annoyance. The older male smiled and kissed his head, folding the rest of the laundry.

The Chemistry teacher put all the laundry away and then grabbed his laptop bag, sitting next to Jin with a smile.
"You still mad?" He asked, noticing the sour look his beloved still had.
"Maybe..." Jin said softly, scrolling through his phone. Naoki laughed and kissed his cheek, pulling out his laptop and the homework he needed to grade.
"I love you." He smiled, making Jin give a small smile back.
"Yeah, I love you too..." The teen said softly, pushing his shoulder gently with a laugh.

~~A little fluffy fluff :)~~

NightBear15 signing off...

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