Authors Note: Sorry!!

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Hey it is I Author~chan-!! Ack quit throwing things at me!! I'm Sorry!! T^T 😭(╥~╥)

Anyway if y'all are done killing me lets start things off with~ 

Thanks to you guys I have officially made it to over 3k views!! I honestly cannot thank you all enough for your utmost support I know I have been gone for a while and haven't updated literally any of my books! I apologize from the uttermost corners of my cold black heart ditching you guys was not my intention but things happened and I left you all hanging and I plan on fixing that!

This story shall not Discontinue!!

Next thing the biggest reason I practically vanished from these stories was because High School got rough for me. Last year I graduated (thankfully) and I had managed to keep up with at least some of my stories while also working on details for a new original book series I'm going to be doing. However, I was so drained mentally and emotionally from the stress of escaping a toxic friendship back in the Jr year that the exhaustion eventually caught up to me after graduation and the summer afterwards that I succumbed to Apathy whether or not I have any mental conditions idk I have not gone in to see a therapist yet to ask, but I do know that this drainage of energy has affected me physically that I am about 12 pounds underweight and I do honestly believe that I am now an anorexic. (No I will not tell you my original weight)

I am working on all of this, slowly might I add, but I am working on getting better and with the clear support of all of my readers along with new friends/fellow authors I have met here on wattpad I do plan on getting to that point where I will start to properly right chapters again and if you haven't noticed I have taken down all of my original stories and it has helped to release my stress immensely! I have even started on an official oc book that you can all go look at when you need reminders about them. Any-who I plan on getting chapters up and running again soon I'm going to start by typing them up first and getting at least 3 chapters completed before I start posting them and for some of my stories that means once I start posting the stories will be at least mostly completed!

Again I cannot thank you all enough for your support whether it's through comments or just by simply reading my stories that every time I look at them their view count is higher it makes me happy that people are just reading them in even if you don't like them too much it makes me happy!

Last thing for this authors note I wanted your opinions on what I should call you. I have a few ideas and I would like you all to vote which is your favorite just by putting a simple comment by the one you like most ok?

The Ideas are:

My Little Thorns

My Dragons

or My Faithfuls 
(as I have done in the past)

Again Thanks for all your support it is very much appreciated!! Love you all! 
Your Author, May Rose 🌹❤️

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