Chapter 6

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"STORMFLY!!" I screeched, "HEY!! PUT ME DOWN!!" I kicked my legs hopelessly as I tried to pry my arms out of the grip of two black claws... 'wait claws?' Looking up I found I was being carried by a black dragon with some kind of contraption around him. As I followed some of the leather and strings I found that this dragon was missing its tail fin which was replaced by a prosthetic. Continuing to observe this dragon I realized it had a rider, well that and Stormfly was following us 'Thank the Gods!'. "Aargh ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING!!??! I SAID LET. ME. GO!!"

"As you wish" I just barely heard as I began to fall, flipping around in the air just as Stormfly swept in landing safely on her back where I belonged. 

"Who are you!?" I growled at the masked stranger and his dragon once I could get a clear look at the duo. I glared the infamous 'Hofferson glare' through my mask and into the green eyes that I could just barely see through the helmet the man wore. 

"Someone you've been asking about." 'what?'

"And who might that be?" I stopped glaring at the man as I glanced over his dragon.

"The one who took down the Red Death." my eyes widened in shock Stormfly wavering in her flight feeling the same shock I was. 

"What..?" I could almost sense a smirk behind the leather part of his helmet. 

"Follow me." and with that he speed off at a speed I've never seen before. Stormfly chasing after the duo without me asking her to. 

"Hey wait up!! What do you mean you took down the Red Death!? I mean You??? Look at you! What Viking could take down a monster of that.... size." I just barely got out as my breath left me as I stared at the mountain before me large icicles jutting out of it, "Woah-" my voice was taken away as the mysterious dragon and his rider once again stole me away from my nadder. "HEY!!" I growled as I heard this dragons stupid rider laugh in amusement. He took me through a bunch of tunnels before dropping me in a dark chamber and disappearing. 'wait... no way' I thought as revelation of what the black dragon really was, "Night Fury" I whispered into the darkness before feeling something nudge my back pushing me forward slightly.

"Stormfly!" I grinned as I hugged my dragon, "Hey mind giving us some light girl?" I asked her as I tried to pull out a spare torch I kept with her saddle when she threw me under her wing growling at something in the darkness taking a very defensive stance for a dragon. I heard a clicking sound as fire in the shape of a blade appeared out of no where in the darkness revealing the mystery rider and his night fury along with many other dragons. I glared from under Stormfly's wing, "I don't appreciate being taken away from my dragon twice you know."

"I can tell, mind giving me your name?" he asked. 

"I asked you who you were first, don't you think I deserve to hear yours?" I responded stepping out from Stormfly's wing and putting an encouraging hand to her head, very willing to let her kill him if things go south. He only chuckled.

"You can call me Ryder and you've already met my night fury Toothless." he gestured to the dragon beside him. 

"Fine Ryder, you can call me Winter and this is Stormfly." I crossed my arms testing out the name he gave me but I knew it wasn't his real one it just didn't seem to fit, "Why did you bring me here?" 

"Atali informed me and my.. friend about your situation against Drago Bludvist." he spat the mans name out with disgust, "I was originally planning to meet you on Wingmaiden Island, but you made it easier by coming to me." 

"You're the friend Atali mentioned might help us? Better question how did you know who I was?" I was skeptical of the man before me, first he says he defeated the Red Death and now he's a friend of Atali's? Just who is he? 

"For your first question yes, and as for your second I've seen you before."

"Stalker much?" I scoffed.

"It was two years ago I had come to Wingmaiden Island to bring them a new female razorwhip I had saved, I got there in time to see you, and two others leaving. The one was a larger kid on a gronkle, the other was a girl similar to you only with darker hair who rode a razorwhip." 'Heather and Fishlegs' I thought as he continued, "Once I knew you were gone, I asked Atali who you were. All she told me was that you were a group that could prove to be great allies in the future, and that future is now."

"Why should I believe that a scrawny dragon boy such as yourself could help me and my friends take down Drago and his Dragon Army." I asked looking cautiously over the dragons that had created fires within their mouths to bring more light to the chamber, counting over all the ones that would prove more difficult to train if they decided to attack. However, it only meant that I didn't notice Ryder move closer so that he was only arms distance away from me. Stormfly growled dangerously at him when his night fury Toothless -such a strange name- crooned at her seemingly calming her down. 

"How about I show you?" he put his arm out pointing to another set of tunnels, watching him from the corner of my eye I walked towards the tunnels he pointed to as he led the way through to an opening I assume to be the center of the mountain. As I stepped out I felt my jaw drop just slightly at the sight before me. Dragons of all kinds, both big and small, were everywhere and in the center was a dragon larger than even the Red Death. "That there is the great Bewilderbeast, King of all dragons." Ryder spoke up nearly making me jump out of my skin, nearly, "That's how I can help you." As I turned to face him I guess I turned too quickly as I felt a sharp pain on my left side. Looking down I finally noticed the blood that had started pooling out of the wound as I clutched it putting as much pressure to it as I could I began to feel a little dizzy on my feet, "Woah, hey you okay? Winter? Winter! WINTER-" I could hear him calling to me but all I saw was black nothingness. 'some adventure today huh' I thought as I lost consciousness, if only I knew what was happening back at the Edge. 

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