Chapter 5

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~Time Skip~Three years later~

"Eret and the changewings have spotted dragon trapper ships here, here and here. We have yet to recieve any news from Viggo and my brother is back at Berserker Island spreading the news of his marriage next month to Queen Mala." 

"Which then leaves you as the heir to Berserker Island while he becomes the new King of the Defenders of the Wing." I replied to Heather as she placed wooden pieces down on our map to represent the trapper ships. "Have we heard from Fishlegs and the Outcasts yet?"

"Unfortunately the Outcasts still aren't willing to help us, Alvin the Treacherous is too busy trying to train his own dragons to take down Berk. Luckily, he's failing at that so Berk doesn't have to worry about an attack anytime soon. As for Fishlegs I just got a letter from him this morning," she replied as she pulled out a rolled up piece of parchment, "he says that Atali and the Wingmaidens know what happened at Dragon Island down in the Archipelago but they won't say who took down the Red Death until we finally meet them ourselves. But on the bright side they're willing to help us keep an eye out for Drago and his trappers and they even said that they have a couple friends that would most likely be willing to help us out." I sighed at this, the stress of war taking its toll. 

"What are we gonna do Heather? Compared to Drago and his dragon army we're nothing! He somehow has control over all of those dragons and continues to gain more every single day! Not to mention his viking army!!" I exclaimed loudly, "If he attacked us right now, we would all be dead, and our dragons would be gone! We don't even have a Queen that could even help us to free all those dragons! I just... I don't know what to do anymore, Heather." I sighed crashing down onto the seat behind me, glad for the breeze coming in through the open doors of the clubhouse that has now become our meeting room. 

"All we can do right now is prepare. Throk is taking care of most of our weaponry while Mala and my brother prepare their wedding. Eret and Viggo are both out scouting the oceans to find out as much information as possible, Atali and her wingmaidens are probably already out there helping Eret, and Fishlegs is helping every single dragon we save. You need to relax Astra you have a whole council of people here to help you take down Drago Bludvist and his army." Heather replied as she comforted me in a hug, "Now come on, lets get out of this hut and get you and Stormfly out on a flight. While Windshear and I stay here and wait for the others to return."

"Okay, okay, I'm going." I laughed as she dragged me outside and towards the stables, "But let me know as soon as you hear anything from Viggo got it?" I gave her a look as she smiled back at me saluting playfully. 

"Yes Ma'am." 

"Oh my Thor Heather! We're only twenty don't call me Ma'am!!" 

"Okay, okay, I'll see you when you get back!"

"Thanks Heather!" We waved to eachother as I went inside the stables and grabbed Stormfly's saddle as she ran over to me squawking happily. "Okay, Okay hold still will you!" I laughed at her as she stopped making circles around me so I could put her saddle on. The second I had mounted myself on top of her she took of into the sky, doing loops and dives as I laughed finally relaxing a little from all the stress. Well until we came across a hunter ship just after the sun was at its highest point. "What do you say Stormfly want to take out some trapper ship and free all of it's dragons?" while it may have only looked like a scout it very clearly had some cargo seeing as Stormfly flew straight towards it. 


"Take it down!!" The crew shouted to each other as they started shooting their nets and dragon root arrows. Just before they could see me I pulled out my mask that I keep in Stormfly's saddle bag (pic above). As we neared the ship Stormfly blasted at it as I took my axe and jumped onto the mast tearing the sails as I came down to the deck. With a war cry I charged at the nearest viking, who knew this would be so stress relieving? As I knocked them out, with Stormfly's help of course, I made my way down to the caged dragons in the lower deck of the ship, letting them out as quickly as possible while also having to take care of any guards. 

"Get that Rider!!" I heard the captain I assume shout from up top. Looking around making sure I released all of the dragons I ran back to the top deck using my dragon call to gain Stormfly's attention. Once I knew I had it I ran up the steps towards the helm jumping on top of crates near the edge of the ship before jumping off. Arrows were flying past me as Stormfly swooped under me catching me just before I could so much as touch the water. 

"YEAH!!!" I cheered my hands lifting my axe into the air as we flew around the now burning ship one more time before flying off into the clouds, "Oh Thor did I need that!" I laughed falling back on Stormfly's saddle. Sighing I layed there my eyes closed as we continued to glide above the clouds, frowning as I remembered everything that still needed to be done back at the Edge. "AAAGH" I groaned loudly sitting back up, "Why did this have to happen!? Of all the times for things to get worse! Why now!!?!?" ' surprisingly that actually helped a bit' huffing slightly I let my fur hood down letting the cooling breeze whip through my hair, relaxing me. At least that is until I was ripped away from Stormfly. 

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