15 - Stephie

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I wipe away my tears as I head up the hallway to my room. Talking to Mama always gets me down. She may have had news about us, possibly, coming home within the next few months, but it still breaks my heart that I'm not near her.

"Stephie," Myrtle comes up behind me as I am about to close the bedroom door. "Are you okay?"

I nod, but say nothing. She knows. Her eyes tell me so.

"Okay; well, if you're up for it. Maddox and I want to treat you girls to a movie. Charlie is coming, so we have a second car. Andrea won't be going, so we're planning another night out when she's better. What do you say? Wanna come?"

I tilt my head, staring at the floor. Considering whether I truly want to go or not. When I glance up at my friend again, Myrtle is wearing a hopeful gaze. As is the boy suddenly standing behind her.

"What do you say?" he asks in a gentle tone. "Wanna come?"

His expression is so genuine, that I almost forget that he's Maddox.

"Would it be just us?" I ask, clearing my throat when I realize how distressed it sounds.

"One of Mateo's friends said he'd come," Myrtle explains, her chest rising in a deep breath. "Charlie invited Jesse, who invited another guy. Mateo was going to come, but he changed his mind. He's going to stay with Andrea in the hospital tonight."

I nod, "Okay. Then I think I'll go. Has Michelle or Honey said they'd be going?"

"We got Michelle to say yes," Maddox replies, glancing down at Myrtle. "Honey is still undecided, and she's also in the office. So, we haven't really talked to her."

"She's talking to Mama . . ."

"Or I was."

Honey shoves passed Myrtle and then me in the doorway to get into the room.

"Movie tonight," I tell her, watching as she rummages around her bed. "I'm going. You in?"

My sister glances at me, and then at the people in the doorway. I can see her mind running in circles. She's annoyed about what Mama said, I know it.

"We could all use a good distraction," Myrtle offers.

Honey sighs and looks down at the book in her hands.

"Yeah," she says, softly. "Distractions are welcome right now. When did you want to leave?"

"In about half hour," Maddox says; I glance at him and see that he is hesitant, but unmoving. "Charlie should be here in fifteen minutes."

"We'll be ready," I say, which makes Myrtle nod before tugging the boy away. I stick my head out to watch them. They go down to his room, but she doesn't go in. Because he's back in the hallway a second later with a a pair of jackets in his hands.

"I had it washed," he tells Myrtle as she accepts it and pulls it over her shoulders.

"Was always my favorite," she replies with a soft giggle. "Thanks."

"I know a few people who'd kill me if you died from the cold."

"Funny how it's the middle of the summer, and yet it's been chilly lately."

They fall silent. For a brief moment, Maddox looks down at her. And then he does something that surprises the both of us. He brings his hand to cup the back of Myrtle's neck, and presses his lips to her forehead.

"What was that for?" she asks; is that a smile in her voice?

"Just because," is Maddox's reply as he leads her towards the living room. Well, I'll be darned.


The car ride to the movie theater is quiet. I'm with my sisters, sitting in the back seat of Maddox's car. Myrtle is up front, with him. Charlie arrived with Jesse and another guy, to pick up Mateo and his friend. But he's dropping Mateo off at the hospital on the way.

"So," Maddox says from the driver's seat. "Do any of you have a preference to what movie we see?"

I look to my sisters. Do they know what goes on when no one else is looking?

"Something funny?" Michelle offers, leaning forward from the middle seat. "It's been a weird day for everyone. We could all use some smiles."

"That's what I was thinking," Myrtle adds, turning in her seat to send us a smile. "Listen; Maddox and I are pitching in for snacks. So, whatever you want, go for it."

I raise an eyebrow. I know how Myrtle keeps her money for emergencies. She's frugal with what little she has. As if catching my train of thought, Myrtle gives me a knowing look.

"I know what you're thinking," she says, and shakes her head. "But tonight is important. Let us do this."

I glance at my sisters, and notice Michelle nodding. I nod as well. Honey also nods, but she remains silent. This is a little weird for all of us, for sure.

Maddox pulls into the parking lot, and parks in a spot next to Charlie's white pick-up. It's a larger truck, so it has a bigger cabin and three big seats in the back. Myrtle and Maddox get out first. I'm about to get out when Honey stops me.

"This is very odd for me," she says with a sigh. "Maddox has made a greater effort to not tease any of us, and I am starting to feel bad that I am not making an effort too."

"I don't think he expects us to flip a switch like that," Michelle says, shaking her head. "You happen to know a little more than us, but we're going with the flow. Myrtle said something about needing all of us, and Maddox, right now."

"She did, and that's why I feel bad."

I reach around my twin to pat Honey on the thigh.

"We'll all work on it," I tell her. "Some people need more time, that's all."

My big sister glances at me and Michelle, offering a small smile and a nod. We take this as the 'okay' to get out. And when we do, Michelle squeaks beside me.

"What?" I whisper as we walk towards the group.

"Olly," she whispers back.

At first, I'm a little shocked. But then I roll my eyes, because why aren't I not surprised?

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