22 - Honey

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I have to admit that I am a little surprised that my sisters feel this way. But I'm not mad about it. Not anymore. There's this light that comes to Myrtle's eyes that I've never seen before. It only happens when Maddox is around or she's just come from spending the day with him. I'd like to see that side of Myrtle more. Which means I agree with my sisters on this.

"Yeah," I say, patting Myrtle's knee. "Don't let him get away . . . But if he breaks your heart, you'd better tell me. I'll whoop his ass."

She laughs and moves forward, pulling me into one of her signature Myrtle hugs. It turns into a group hug. And soon, we're all laughing and chattering up a storm.


"I honestly didn't know he was planning to go there until after we'd cleared the air," Myrtle explains as she and I walk around the mall food court. "I genuinely thought he was going to college somewhere else."

"I thought so too," I admit, glancing at the different food choices. "But I guess that goes to show just how little I actually know him . . . Maybe on our free days . . . do you think Maddox would mind if we did a group thing?"

I look at Myrtle and notice that she's stopped walking. Staring at me with a shocked expression. Oh no. I've broken her.

"He'd really like that," she says, her expression changing completely. "Maybe we can get Jesse to come up too."

"Oh no, not you too."

"What? He's a cool guy. I know he keeps trying to get you to hang out with him."

I grumble to myself, but Myrtle doesn't miss a beat.

"You like him," she says, turning around and walking backwards in front of me. "He's likes you. What's the problem in giving him a chance?"

I don't reply straight away, but that's enough for Myrtle to know that I've been thinking about it.

"Huh, interesting," she comments, hooking my elbow with hers while leading me towards a froyo kiosk. "Hi, Charlie!"

"Hey Myrtle," says the blond-haired, blue-eyed guy behind the counter.

"I didn't know you worked here," I say after Myrtle orders us two frozen yogurts.

"I need the extra cash," he replies, shrugging as he prepares two froyo bowls. "Plus, I'm on a scholarship, so every extra penny counts at this point."

"I know what you mean," Myrtle sighs, tapping her finger against the freezer glass. "I'm actually going to miss my job at the comic shop."

"You gave them your two weeks notice last week, right?" I ask, leaning my back against the glass case.

"Yep, but they didn't wait long to find a replacement for me . . . Or Maddox for that matter."

"Jerks," Charlie deadpans as he hands us our froyos. "This is on the house."

"No," Myrtle says, trying to hand him her money.

"Maddox would have my head on a silver platter if I let you pay. Besides, he's got you covered."

I notice the way Myrtle rolls her eyes as she returns her money to her pocket. But she blushes and looks away as if hoping no one will notice. She's gotta stop doing that. Does she expect me or Charlie to tease her about it?

"Maddox really cares about Myrtle," I say, turning to Charlie. "I would be disappointed if he didn't take care of her like this."

"He's cared about her for a long time," he says, nodding. "He just didn't know how to show it."

"How do you know that?" Myrtle asks, her voice growing soft.

"Aside of you, Maddox is my best friend. Dude tells me everything . . . Except for that all-nighter. What did you two do?"

I glance at my friend, raising an eyebrow. I knew she'd gone out with Maddox that night, but I didn't realize it'd become an all-nighter.

"Yeah," I say, tapping Myrtle's shoulder. "What did you two do?"

"Nothing," she insists, but her cheeks are burning red. "We just watched the stars and waited all night for Pluto to show up."

"That's exactly what Maddox told me," Charlie mutters before stepping away to help a new customer.

Intrigued by this new piece of information, Myrtle and I link arms, and I pull her to a nearby empty table.

"Tell me something," I say, touching her arm. "If Maddox or you had never been in the home, would you have dated him before now?"

Myrtle is thoughtful a moment. But when I see the tugging at the corner of her mouth, I already have my answer.

"Then you'd better hope and pray that boy doesn't do something he'll regret," I tell her, filling my mouth with froyo. "As I've said, I'll whoop his ass if he breaks your heart."

I'm trying my hardest not to meet Myrtle's eye. Because I know that if she looks into my eyes, she'll see that I mean what I say. It's very weird that I am even at this point, but I'm here. I'm not going to turn back on my friend. There's stuff going on that she still doesn't talk about. I want her to talk to me more. I don't know if I did anything for her to think she can't talk to me, but I'm gonna work hard to earn more of her trust. She needs that.

"I like Jesse's hair," I admit after a period of silence. "The white-blond thing is really good on him."

"If you like that sort of thing," Myrtle pipes up with a wink.

I toss a small spoon of my melting froyo at her cheek. Bull's eye.

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