24 - Michelle

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After hearing Andrea's opinion about my situation, I return to the confinement of my bedroom. Stephie is on her bed, reading some magazines. It's so weird knowing my sister is gone. She's going to college. I'm happy to know she's with Myrtle. It's not a complete jolt to her reality.


"What?" I ask when I notice my twin watching me with curious eyes.

"You're thinking about something weird," she replies, narrowing her gaze. "Wanna tell me what it is?"I groan and flop back on my pillow.

"Oh, it's worse than I thought. It's about a boy."

I blush, covering my face with both my arms.

"Yep, that's what it is."


"Goodness, we've embarrassed her."

I sit up at the new voice and see some girl standing in the bedroom door. She's different from most of the girls in the home. She's got a spunky kind of style; black concert tee with a bunch of signatures all over. Ripped, black jeans, and Converse boots. Her hair is blonde and full of random colored highlights. Like a lot of random colors. Her cheeks are covered in freckles and her eyes remind me of a cat's.

"This is Keelie," my sister says, motioning to the new girl to come in. "She's staying in Andrea's room for a while."

"According to Andrea," Keelie adds as she joins Stephie on her bed. "It'll soon be my room. She's moving to supervised living."

"I was just talking with her," I say, making a face. "She didn't say a word about that."

"New development."

"Are you always so blunt?"


* * *

I'm at the mall, waiting for Olly. I've decided to try something. A test. If my experiment is a success, I have nothing to worry about.


I glance up from my phone. I have to smile at Olly as he races through the shoppers in my direction.

"Hi," I say, shyness coming over me.

"Hi," he grins as he comes to a stop a couple of feet in front of me. "Thanks for wanting to hang out. I didn't think you'd say yes."

"What made you think wouldn't?" I ask.

"Well, I'll let you in on a little secret . . ." Olly glances around before motioning for me to lean closer. "I didn't think you'd want to give me a chance. I guess I feel like you're unapproachable."

I pull away, surprised.

"Me? Unapproachable? Sheesh! It's the other way around. I wouldn't know how to approach you. Probably because I don't really hang out with guys."

He laughs, "Yeah well, that's my truth. I mean, can you tell  I'm really excited to hang out with you?"

I blush and reply, "I guess."

"Alright," Olly says, glancing at his wristwatch before motioning in the direction of the mall's movie theater. "If you will follow me, I shall lead you to the gate of adventure."

"Would you consider sitting in the dark, watching a movie, hanging out?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Not really, no. I just need you to go in that direction. I get that you might not trust me yet, but you have to. It will be worth your time."

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