16 - Myrtle

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"Hey Charlie," I say as Maddox and I join him and his friends at the front of his truck. "Thanks for wanting to come along."

"You always show up to my parties," he replies with a chuckle, shrugging. "You remember Jesse, right?"

I nod in greeting.

"This is Olly and JJ," Jesse says, motioning to the two guys beside him. "Olly works near Mateo and JJ plays basketball on the team."

I hear a squeak behind me and I glance over my shoulder. Honey, Michelle and Stephie are getting out of the car and are coming to join us. I notice how Michelle looks at Olly, and I can't help grinning. I introduce them to the guys. Honey doesn't acknowledge them at first, but then Jesse gets to talking with her. They've exchanged a few words before, but that's it.

"Are we ready?" Maddox asks, looking around at everyone.

There's a chorus of cheers from the guys, and nods of agreement from the girls. Maddox and I lead the way to the ticket teller, and I pull out some cash from my back pocket.

"Let me pay for the tickets," Maddox says, lowering his voice next to my ear. "I know you're saving for when you get to college. Let me, please."

I look at him and then at the four bills of 20 in my hands.

"I'll pay you back," I say, but he shakes his no.

"No, I've got it. Don't worry. Just put that away and keep it for more important things."

I sigh, "Dude, you're going to go broke," I say as I fold up the bills and return them to my pocket.

"Charlie will cover the rest," he replies with nonchalance. "He owes me for all the booze I bought for his party last time."

Of course he does.

"I'm serious," Maddox leans close as he slides his arm around my shoulders. "You told the girls to let us do this, so . . . Let me do this for you."

I close my eyes for the briefest of seconds. And then I lean my head into his shoulder.

"Fine," I whisper. "So long as you get my favorite candy."

"That can be arranged," he chuckles and pulls away.


Midway through the movie, I find myself needing a moment alone. I don't know why, or even what is the cause, but I'm about to release the waterworks. Best to my ability, I put my popcorn and candy into Maddox's hands, and make a beeline for the exit. After which, I hurry to the ladies' restrooms and close myself into one of the stalls. I grab a bunch of toilet tissue as the tears roll down my cheeks. I blow my nose, but then a new wave comes and I'm starting over.


I pick my feet up and sit on the back of the toilet. Invisible to anyone who might look under the door.

"I know you're in here," he says, and I see his black Converse come into view.

"You're not supposed to be in here," I blubber, blowing my nose again. "And you're missing the movie."

"I could care less about the movie, and there's no one else in here. C'mon, open up. I know you're upset about something."

"I don't know why," I get up, shoving the soiled tissues into the trash, and opening the deadbolt. I have no chance to react or speak further when Maddox pulls me to his chest and wraps his arms around me.

"Sometimes," he says, against my ponytail. "We don't need to know why. We just need to let it all out sometimes."

As if that was all I needed to hear, my sobs become more intense. I hide my face in my friend's chest. Maddox doesn't say anything else. He just holds me. Plays with the end of my hair, rubs my back.

At some point, Maddox answers to someone who enters the bathroom and leads me out. And then we're sitting on the carpeted floors.

"Better?" he asks after a while.

I nod and whisper, "Yeah, thanks."

He cups my cheeks and makes me look at him. And then he's using the hem of his black T-shirt to wipe away my sorrows.

"Why'd you decide to go to college so far away?" I ask, clearing my throat after his hands are gone.

"Well," he gives a sheepish smile. "I'm actually not that far from you." Maddox then laughs at my gawking expression. "C'mon! I was never going to let you go somewhere without me."

I smack him, but I'm soon smiling.

"You're terrible," I mumble and push to my feet. "Let's go back before the girls think I've abandoned them with the opposite sex."

I put out my hand, expecting Maddox to take it so I can pull him up. Instead, he tugs me back down. His hands find my cheeks, and then his lips are finding mine.

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