13 - Andrea

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When I left Honey to let Myrtle know she was waiting, I saw something wonderful happen. Myrtle and Maddox were exchanging a hug. And then they went to talk with Honey. As crazy as it might seem, I thought it was cute. Because they were relaxed, super chill. No worry to hold them back.

I don't end up in the room during the conversation. I find myself walking, blindly, towards the office. But I don't make it very far. I nearly blackout when I reach the doorway.

"Andrea," someone says as the world vanishes around me.


I wake up and find myself in a hospital bed. With Myrtle leaning over at my feet. And Mateo, and Maddox, sitting in chairs across the room. Asleep I groan as I try to roll over. I raise my arm, finding an IV in the back of my left hand. Great. It was an episode.

"Andrea," Myrtle sits up and looks at me with sleep in her eyes. "Hey, you're up."

"What happened?" I ask, sighing as I close my eyes for a moment.

"You passed out," my friend replies; I feel something squeeze my hand. "Mateo found you in the office doorway. No one was there . . . But he found Mrs. Gonzalez, and she called an ambulance."

I open my eyes to find her having moved closer to me.

"I'm starting to worry about whether I'll better or not," I mumble, making a face.

"Don't talk like that. You're going to get better. You've got your life ahead of you."

I offer, what I hope is, a smile. Myrtle returns it and glances over her shoulder.

"Mateo was really worried," she whispers, looking back to me. "He wasn't allowed to go with you in the ambulance. Maddox jumped right up and said he'd drive us."

"That was good of him."

Our whispers die down when the two boys start to stir. Maddox is the first to open his eyes, which he rubs as he erects himself in his chair. He offers a tired smile, and I assume it must have been hours that they've been here. And then, Mateo wakes.

There's a loud beeping noise coming from beside me. I twist my head, finding a heart-monitor.

"Did Edward Cullen come too?" I joke, knowing Myrtle would know the reference.

She laughs, "Fortunately, no. But I heard one of the doctors telling Mrs. Gonzalez about you having irregular heart patterns. So, you're going to be taking it easy for a while. No chasing me to crazy parties."

I roll my eyes, but I'm smiling.

"You scared me, Cora," Mateo says with a smirk as he approaches the bed. "Didn't know what else to do."

"You did what anyone should have done," Myrtle assures him, patting his shoulder before moving away towards Maddox. "Go with me for some coffee, please?"

He nods and takes her by the hand, heading for the door. Which leaves Mateo alone with me. Funny how she just knows. I love Myrtle.

"I guess you won't get to the movies, huh?" Mateo says, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I suppose not," I reply, shaking my head. "It's a shame, I was really looking forward to it."

"Me too."

He touches my hand, gently squeezing my fingers.

"We'll have to go again sometime," he whispers with a wink. "Just you and me . . . if you want."

I'm still a little tired, but my smile spreads from ear to ear.

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