17 - Honey

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I should have sat next to Myrtle. I don't care that Maddox will be with her. I am wedged between Jesse and Charlie. Granted, Charlie isn't talking to me, but to his friend, JJ. I don't know what is with my brain tonight. But when I saw Jesse, standing next to Charlie at his truck, I couldn't stop myself from zoning in on how good looking he is. Sure, I've looked at him before, but I've never registered it. I've been hell-bent on keeping away from all guys.

I am most definitely sure that the last time I saw him, Jesse had dark hair. Nope. It's white-blond and shaved above his ears. But his eyebrows are dark, so he must've dyed it recently. His eyes looked dark from where I was watching him, but it was getting dark outside, in general. The only way I will know for sure is if I get a better look. And I want a better look, but it's not gonna happen at this moment.

Myrtle and Maddox are sitting a row ahead of me and everyone else. Our row ran out of seats, so they took the other ones. Midway through the movie, I notice Myrtle hand Maddox her snacks and leave the theater. What did he do?

"What did you say?" I ask, leaning forward so Maddox can hear me.

"She's going to the restroom," he replies, arching his neck to look back at me. "I know I have a bit of a past, but cut me some slack. I wouldn't think of saying anything to her. Not tonight."

I immediately regret saying anything. And he senses my remorse.

"She said she needs us right now . . . Maybe you should go see if she's alright."

"No. You go. You want to mend your relationship . . . Go do some mending."

I sit back again, putting my gaze on the large screen across the room. A few seconds later, Maddox's figure is rising from his seat and hurrying after Myrtle. And it makes me feel a little better.

It's a good while later when Maddox and Myrtle return to their seats. With the glare of the screen, I can't really see their expressions. Just a dark silhouette. But I don't miss the way Maddox is holding Myrtle by the hand as he leads her to their seats.

Cologne fills my nasal passage as Jesse leans towards me, speaking for the first time in over an hour.

"What was that about?" he asks, and I feel his hot breath against my skin.

"I sent him to check on her," I reply whisper back, and point to the screen. "Movie's almost over."

Jesse doesn't speak the rest of the movie. But when he does, I'm surprised by what he says.

"Are you free tomorrow?" he asks as we follow Charlie and the others out.

"What?" I squeak as we leave the dark theater and enter the light. Oh man, his eyes. Since when did he have an earring?

"I asked if you're free tomorrow," Jesse chuckles and tugs me aside so I don't bump into someone.

"Why?" I ask, raising an eyebrow of skepticism.

"Because I'd like to hang out and get to know you better."

"Why would you?"

"Is that so hard to believe, Honey? And I'm calling you by your name. I'm not bugging you about it."

My mouth falls open, but nothing comes out. I don't know what to say, to be honest. The last time anyone wanted to "know me better", I ended up getting hurt.

"I know you're skeptical," Jesse goes on, holding up his hands. "But I think that anyone willing to shoot people down for their friend is a treasure. Myrtle is lucky to have you as a friend.I admire that. I'd like to get to know that friend."

I bite my lip. Either he's saying the right thing, or he's just talking. Yet, I find myself nodding.

"Is it alright if I sleep on it?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder to try and find my sisters. "Yes, I'm skeptical. I also don't know if I want that right now."

"Sure," he replies, nodding. "Take all weekend if ya need. We should probably catch up to them, huh? I can see your brain ticking."

I blink, because he's right. My brain is going through all possible scenarios that could happen to my sisters while I'm here talking to this guy. Who happens to be very good looking, but since I'm only admitting it in my head, no one will ever know.


Back at the house, after my sisters and I are ready for bed, the girl-talk begins.

"Did you see him?!" Michelle squeaks, in full-blown swoon mode as she lies on her bed with her head hanging over the edge. "Golly, he was a looker."

"And JJ!" Stephie adds; I didn't even realize she'd been staring at the dude. Apparently, I was thoroughly oblivious. I wasn't at the top of my game tonight.

"Do you hear yourselves?" I ask, tossing my hair over my shoulder. "You sound like a bunch of teenage girls."

They stop their giggling and stare at me. I start to grin. And then we're all in a fit of giggles.

"Jesse wants me to hang out with him," I muster up the courage to admit to having the conversation a couple of minutes later. "That he wants to get to know me better."

My sisters give me blank stares. I'm not surprised by their reactions.

"I told him I'd think about it," I go on, shrugging.

"Are you?" Stephie asks, raising her brow. "Thinking about it, I mean."

"Well . . . Yeah, I am, actually."

My younger sisters exchange a look, and then, as if not hearing what I just said, they shrug. And then they're tucking under their covers and switching off their lamps. What? That's all they're gonna give me? A freakin' SHRUG? I scoff at them and roll over, turning out my little lamp. But before I close my eyes, I'm smiling at the memory of Jesse's grin.

What is wrong with me?

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