21 - Myrtle

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"I can barely keep my eyes open," I say, sighing as I let my eyes close for just a second.

"No, you don't," Maddox says, splashing my face with water. "We're staying up to see Pluto."

"Then wake me up when the little blip is actually visible. I'm sleepy."

He grumbles, but starts situating himself so I am more comfortable.

"Fine," he says, but he doesn't sound irritated or anything. "Tuck into your shell, Turtle. Have some pleasant dreams and I'll wake you up when I see Mickey's dog appear."

I snort, but I don't have any energy to even laugh.


As I start to wake up, to the gentle feeling of my body being shaken, something soft touches my lips. My mind goes on full alert. I react.

"Wha-" I pull away, but immediately regret it. "Sorry, you startled me."

Maddox just grins and moves to kiss me again. Just a peck to show that I'm forgiven.

"It's officially the last day of summer vacation," he says, pulling back. "And Mickey's dog is visible. I just checked."

I smile and scramble to my knees, moving towards the telescope that Maddox set up last night. I close one eye as the other looks through the eyeglass. Sure enough, there's Pluto. I turn my smile to Maddox. But then the smile turns into a frown.

"You'll be moving out before I do," I whisper, sitting back down beside him.

"Yeah," Maddox says, rubbing my shoulder. "But only by a few days. You'll be at the dorms the same week. And you'll be with Honey."

"Yeah, but the days seem to drag on forever when you're not around. Is that weird?"

"No, why would that be weird?"

"I don't know . . . I'm still only half awake. Don't judge me."

Maddox chuckles, "I'm not judging you. I simply asked why you think it's weird that the days drag when you're not with me."

"I really don't know why it would be weird."

I feel like I'm lying, but I truly don't have the words to say what I really mean.

"Well, until you do know, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you that I'll be meeting with my brother when I register at the dorms."

I perk up when I hear this.

"Maddox, that's great," I say, patting his thigh. "I'm so proud of you."

"You better be proud of me," he replies softly. "The only reason I'm doing it is because of you . . . Have they told you when you can go see your dad?"

"No," I shake my head. "You know how they are. They say one thing but do something entirely different. They might not let me go at all. I might have to wait until I'm twenty-one to get there."

Maddox holds me close before the elephant has a chance to squash my chest. I hug him tightly. I then say what I couldn't say a moment ago.

"It would be weird without you because of how much I need you and care about you."

Maddox's arms tighten around me. I feel his chin on my shoulder. His lips in my hair.

"It'll pass quickly," he whispers. "I'll be there waiting. And we'll work out seeing each other as often as we can. I promise."


A week later, I'm sitting on the couch. Staring at the TV screen but not really paying attention to whatever is playing. I haven't felt like this in a while. Lifeless. Bored. Annoyed.

"Let's go to the mall," Michelle says; she and the other girls have been sitting with me for . . . I actually don't know how long. That's how out of it I am.

I make a face and cringe. "Not in the mood."

"Just a suggestion," she laughs, "I know that's not what you want to do."

"I know what will cheer her up," Honey says, moving to my frontal line of vision. "Have you heard from Mad-dog today?"

I look at her, like actually look at her, and snort.

"Mad-dog?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut it!" she slaps me on the leg. "You know I speak differently. And you know precisely who I'm talking about. You're blushing. Now answer the question."

"I am not!" I bring my hands to my blazing cheeks.

"Yes, you are!" all the girls shout with grins from ear-to-ear.

I cover my face, completely embarrassed for absolutely no reason. But my embarrassment soon subsides and I'm giggling along with my best friends.

"Not yet," I finally say, shaking my head. "He said he would when he got settled. He's also going to be meeting up with his brother, so . . ."

"That's right, you mentioned that," Andrea says, sighing.

"He'll call," Stephie says, waving it off like it's no big deal. "He likes you too much not to call."

I blink in surprise. Because the truth is that Maddox and I haven't really flaunted what's going on between us. Because it's basically forbidden. Relationships between foster kids in this home would mean sending one or the other away. Both Maddox and I are eighteen. We should have been moved a while ago but the director kept us until now.

"Please, don't say anything to anyone else," I whisper, closing my eyes.

"We don't plan on telling anyone," Honey says, which makes me look at her in surprise. "We like a happy turtle over a miserable turtle always hiding in her shell."

I smile gratefully at her.


"You're welcome . . . It's what we're here for. You just have let us be here for you when he can't. And I know the two of you are planning to see each other on the weekends. Don't deny that either."

I'm really blushing now. "I'm not going to deny it . . . but I will admit that we will see a lot of him."

I glance around, knowing full well how this news will be received. But I guess I'm checking my friends' expressions because I don't actually know how they will take to Maddox in this new perspective.

"I genuinely hope you find a happily ever after," Michelle says, speaking for the first time in several minutes. "And not just you, I mean all of us."

"Yeah," Stephie pipes, nodding. "With all the crap that has happened until now, whatever happiness you or any of us can get shouldn't be ignored. And . . ." she glances at each of us. "If Maddox is trying to be that for you, I don't think you should let him get away."

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