The Teacher/Student Scandal - Chapter Twelve

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Jin yawned softly as he sat in the backseat of Night's car, her and Hartz in the front as they all drove home. Naoki was at school teaching when he was released but wished Jin the best before he left to get ready, sharing a gentle kiss with him and one to his pregnant belly. The doctor cleared him for discharge after all the tests came back normal and all of the pills he ingested were completely out of his system, which wasn't until the early parts of the afternoon.
"How you feeling honey bun?" Night asked him, glancing at him in the rearview mirror as she drove.
"Doing okay... I just feel really tired..." The teen answered, the shark plush Night gave him in his arms. The mother smiled softly and focused on the road, her hands tightening on the steering wheel.
"That's okay baby..." She answered, biting her lip gently. "But, there's something I want to ask you..."
"What's that mama...?"
"Why would you do this to yourself? I'm not angry or upset, I'm just really confused..."

The question caught Jin off guard as he stared out the car window, his hands on his pregnant belly. Six and a half months along, and he almost ended it all with a full bottle of his mother's meds. Night sensed the distress and reached back to him, taking his hand gently.
"Let's not worry about it now baby boy..." She said sweetly, looking back and giving him a soft smile. She pulled into the driveway of their home and parked the car, shutting it off while Jin and Hartz got out of the vehicle. The teenager yawned as the small family made it inside the house, Night kissing his head softly.
"Are you hungry baby boy?" The mother asked, brushing some hair out of his face. Jin smiled softly but shook his head, yawning yet again.
"No, I'm just tired..." He said softly.
"You want to lay down on the couch? Hartz and I were planning on playing a video game down here, so you don't have to be alone."

Jin nodded happily and wobbled his way to the stairs, setting off upstairs for a pillow and a blanket. Night smiled and hugged the plush in her arms, looking at her fiance with a soft laugh.
"Plushies fix everything, I'm telling you." She said, setting the shark on the couch and setting up her Switch.
"The smile on his face when you gave it to him was the best thing I've seen. He looked so happy." Hartz replied, wrapping his arms around her from behind and kissing her cheek. "Like nothing bad has ever happened..."
"That's how I like to see it. Jin isn't troubled, he's just broken..." Night said as she handed him a set of joycons.
"He'll feel better soon, I'm sure of it..."

Jin carefully came back down stairs, having tossed the pillow and blanket of his choice down the stairs so he could focus more on himself. He's already fell down the stairs once, he's not doing that again.
"Mama, I need help..." He called out softly, his mother immediately at the stairs.
"Need me to take the blanket and pillow for you?" Night asked, picking them off of the floor.
"Yes please..." Jin said, grabbing his crutches after he finally made it down the stairs the rest of the way. Night smiled at him and kissed his head, walking back into the living room and setting up the pillow and blanket. Jin made his way into the living room and sat on the couch, setting his crutches aside with a sigh. He laid down on his side and buried his head into the pillow, looking up when Night laid the blanket over him.

The young mother smiled at him and handed him his shark plush, sitting next him and petting his head.
"Get some rest baby boy, you deserve it..." She said softly, her and Hartz setting up their game. Night looked down and realized he was already out, smiling to herself as she played her game with her fiance.


Jin went back to school the next day reluctantly, but knew he had to stop missing school, rubbing his head as he sat against his locker. There was still ten minutes left before school started so he decided to just sit, relax, and listen to music. The babies kicked slightly as he did, making him grunt softly when they'd kick too hard. The pregnant teen sighed again and looked at his phone.
"Time going by so slow, what the fuck...?" He muttered to himself. He looked up and suddenly noticed the attendant standing above him, making him jump and hit his head against the metal behind him. He took an earbud out, looking at her confused. "Can I help you...?"
"Yes, you're wanted in the office." She said bitterly, Jin frowning at her.
"Okay...? For what...?"
"That's something you need to talk to Mr. Allen about Mister Aizawa."
"Didn't my mother tell you to leave me alone Mrs. Brown...?"
"Your mother isn't here and it's my job to watch the halls Jin."

Jin rolled his eyes and grabbed his crutches, carefully getting up as he glared at the woman.
"And I see you're still faking the broken ankle." She said, making Jin nearly snap.
"Didnt my mom also tell you that this isn't fake...?"
"She's a liar in herself. Which is why I still don't believe she was shot." Mrs. Brown said, Jin stopping in his tracks immediately after she said that. "Come on, don't waste time."
"Are you on drugs...?" Jin asked bitterly, his hands tightening on his crutches. "You've gotta be for the amount of garbage that's coming from your mouth...!"

Students stopped in their tracks, wondering about the commotion as Mrs. Brown stared at him in shock.
"Don't be disrespectful to me. Didnt you learn your lesson the last time?" She snapped, her arms crossed.
"Oh, you mean when you tripped me for being on crutches...? Or, or, when you forced me to go to the office after Miss Rogers said I could leave class early...?" Jin asked, swallowing the amount of anxiety he started feeling so he could stand his ground.
"You're not supposed to leave class early whether you're on crutches or not."
"Why dont you just admit that you have some sort of grudge against me...! I've done nothing wrong, I'm just trying to live my life...!"

Students murmured and whispered to themselves, Mrs. Brown trying to find her words. Jin crossed his arms, waiting for her to say something as his patience started wearing thin.
"What's going on out here?" Mr. Allen questioned, having just walked out of the office and noticed the crowd. Jin felt the color drain from his skin, looking over at the vice principal as he grabbed the handles of his crutches again.
"Mr. Allen, can I talk to you please?" Mrs. Brown asked, turning and facing him.
"Sure. Everyone, hurry and head to class. Whatever was going on here is over now." The vice principal said, all of the students disbanding and walking off. Jin attempted to wobble away unseen, but stopped dead in place when he was caught.
"Not you Jin, you're a part of this conversation too." Mrs. Brown snapped, her arms crossed.
"Great..." He mumbled to himself, making his way into the office with the two adults.


"No, I won't settle until he's suspended for a week. He's disrespected me one too many times Robert." Mrs. Brown countered, pointing at the poor pregnant teen as he sat in a chair.
"Alice, you need to remain calm. I dont know what is was I walked up on, but I think suspending him is too harsh. He's an amazing student, it's not right."
"You're going to let him get away with disrespecting a faculty member, missing a massive amount of school, and being the center of a terrible rumor of not only one of the teachers but also William himself?!"

Jin flinched at the mention of William, memories flashing in his mind as he subconsciously squeezed himself in a self-hug.
"We don't know if the rumors are even true. We can't discriminate against our students."
"Its not discrimination Robert!"
"Yes it is."
"C-can I say something-"
"Stay out of this Jin!" Alice snapped, looking back and glaring at him. Jin sighed and crossed his arms, leaning back in the chair.
"Alright, look, since you're being so unreasonable, I will put you on leave. You can't keep targeting one student out of the whole student body." Robert said, his hands folded on his desk. Alice stared at him in disbelief, frowning when she realized he was dead serious.
"Robert please, let's come to an agreement. Let's not be too hasty."
"No, I'm sorry, we're already past that. After today, you're on leave until this day next week." Robert said, motioning to the door. "Please leave my office so I can talk to Jin privately."

Alice sighed and walked out of the office, closing the door behind her. The vice principal then looked to Jin, the pregnant teenager looking down at his hands.
"Are you going to suspend me...?" The black-haired teen asked, looking over at him.
"No, that's a bit harsh since I know you were defending yourself. Unfortunately, I can't let behavior like that slide, but I'm only going to give you detention for the next couple days. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, I understand..." Jin nodded, rubbing his head.
"Okay. It won't start today, but tomorrow. You'll spend it in the office during lunch for the rest of this week."
"Seems reasonable..."

The vice principal smiled gently at him, getting up and walking to the door.
"Here, I'll let you out." He said, opening it up for him. Jin smiled softly and stood carefully, adjusting himself.
"Oh, also, can I have a pass please...?"
"Of course." Robert smiled, walking to his desk and writing a quick pass before handing it to him. He helped him out of the office, waving to him as he made his way to his first class.


"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Naoki asked him when he walked into the classroom, smiling at him.
"I'm okay... Babies are kicking the hell out of me though..." Jin answered, sitting at his desk.
"Oh, I'm sorry dear."
"It's fine... They know I'm a bit stressed right now..."
"What happened?"

Jin forced down a growl, squeezing his hands into fists.
"I dont wanna talk about it..." He said bitterly, making Naoki nod.
"Okay love. Hey, wanna look for stuff for the twins after school today?"
"Uh, sure..." Jin smiled softly, rubbing his head. The rest of the students piled in and the last bell rang to say class was starting, Naoki slipping into his teacher mentality to start class.

Jin smiled softly as his lover started teaching, always noticing how happy he sounded when he was. He rubbed his stomach gently as the twins kicked, excited to know that their babies would be here in just over two months.

NightBear15 signing off...

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