14 - Michelle

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I haven't seen Andrea or Myrtle all day. Or Maddox, for that matter. So when I see Myrtle the following morning, wearing a tired expression, I have no idea what's been going on.

"What happened to you?" I ask, looking up from painting my nails.

"I was at the hospital all night," she replies, dropping onto my sister's bed. "Andrea's not doing well."

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize . . . What happened?"

She explains how Mateo found Andrea passed out in a doorway. How he found Mrs. Gonzalez and called an ambulance.

"He couldn't go with them, so Maddox drove us. We were there all night."

"That was nice of him," I lower my voice. "So, am I going to know what's going on with you? Or are you keeping that between you, Maddox and Honey?"

Myrtle sighs, "I was planning to talk with you and Stephie today," she says. "But I'm not feeling up to it just yet . . . Too much at a time."

"I understand. Just don't leave us out."

"Wasn't planning on it. Has Honey mentioned why they called her to the office?"

"No idea," I shrug and return to my nails. "She's kept mostly to herself."

Silence envelopes us. Myrtle seems to have fallen asleep, but the moment someone knocks on the door, she's on her feet.

"I know you're tired," Maddox says when she opens the door. "But we're being called in to cover a couple shifts. Nate had a family emergency, and Carlos is out of town."

"Okay," Myrtle replies, clearing her throat. "Let me just switch out of these clothes."

"I'll meet you at the car."

The boy walks away as Myrtle turns to me.

"I'll see you later," I say, letting her off the hook. "I'll do your nails."

She nods and walks across the hall to her room.


"I love you too, Mama," I whisper before passing the phone to my twin. I swipe at my cheeks and hurry out of the office. Much to my surprise, I nearly run into Honey.

"Did you just talk to her?" she asks, sounding like she's in a hurry.

"Yeah," I reply, "Stephie's talking to her now."

She nods, "So, she told you?"

"Mama said she would explain at our next visit. Which is next week."

My big sister sighs, nodding again.

"It's bad, isn't it?"

"Only if we decide to see it that way. I think the news will come after I've gone to college. Which will mean you might go home before I do."

"Sis, I highly doubt our mother will receive us without you."

Honey shrugs and pushes passed me into the office. I sigh and make my way towards the main section of the house. When I enter the living room, I notice Mateo on the couch. He's grabbing at his dark hair, talking with another guy. Someone I know doesn't live here, and I've never seen him before.

His hair is not quite as dark as Mateo's, but similar. The exception being the blond highlights he has going on. If he were standing, I would guess he is about the same height at Maddox, which is just shy of six feet, if not slightly taller. His skin is fair and reminds me of a baby's bottom. His skin must be so soft, and what the heck am I thinking?!

Neither of them notice me at first. But then the handsome stranger looks up, and he smiles. His eyes are light brown. Wow. Mateo glances up and then looks at me as he lowers his hands.

"Hi," he says, looking down again.

"What's wrong?" I venture to ask, unable to keep my eyes off the other guy.

"Just frustrated. Um, this is Olly. He works at the record store with me. This is Michelle."

Olly stands, putting out his hand.

"Nice to meet you," he says, flashing his smile again. "Cool hair?"

I find myself shaking his hand, while consciously touching my braids with the other. I blush, pulling my hand out of his.

"Thanks," I mumble, twisting one of my braids in my fingers.

"Mateo said you were on the dancing team at your school?" Olly goes on; is he trying to keep the conversation going? "Do you plan to continue when the new year starts?"

I nod, "Yeah, I hope to keep dancing," I reply softly. Why am I shy all of a sudden?

"Will you be going to the movies with Maddox and Myrtle, and us tonight?"

I shrug; Mateo sighs and rises to his feet.

"I don't think I'm going to go," he says, shaking his head.

"Dude, you have to go," Olly turns to him and places his hands on his shoulders. "You invited me. And you're supposed to be my wingman."

"I'm just not feeling up to it . . . Andrea won't be there."

I can feel my eyes bulging out of my head. As if realizing what he just said, Mateo's cheeks flush and he turns wide eyes my way.

"Don't tell anyone," he says, lowering his voice. "I was going to wait until I was living somewhere else so they don't send either of us away. I know she sorta feels the same."

I gasp, "Really?" I ask; long gone is the shyness, and out the window goes my filter. "Since when? Not that you shouldn't like her. What's not to like? But for real, no joke?"

He gapes at me. "Why would I joke about that?"

"I don't know. I'm just protective of her, I guess."

His gaze softens, "Yeah, well. I am too."

Mateo nudges Olly's shoulder, and the two disappear down the hall. But not before Olly sends me another smile.

"Hope to see there," he says, leaving me with a serious case of butterflies. For real.

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