Chapter 14

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Voices raised behind me as my feet pounded against the forest floor, only one was louder than the rest, "Winter!! ugh, Astrid! Will you just wait a moment!?? Astrid!!!" 

'No, no no no, that wasn't supposed to happen, they shouldn't have been here! I knew this was a bad idea!!'  "ASTRID!!" 'No don't look back, just keep running! Who knows maybe you'll loose him! Argh why did this have to happen!? He wasn't supposed to find out this way!' a couple tears fell past my eyes, the wind rushing through my braid, clearing them away. Bounding over fallen tree limbs I speed round a corner only to realize my mistake as I gaped down the cliffs edge before me, Hiccup's voice growing closer, his footsteps stronger. Gazing every which way I turned to continue along the cliff face when two strong limbs kept me in place, a single word breathed past my ear followed by a sigh of relief, "Astrid.."

Frozen still within Hiccup's grasp, my head hung low I kept quiet, waiting to hear something more than just my name, waiting for anything to break the tension between us. I waited for him to shout, scream, to say something! But... it never came, only the nerve wracking silence as his grip held its place around me never wavering, only tightening as a single droplet found its place upon my shoulder, one that I knew wasn't mine until he finally spoke, "Astra.. I-if this was pay-y back for all the years I never came back to you, for every single year I never told you I was alive..." his grasp trembled as it tightened more, "A-astrid please, I'm sorry.. So so sorry..." tears became stronger, my hands trembling as I turned and grasped onto him returning his embrace as our tears mingled together.

"H-hiccup.. I'm sorry.." with quivering hands I clenched onto his armor tighter, the warmth of the sun glaring at our embrace as it held its place for just a few moments longer. When we finally did pull away Hiccups calloused hands cleared away all traces of the salt stained tears his eyes piercing mine as we just held each other there for a little longer. Both of us memorizing every detail of this moment so that it might last through even our days in Valhalla when that time shall come. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it.." a laugh bubbled up my throat contrasting the emotions from before, "I-I don't even know why I said any of that.. I-it.. The idea just came to me and I went along with it-" as I was pulling away his arms gripped mine stopping my movement as his green orbs captured mine again.

"Astra, Astra i-it's okay, if anything it was my fault.. I should've at least contacted you, spoke to you, done something-" 

"N-no Hiccup, if anyone's to blame it's me for telling you that story-"

"I'm Sorry-" laughter voiced between us as we spoke in sync after interrupting each other, finally it ended as Hiccup brought on a new topic. 

"Uh, here you left this on the table.." with one hand rubbing the back of his neck the other held out the mask I wore every time I attacked an enemy vessel, every time I stopped a dragon raid, and even when I first met Hiccup and his Night Fury, "You know there's still a council meeting going on back in the village.."

"Y-you're right, we should probably head back now.." heat clawed its way up my neck as I realized the scene I must have caused. Embarrassment washed through me as I took back my mask walking past Hiccup with a quick 'thank you' before marching down the trail to the village trying my best to keep as much distance between the two of us as I possibly can. Lost in conflicting thoughts I didn't realize where I was going until I bumped into someone.

"You know I don't recall saying we had to go back there, and knowing them I'm sure they can take care of it without us."

"Wha-? Hiccup! How did you?" I looked behind me confused as to how he was suddenly in front of me.

"I dropped my helmet earlier so I went back to get and now I'm here," he smirked, when did he start doing that anyway. With a huff I tried to move past him but he blocked my way again. 

"Hiccup!" I groaned, "Let me past before I remove another one of your limbs!" Actually how did he lose his leg?

"No Astrid, you're stressed everyone can see that. So either come with me willingly or I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" I glared daring him to finish his sentence unfortunately earning another Hiccup smirk. Without another word he summoned his night fury and now here I am sitting behind dragon boy on his dragon leaving the defenders of the wing to only Thor knows where and I can't call for Stormfly without him noticing, just great. "Where oh where could you have decided to kidnap me to this time dragon boy?" I didn't want to hold onto him since this is the second time he's kidnapped me so I leaned back on my hands looking at the clouds above a shimmer catching my eye. 

"You'll see," he chuckled lightly, "Now will you please hold on, Toothless can fly a lot faster than what you're used to with Stormfly." 

"Say's who?" 

"Uh I do actually!" when he turned to look back at me I was gone, "Astrid!? Astrid!!?" 

"What?" I asked from above him.

"Wha-? How did you?" he was in utter shock, "Uh, Astrid... What are you doing?" He looked worried now, "You realize that's a Death Song right?"

Rolling my eyes at his concern I clarified things for him, "This Death Song is Garffiljorg, and we raised him." 

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