23 - Andrea

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Mateo's been away for nearly a week now. I'm happy he's going to college. He deserves it after all the hard work he's put into his school work. But I do miss him. It's going to be hard around here. Mostly because I have to move to a home for young adults. I'll have to go to community college, or take a course online. I wish I were going with Honey and Myrtle, but being too far away from people who know my situation and know what to do if something happens could be a problem. I'm trusting my social worker to find me a comfortable home.

Myrtle and Honey are all packed up. They leave tomorrow morning. Probably before I'll even wake up. So we're all hanging out in my room. And supposedly, there's a new girl who will be moving in after Myrtle leaves. I wonder how I'll handle that.

"We'll have to plan out all the weekends," Michelle says with a sad sigh. "It's only a . . . How far away are you going, again?"

"Ten hours by car," Honey replies, rolling her eyes at her sister. "I think I told you that fifty times in the last four days."

"Shut up! My brain isn't working this week! Of course, I'm gonna forget."

I grin, but I don't laugh. The truth is, I'm tired. But I don't want to fall asleep yet. Myrtle said she had something to tell me, after the other girls go to bed.

"Remind me to let you know how it goes at my visit," Myrtle says suddenly.

"What visit?" Honey asks.

"I told my social worker that I want to see my dad. I also said that if I don't get to see him, I will resort to some unpleasant behaviors."

"You threatened your social worker?" Stephie snorts.

"It was the only way I would get what I want. And what I want is to know what my dad wants."

Michelle sighs, "I'll remind you."

Laughter erupts as Honey starts teasing Michelle about how, just minutes ago, her memory failed her. Eventually, one of our caregivers pokes her head in the door and tells Honey, Michelle and Stephie "Lights out". There are lots of hugs and some tears, but then it all quiets down. It's just me and Myrtle now.

"Maddox is going to meet up with his older brother," she tells me, keeping her voice at a whisper as she turns out the lamp. "Maddox said he'd only do it if I went to see what my dad wanted."

"Does that mean you don't actually want to see your dad?" I ask, watching her in the dark.

"I don't really know what I want," she replies, shrugging. "I am curious, but going to see him means going to the prison. It also means having my social worker breathing down my neck and the DA interrogating me afterward to see if I learned any new information. I don't know if I can handle all that mess again.

"I get one phone call a month with my father. I have to talk to him on speaker, my social worker and the DA have to be present. And afterward, they ask a laundry list of questions to see if my dad was giving me coded messages."

She can't see my expression in the dark. But I'm making a face. What the actual hell?

"That's stupid," I say, not knowing what else to say.

"It is," Myrtle sighs and I hear her bed move around. "But if it means Maddox finding out what his brother wants, I'm gonna do it."

We fall silent. I end up staring up at the ceiling, even though I can't really see it in the dark, and eventually fall asleep.


The next morning, long after Myrtle and Honey have left, I'm sitting on the back porch getting some sun. It's nice and warm with a gentle breeze, but not hot and sticky. The perfect weather.

"There you are."

Without leaving the relaxation of my sun-chair, I turn my head and find Michelle sitting on the grass next to me.


"You okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine," I sigh, "just enjoying some sun. Collecting all that vitamin-D. You?"

"I wanted to ask you something. I need some advice."

I turn so my feet are on the ground and pat the chair beside me.

"Ask, I'll try my best."

"Well, you know how we went to the movies that night with Maddox and Charlie, and a bunch of their friends?"


"And you know how I've done nothing but fantasize about a certain guy since then?"

I smile, "Yes, what are you getting at?"

"Well," Michelle sighs and trails off.

"Girl, don't start something and then leave it hanging. What's up?"

She blows out her cheeks and squeezes her eyes shut.

"Did Olly ask you out or something?" I ask, flicking my finger at her shoulder.

"Yeah," she squeaks as her cheeks turn red. "And I told him I'd let him know when I'm free. So, basically, I already told him I'd go out with him."

"Huh, and what exactly do you want me to advise you on?"

"Do you think I should've told him that I'd think about it or a flat out no?"

"And have you asked your sisters what they think?"

"No! They'll freak out!"

I grin, "You don't know that! I think you should talk to them both and see if they think you're ready for something like this. Also, it would be good to have them know so they can back you up in the event it doesn't go the way you planned."

Michelle whines theatrically. I don't think she's ever looked so nervous. Why is she so nervous about talking to her sisters?

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